fadedsteve wrote:
BOTH!! I hate Islamic extremism, and am fearful that it hasnt event reached its climax yet!!
Moreover, most western nations citizens fail to grasp the seriousness of the problem!! These people (Islamic radicals) want to put the ENTIRE GLOBE under Sharia law, and basically under Islamic control. Which means no freedom of speech, religion, sufferage, etc etc, all things we love and enjoy/take for granted on a daily basis!! You seem like a smart guy, I assume you have read some of these groups mission statements and seen their videos. . . .
Now, the followers of the radical ideologies do not constitue the majority of the people in this region. They like must of us have bigger things to worry about, not some world domination that you seem to put forth. While sharia law is what they want (radicals), now what is the likely hood of this ever honestly occuring...are you suggesting that if we don't kill them all we may all wake up tomorrow under a small fraction of the Middle East's ideology?
fadedsteve wrote:
I dont know what you think on the issue, but it does scare me that Europe is basically getting invaded with Islamic immigration, and they are doing nothing about it!!
This invasion is it taken the form of legal immagration or are they literally "invading" Europe wit their massively united Radical forces...oh wait those don't exist nevermind no invasion.
fadedsteve wrote:
It scares me that most Americans have no clue where on the map Iran is!! Not too mention the threat its regime posesses to world stability! The only country/people that seems to get it, are the Israeli's!!! Maybe cause they are surrounded by these miserable assholes, they get the picture. . . its only a mattter of time till we (USA) get hit again, having to be reminded the underlying seriousness of taking these people for granted.
On the comment on Americans not knowing wher Iran is i'd def have to side with you on that, but its threat to world stability i would argue the latter. While the pursuit of nuclear weapons is at least at this point covert and nonexcistent in terms of actual evidence supporting the development i would not be surprised that they having had examples from Pakistan, Israel, North Korea, and Iraq they will pursue "peaceful" ussage of nuclear techonology and eventually pop a nuclear weapon of some sort.
As to the threat to Americans directly you must not confuse nuclear techonology with the capabilities of transfering that said technology thousands of miles over seas to a target in the US, this now leads us to why Israel would be concerned due to their proxmity to Iran.
So if you state there is only a matter of time before the US gets "hit" again what exactly are you reffering to? Nuclear weapon strike or another strike by a country that is not Iran ie Saudi Arabia/ Egypt.
fadedsteve wrote:
Not too mention having to listen to the old "we saw the warning signs, why didnt we act sooner" phrase uttered by "ball less" politicians after a suicide bomber blows up a supermarket in anytown USA. . . . I can tell ya, its coming!
well to be perfectly honest til this day this has not yet occured and while ruling it out as improbable is not likey i would still argue that the chances are very low of this occuring.
fadedsteve wrote:
I just see the "writing" on the wall . . . I find it unacceptable that "talking" has availed us nothing with these insane people over the years. All it has done is buy them time to bring in more weapons and technologies to kill us!! We need to take them out before they get the bomb P E R I O D!! Its not like they are hiding their intentions, which makes it even more unbelievable.
Talking oh we don't just talk to the people in this region....we the US:
Sponsor coups in Iran
Create the Taleban with the Help of Pakistan
Defend and found Israeli adventures into occupied territories
Invade two seperate countries in this region
Fund Saddam Husseien weapon arsenal
I could go on, but you sir seem to think that all of this is meer talk.
What technologies have they been brining and using to kill us? The bomb.....once again you confuse the possibility of having nuclear weapons (of which evidence is scarce) and that of having the tech to send it over to the US.