+302|7049|Salt Lake City

Blind people already fold the corner of their money to identify the denomination.  However, this does little good in ensuring that they get correct change back from a less than scrupulous vendor, or being able to identify the denominations of the bills they get back to fold them again for future identification.

They don't need to do anything elaborite.  A series of small raised dots, like a brail marking, in one corner would be more than sufficient, and would not affect anyone elses use of the currency.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
braille would be too easy to fake, if you're blind small hand held scanners are available at little or no cost to you with a little gov't assistance, problem solved.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
Your currency is the worst thought out currency of all. Every note looks pretty much the same without even any colour differences.

In Aus we have these little hologram things on the notes, each different note (5, 10, 20 etc) has a different hologram so blind people can touch the plastic hologram thing and know what note it is. Simple eh?

We also have different colours for people with bad eyesight, so semi blind people can easily figure out what note it is that they have.

TeamZephyr wrote:

Your currency is the worst thought out currency of all.
That's taking it a bit too far.  Ever been to Eastern Europe, or a third-world country?  Thought so.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
No, it is not discrimination. What would the blind do with the money? Buy newspapers they can't read? And how will they read product labels? Should everything come in braille?

TeamZephyr wrote:

Your currency is the worst thought out currency of all. Every note looks pretty much the same without even any colour differences.

In Aus we have these little hologram things on the notes, each different note (5, 10, 20 etc) has a different hologram so blind people can touch the plastic hologram thing and know what note it is. Simple eh?

We also have different colours for people with bad eyesight, so semi blind people can easily figure out what note it is that they have.
And your currency is plastic, so it's practically invincible.

But its a little unfair saying our currency is the worst, when you compare it to the best.

Our currency is paper money just like any other paper money, it's no worse.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

evilcartman99 wrote:

They don't have to use cash at all they can use a credit card or checks
How are they supposed to verify the amount on the screen?  Or complete a check properly? Or punch in their pin number?
Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6752|King Of The Islands

jonsimon wrote:

And your currency is plastic, so it's practically invincible.


Note: that bird thinger is the blind-feeler-thingy.

Stingray24 wrote:

Or punch in their pin number?
Don't your machine's have braille?

Last edited by Cheez (2006-11-30 16:55:06)

My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
I invented scratch and sniff cash.  Specifically, as the bill gets larger, it smells better.  So $1 bills smell like dog poop, the $5 bills smell like stale beer, the $10 smells like cheap perfume...and so on.

I patented it so don't get any ideas...

Pug wrote:

I invented scratch and sniff cash.  Specifically, as the bill gets larger, it smells better.  So $1 bills smell like dog poop, the $5 bills smell like stale beer, the $10 smells like cheap perfume...and so on.

I patented it so don't get any ideas...
What does a penny smell like?
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Deep.  I'll have to get back to you on that.
Make Love and War
+303|6791|Communist Republic of CA, USA

Pug wrote:

Deep.  I'll have to get back to you on that.
Somehow I doubt I want to know...


Of course it's not discrimination..unless enough blind people call it that.  Discrimination denotes an intentional denial if I'm not mistaken.  When US treasury notes were created and sized, it's probable that something like this was simply overlooked..or if considered, was denied due to costs.

Regardless, the US government can do nothing about the notes since they are property of a private group of banks called the federal reserve.  US coins, however, are made by the government and are of different sizes and textures so as not to discriminate.

In short, make the blind use coins! lol

*blind guy buying a car* "OK, here's thirty two thousand, five hundred and eighteen dollars *clink*....thirty two thousand, five hundred and nineteen dollars *clink* ....thirty two..."
Wow, You mean you would pay for a car with cash?!
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Pug wrote:

Deep.  I'll have to get back to you on that.
Somehow I doubt I want to know...
It smells like the real Abe Lincoln.

CameronPoe wrote:

How caring of you!!! Blind people: born with it or generally uncurable. Fat people: stop fucking eating. Anorexic: see a fucking shrink. I think the least you can do for someone afflicted with something through no fault of their own is to ease their probably not-too-amazing lives just a little. The sacrifice to you is practically nil. Treatable ailment: they can go fuck themselves.
Yea they may be incurable, but that is their cross to bear, not mine.  Why should the majority compromise their way of life to the minority?  I know that is what you are all about but, that is idiotic Cam.  Actually, new studies released show that obesity is gene related -so what then man?  Screw my "practically nil" sacrifice.  I'm tired of bending for people.  When was the last time that any one has done anything for me - the normal Joe?  Hell, last year, the phrase "Merry Christmas" was under fire.  Too much of a religion connotation.  These nut balls still wanted the holiday off, but don't want me to acknowledge where it originated?  To that I say "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!"
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
poe, it seems i remember you posting not too long ago, i think in the "mentally retarded" thread, something along the lines of "since when does anyone have to contribute anything to society", now we all have to change our way of life because a relatively insignificant portion of the population suffers a disability. which is it?

99.987654321% of the time fat=lifestyle choice
Cowboy from Hell

kr@cker wrote:

poe, it seems i remember you posting not too long ago, i think in the "mentally retarded" thread, something along the lines of "since when does anyone have to contribute anything to society", now we all have to change our way of life because a relatively insignificant portion of the population suffers a disability. which is it?

99.987654321% of the time fat=lifestyle choice
How does this change your way of life?  Using different sizes bills?  Wow, your way of life is easily changed.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Yea they may be incurable, but that is their cross to bear, not mine.  Why should the majority compromise their way of life to the minority?  I know that is what you are all about but, that is idiotic Cam.  Actually, new studies released show that obesity is gene related -so what then man?  Screw my "practically nil" sacrifice.  I'm tired of bending for people.  When was the last time that any one has done anything for me - the normal Joe?  Hell, last year, the phrase "Merry Christmas" was under fire.  Too much of a religion connotation.  These nut balls still wanted the holiday off, but don't want me to acknowledge where it originated?  To that I say "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!"
Why? Because we can, because it's easy to do, because it is no skin off our noses and because western civilisation is built upon the caring and charitable pillars of 'love thy neighbour' christianity (even if christianity is practically dead in much of the west now).

I agree with you on the "Merry Christmas" bullshit. But that bears little relation to the blind person issue.

kr@cker wrote:

poe, it seems i remember you posting not too long ago, i think in the "mentally retarded" thread, something along the lines of "since when does anyone have to contribute anything to society", now we all have to change our way of life because a relatively insignificant portion of the population suffers a disability. which is it?

99.987654321% of the time fat=lifestyle choice
That is correct: you don't have to contribute anything to society but you can if you want to.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

kr@cker wrote:

poe, it seems i remember you posting not too long ago, i think in the "mentally retarded" thread, something along the lines of "since when does anyone have to contribute anything to society", now we all have to change our way of life because a relatively insignificant portion of the population suffers a disability. which is it?

99.987654321% of the time fat=lifestyle choice
We can easily wipe out two problems with one stroke.

Make the currency weighty.  A blind person can tell the difference between 1 pound and 5 pounds.

In addition, people will be expending extra energy by carrying extra pounds around, therefore reducing obesity.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

sergeriver wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

poe, it seems i remember you posting not too long ago, i think in the "mentally retarded" thread, something along the lines of "since when does anyone have to contribute anything to society", now we all have to change our way of life because a relatively insignificant portion of the population suffers a disability. which is it?

99.987654321% of the time fat=lifestyle choice
How does this change your way of life?  Using different sizes bills?  Wow, your way of life is easily changed.
a complete retooling of the US mint would be an unnecessary tax burden on me, if it were eventually phased in over a long period of time to coincide with the regular redesigning of the bills I'd entertain the idea, but you know that's not going to be enough for the ACLU. Besides, without one of each bill to compare it to it's still going to be near impossible for even a blind person to differentiate between the bills. I purchase food from a blind dude here about 3 times a week, he never has any problem, and uses one of the handheld scanners. which is accurate 100% of the time. Even then he only uses it to verify his totals for deposit at the end of the day, as everyone uses the "honor" system. I say "I got a diet coke and some pistachios, here's a 5". of course i realize the honor code doesn't work everywhere, and that's where the scanners come in to play. they get smaller and cheaper every year. again at no cost to the blind person, and it's 100% accurate, as well as scanning for counterfeits as well, which you can't do by touch alone ( it plays a big part, but can still be overcome).
Cowboy from Hell

kr@cker wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

poe, it seems i remember you posting not too long ago, i think in the "mentally retarded" thread, something along the lines of "since when does anyone have to contribute anything to society", now we all have to change our way of life because a relatively insignificant portion of the population suffers a disability. which is it?

99.987654321% of the time fat=lifestyle choice
How does this change your way of life?  Using different sizes bills?  Wow, your way of life is easily changed.
a complete retooling of the US mint would be an unnecessary tax burden on me, if it were eventually phased in over a long period of time to coincide with the regular redesigning of the bills I'd entertain the idea, but you know that's not going to be enough for the ACLU. Besides, without one of each bill to compare it to it's still going to be near impossible for even a blind person to differentiate between the bills. I purchase food from a blind dude here about 3 times a week, he never has any problem, and uses one of the handheld scanners. which is accurate 100% of the time. Even then he only uses it to verify his totals for deposit at the end of the day, as everyone uses the "honor" system. I say "I got a diet coke and some pistachios, here's a 5". of course i realize the honor code doesn't work everywhere, and that's where the scanners come in to play. they get smaller and cheaper every year. again at no cost to the blind person, and it's 100% accurate, as well as scanning for counterfeits as well, which you can't do by touch alone ( it plays a big part, but can still be overcome).
Away from topic, how the hell does the blind guy know what you are buying?  The honor system doesn't work in these times.  Maybe it works with you, but a lot of people would steal the blind guy.
Certified Twat
+296|6821|Bournemouth, South England
Scratch n sniff banknotes?
Click*Click this is a dollar bill
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6905|Scarborough Yorkshire England
I wouldn't call it discrimination just something that the government should look at.

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