Ever considered how much energy & money it wastes?
Why leave it on when you are asleep?
Computers and computer monitors in the United States are responsible for the unnecessary production of millions of tons of greenhouse gases every year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In U.S. companies alone, more than $1 billion a year is wasted on electricity for computer monitors that are turned on when they shouldn't be.
EPA officials say emissions could be drastically reduced if companies and individual computer users would follow a few energy-saving guidelines. NPR's Chris Arnold reports.
Why leave it on when you are asleep?
One desktop computer left on all day for one year can result in more than 1500 pounds of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. It would take 100 to 500 trees to offset that amount of extra CO2.
A desktop computer left on all day will cost between $115 and $160 a year to power.
More.My energy use is so small. Does it really make a difference?
This is a common attitude that adds up to trillions of watts of wasted energy each year, resulting in trillions of pounds of unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions.