Last weekend I seriously played too much of BF2. Went out in the evening and went to get a cab. It was quite late and streets were empty. The first person I saw in distance - I took closer look TO SEE IF HE HAS BLUE OR RED TAG ABOVE HIS HEAD!!!!. Caught myself thinking - where is his tag?! Only when I put the game in the back of my head I could relax.

Do you think it could be cool for people to have their name tags above their heads?! You would never run into problems of forgeting someone's name! 

Have you had some alarming experices that made you think that you might, just might be overplaying?!
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada
no, no i think you are just a huge tool
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7069|NH - USA
One particular time I played for 8 hours straight...from like 2am to 10am and had to run some errands. I had a headache - the type that sorta surrounds your eyes - tired, hungry and had to go drive around for an hour around lunchtime. I hated the sunlight and couldnt stop thinking of the game.

Driving around felt like driving the 'buggy' and many times I thought I would just drive over pedestrians. People where just motions in the background and so what if I get a TK!? (lol) Backing up and making manuevers felt like driving one of those transports. I was getting alittle over confident.

Luckily I made it home without running over anyone....this time.
I usually back down my driveway when parking my car at my house and I've caught myself several times checking for C4 and mines before backing down.  The first time I did it I just busted out laughing.
100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7064|Derby, England
Here's some things you could try to make your virtual life more complete, along with suggested points scheme.

- At the office, stand up and shout "Start fighting or I'll find someone who can" (2 points)
- In the street, lie on the floor and shout "Mediiiiiiic" (3 points)
- Back at the office, dive under your desk and shout "Artillery your area" (2 points)
- In the lift, stand behind someone and pretend they are a sniper, and you have a knife. Stab furiously. (1 point)
- Whisper to one of your co-workers "Enemy Boat Spotted" (2 points)
- In a meeting, suddenly state "You're the worst squad I've ever seen" (3 points)
- If someone spills a drink on you, "punish them" by spilling your drink on them (3 points)
- Answer every single question with "Roger That"  or "No Sir" (1 point)
- When picking someone up in your car shout "Get In" and "Hop Out" when you drop them off (1 point)

Last edited by Thanatos247 (2005-12-01 02:18:55)

+-1|7071|Tucson, Arizona
I find myself playing in my sleep sometimes...  Then I get out of bed the next day and play more...  My wife says I need help...  I say I need a new wife.

LoaderX wrote:

I find myself playing in my sleep sometimes...  Then I get out of bed the next day and play more...  My wife says I need help...  I say I need a new wife.
Sounds familiar
Heres one for ya.

Last week my grandad was in the hospital with heart problems. I spent alot of time with him, some at work and when I was home I was on the game. Outside his hospital there are two rather large cranes of the type on top of the dam in kubra.

I pulled up to the stoplight and looked up at one of the cranes and just kinda zoned off. Well the people behind me started honking because I sat through a green light and at that time I realized what I was doing, looking for snipers. I started at the top then checked all the way down then back up again twice.

Man lack of sleep and this game do weird things.
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|7054|United States

Thanatos247 wrote:

Here's some things you could try to make your virtual life more complete, along with suggested points scheme.

- At the office, stand up and shout "Start fighting or I'll find someone who can" (2 points)
- In the street, lie on the floor and shout "Mediiiiiiic" (3 points)
- Back at the office, dive under your desk and shout "Artillery your area" (2 points)
- In the lift, stand behind someone and pretend they are a sniper, and you have a knife. Stab furiously. (1 point)
- Whisper to one of your co-workers "Enemy Boat Spotted" (2 points)
- In a meeting, suddenly state "You're the worst squad I've ever seen" (3 points)
- If someone spills a drink on you, "punish them" by spilling your drink on them (3 points)
- Answer every single question with "Roger That"  or "No Sir" (1 point)
- When picking someone up in your car shout "Get In" and "Hop Out" when you drop them off (1 point)
I remember when Grand Theft Auto 3 first came out.  I went on vacation from my job for a week 2 days after it came out and I spent the entire week in my apartment drinking beer and vodka and playing gt3.  My roomate and friends played too, but I spent at least 70 hours that week playing and drinking even longer.  I had about 15 hours of sleep the whole time..............

I remember at one point during that week I was taking my girlfriend to work and on the way home I was so tired and hungover I was tring to press the START BUTTON on my steering wheel so I could get some sleep.....................and at some point I remember passing a firestation and I started seriusly thinking about jumping out of my car and going on the extra fire truck missions..................not to mention the countless cars I passed that i wanted to carjack and drive around in, thinking I was going to be ok when I did it.
I said "Go squad go" at the person infront of me in the queue at KFC this evening when it was their turn to be served. Then I went bright red and chuckled.

About a month ago I told a taxi driver to "Hit it". I even put on the stupid voice. I pretended I was coughing.

When I was drunk the other night I accused my friend of dolphin diving whilst we were playing pool. The way he approached the table really made me think (in my intoxicated state) that he was trying to avoid being shot.

Every single night I dream about BF2. Usually the dream takes the form of Mashtuur City or Daqing Oilfields merging with a real life situation. It seems normal in the dream.
+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell
I've dreamt of it, but I haven't really done anything in reality to warrant posting about. Although being in the military I already say, "Roger that" and the Sir bit...
Sniping with the pistol...
Some extra things you can do in RL to pretend your playing bf2:
- When on the comptuer at work try to use the w,a,d,s keys and if your a bunny hopper use the psacebar a lot
- keep yelling out "enemy spotted"
- Walk up to drivers and yell out "I need a ride"
- Walking aorun pretening your holding a gun
- pretend to bunny hop and prone

besides that I cna't think of anything, but those probably suck anyway.
Oh, I just rememberd a thought I once had................When I was playing GT3 one time I was checking my stats and wondered if i'd ever get to see my real life stats when I die...........................I've always wondered how many hours I've spent using the restroom, watching T.V. , Riding my motorcycle, playing video games............

Last edited by TheDrNailsGuy (2005-12-11 23:19:52)

On second thought, we should probably delete this thread befor the liberals get a hold of it!!!
hahahah great stuff
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

TheDrNailsGuy wrote:

On second thought, we should probably delete this thread befor the liberals get a hold of it!!!
Ummm, I'm a liberal.  I also play the game and occasionally space off with game scenarios.  If anything, you need to be more worried about the conservatives.  They'll change the game to missionaries going out to convert or kill you. 
Dr. Nails

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

TheDrNailsGuy wrote:

On second thought, we should probably delete this thread befor the liberals get a hold of it!!!
Ummm, I'm a liberal.  I also play the game and occasionally space off with game scenarios.  If anything, you need to be more worried about the conservatives.  They'll change the game to missionaries going out to convert or kill you. 
It's called "Americas Army", and you'll see it actually teaches you.  And don't get me started about liberals and conservatives.

Sorry to hear you are a liberal.  I'm not a conservative, i'm a person with my own ideas and independent thoughts.  But I won't hold it against you. :-)
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado
whoa man. i though i was the only person having these problems.

yeah sometimes i just run around in school acting as if i was holding a gun yealling comands. i usually am very sleep deprved then.

i bunny hop dolfin dive and Always fake knife my friends in rl when they are talking about a game. any game.

i once started climbing a crain and then stopped and went down cause it was a bad idea.

i have to catch my self and stop before i yell noob at morons.
well, when I was playin UT2004 with my brother, and I was shooting at an enemy, but he finished it off, I was wondering, where my kill assist point has gone...
Now these symptomps are even more serious, since I cant play BF2 now, coz I had a bad dvd-rom and it shattered the bf2 dvd into pieces...
yea i get to play the game like 3 days a week if im lucky...i just started a week or 2 ago cause i had to make a new comp.

the other 4 days of teh week im clinicly depressed and have countdowns to the next day...friday,sat,sunday,monday,tuesday!!! yes i get to play it wednesday and thursday this week. praise the lord!

i only get to play it cause its at my dads place and my rents are divorced

Thanatos247 wrote:

Here's some things you could try to make your virtual life more complete, along with suggested points scheme.

- At the office, stand up and shout "Start fighting or I'll find someone who can" (2 points)
- In the street, lie on the floor and shout "Mediiiiiiic" (3 points)
- Back at the office, dive under your desk and shout "Artillery your area" (2 points)
- In the lift, stand behind someone and pretend they are a sniper, and you have a knife. Stab furiously. (1 point)
- Whisper to one of your co-workers "Enemy Boat Spotted" (2 points)
- In a meeting, suddenly state "You're the worst squad I've ever seen" (3 points)
- If someone spills a drink on you, "punish them" by spilling your drink on them (3 points)
- Answer every single question with "Roger That"  or "No Sir" (1 point)
- When picking someone up in your car shout "Get In" and "Hop Out" when you drop them off (1 point)
thats some funny shit.
+1|7039|Savannah GA
hurm i was faxing my pc and heard the repair noise. i yell noob at people. i hear the resupply noise all the time. um... last week i was looking in my backyeard for snipers before i went outside.. thats about it. or at least all i can think of for now.
Yeah, the other day I was looking at my biology teacher and I was wondering if shooting him counts as a team kill?
+39|7050|Amsterdam,The Netherlands
i 1 time played bf2 so much that i thought i gotta do something else so i went and played halo2 on xbox live and when i  got shot i yelled MEDIC through the headset cuz i thought i was still playing bf2!!! i then realised that i was hallucinating i even tryed to do boost in the banshee (halo's airplane) but i coulnd't i thouht that my control was broken and i sometimes even wake up with my hand in the air (my hand is my airplane) LOOOOOL!!!!!

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