Raiders of the Lost Bear

Yes, one of the oldest topics since time. I feel extremely strongly on this topic, considering I'm a Lit/Phil Major, and my muse is Nietzsche. I would like to hear from everyone, what/who do you believe in, WHY do you believe in?

See, I used to be christian, But thinking about it, there's a problem with being all-powerful. As we all know, God (in the christian concept) is all powerful, all seeing, basically omnipotent and all. But put it this way:

If he was all powerful and all seeing, could he hide someone so well that he himself could not see?
If he was all knowing and all powerful, could he create something so complicated he himself could not understand?

That's the paradox of absolute-ness.

Hell I worship chuy so its easy, a bowl of tapioca every night as a symbol of my cold, lifeless brain now that I'm hopelessly hooked on bf2s.

Lets hear it guys
+9|7066|Philly PA USA

polarbearz wrote:

Yes, one of the oldest topics since time. I feel extremely strongly on this topic, considering I'm a Lit/Phil Major, and my muse is Nietzsche. I would like to hear from everyone, what/who do you believe in, WHY do you believe in?

See, I used to be christian, But thinking about it, there's a problem with being all-powerful. As we all know, God (in the christian concept) is all powerful, all seeing, basically omnipotent and all. But put it this way:

If he was all powerful and all seeing, could he hide someone so well that he himself could not see?
If he was all knowing and all powerful, could he create something so complicated he himself could not understand?

That's the paradox of absolute-ness.

Hell I worship chuy so its easy, a bowl of tapioca every night as a symbol of my cold, lifeless brain now that I'm hopelessly hooked on bf2s.

Lets hear it guys
The next Antichrist ?
Raiders of the Lost Bear

No, the antichrist, according to the bible, is supposed to be someone who's going to falsely convince the world that he/she has saved them and thus the world would owe him/her eternal gratitude.

So, uh-uh. Not me. I believe in going to heaven through chuy. If i can follow the ten commandments of BF2s
Use the Search Function! etc., I'll go to heaven. Really.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7155|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Nietzsche.. ah, one of my favorites.

"Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?"

I believe in God, but my faith is wavering. We created religious rules for ourselves and attribute them to God speaking to us. But if Man is born with sin, and lacking a purity in soul, writes the Holy Word, creates the Laws of the Church..how can these be divine? If the holy men are task with the spreading of the religious word (regardless of whether it is Christianity or Islam), and if they have an unpure soul, how can they claim to have God speaking through them?

Hence, my dilemma.

So is God the figment of someone's imagination, a spiritual manifestation that binds men together, giving them a purpose for existence? Did Man create God?
Raiders of the Lost Bear

The weird thing is, i DO believe in the existence of a God. Most-Powerful, I can live with, All-Powerful, I can't. Hawking's Big Bang theory talks about everything coming together AT THE RIGHT TIME, IN THE RIGHT QUANTITIES to create the atmosphere we now call earth. But then again:

Would you rather believe humanity picked the right card from a deck of what, 200 trillion, than to believe in the existence of a God?
Radioactive Glo
+130|7155|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Ah.. but they will have you believe that God is responsible for creating matter out of nothing. Matter cannot just appear, if my physics lessons taught me right.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
all i know is god would make a kick ass sniper!!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Neither can a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001% (count the zeroes!) chance repeat itself again.
Not only a kickass sniper, his C4 satchel charges would be deadly.

polarbearz wrote:

See, I used to be christian, But thinking about it, there's a problem with being all-powerful. As we all know, God (in the christian concept) is all powerful, all seeing, basically omnipotent and all. But put it this way:

If he was all powerful and all seeing, could he hide someone so well that he himself could not see?
If he was all knowing and all powerful, could he create something so complicated he himself could not understand?

That's the paradox of absolute-ness.

Lets hear it guys
Well even if he hides someone he could always run a scan or place UAV and see where is that person and then send order to sqad Bravo to attack that position. or whatever.

Regarding the complex things, understanding complexities is entirely up to understanding the drive behind creation of confusion.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Lol. No seriously. How many believe there IS a god.
Base Rapist
I am agnostic, even if God himself/herself, came down and introduced themselves, I still would have doubts, I would still wonder if it was a trick, since a highly technological society would be hard to distinquish from magic. Which essentially what miracles and the like are, Magic.
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|7105|Hanging onto the UAV
I don't believe in any god. But then I believe that religion is the source of all (well, most) of the world's ills. Certainly most wars.

Similarly, I understand that having believing in a faith is just that: putting faith in something intangible; something which has no evidence to back it up. It's just not for me, though. I like evidence. If I'm gonna worship a God, I want to know that it's there.
"It's Recharging!"

AnarkyXtra wrote:

I don't believe in any god. But then I believe that religion is the source of all (well, most) of the world's ills. Certainly most wars.

Similarly, I understand that having believing in a faith is just that: putting faith in something intangible; something which has no evidence to back it up. It's just not for me, though. I like evidence. If I'm gonna worship a God, I want to know that it's there.
I agree. Faith is more of a feeling. Like hate, love. I personally think it's just part of our nature. A way of preventing insanity.
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7073|NH - USA
I am agnostic and feel I have been lucky enough to have been exposed to many ways of life and possess an open mind. While I am no historian or philosophy major, there have been countless religions through time and throughout the world – some of which claim they are the only way to “salvation”. (Those religions are the ones I am most distrustful of – they prey on fear.) It is almost like a buffet of religions, each catering to different groups, not all of them can be the "correct" or only path but each can offer something noteworthy in regards to ethics and such.

While I think religion is an important factor in society, you must keep in mind that each one was created by members of the population and reflect motives and agendas of a society and era that created them. It also appears that religion attempts to put a human face to that which is not understood about the universe, its laws and things we do not control. 

I feel in the grand scheme of things that there is a divine source but I do not feel the need to put a name or face on it. The two things I can relate to the most regarding religion are Buddhism and what I have heard from the lectures of Dr Wayne Dyer (seen on the fundraisers on PBS). (http://www.drwaynedyer.com/home/index.cfm) Specifically the lecture about the "Powers of Intention".

That’s my schmeal in a nut-shell…hope it proved “worth the read”.

Last edited by VirtuaLResistancE (2005-11-24 23:57:35)

I'm an agnostic... but just incase I prey to every god I've ever heard or read about each night. just covering my bases.

best quote I ever heard... "if there is a god, there is NO way he's gonna be happy with this 'religion' bullshit"

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-24 23:54:14)

BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|7105|Hanging onto the UAV

dshak wrote:

I'm an agnostic... but just incase I prey to every god I've ever heard or read about each night. just covering my bases.
Hehe - a bit of a tangent here, but I dunno if you've ever heard of an English comedy fantasy writer called Terry Pratchett? In one of his stories he describes what the gods did to a priest who advocated what you've just said:

When the priest woke up, he found himself in a cold and foggy place, with large shadows looming above him. As they moved closer, he realised that it was the Gods themselves. They were holding big, heavy sticks. One leaned down toward him and said:

"We're going to show you how we deal with Mr Know-It-All round here"

Anyway, I digress.

My personal belief - and bear in mind I am certainly NOT rubbishing anyone else's belief - is that religion is rather like a universal 'safety blanket': something to explain away the unknown and to make the darkness that awaits after death somewhat more appealing.

People fear what they don't understand. As we've no understanding of what happens after death, we fabricate stories and faiths to make it all seem more acceptable. It's not nice knowing that when you die, there's nothing.
I am Ásatrú.
Bringer of slight pain and mild discomfort.

polarbearz wrote:

Yes, one of the oldest topics since time. I feel extremely strongly on this topic, considering I'm a Lit/Phil Major, and my muse is Nietzsche. I would like to hear from everyone, what/who do you believe in, WHY do you believe in?
I normally wouldn't contribute to a thread of this nature on this forum. Usually I like to act as childish and silly as I can around here, because everyone is so much fun all the time! This is a great place for that, but after reading that you “used to be” a Christian I wanted to drop a couple pennies on this one.

What/Who? I believe in Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Savior.

Why? I could spend much time telling you why I believe, and in order to get my full personal perspective you would have to get to know me. But the main reason is because; to me there is no one like Jesus. I will give you a quote that I think illustrates my point better than a few of my words can.

“Well then, I will tell you.  Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded great empires; but upon what did these creations of our genius depend?  Upon force.  Jesus alone founded His empire upon love, and to this very day millions will die for Him.... I think I understand something of human nature; and I tell you, all these were men, and I am a man:  none else is like Him; Jesus Christ was more than man.... I have inspired multitudes with such an enthusiastic devotion that they would have died for me.... but to do this it was necessary that I should be visibly present with the electric influence of my looks, my words, of my voice.  When I saw men and spoke to them, I lighted up the flame of self-devotion in their hearts.... Christ alone has succeeded in so raising the mind of man toward the unseen, that it becomes insensible to the barriers of time and space.  Across a chasm of eighteen hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a demand which is beyond all others to satisfy; He asks for that which a philosopher may seek in vain at the hands of his friends, or a father of his children, or a bride of her spouse, or a man of his brother.  He asks for the human heart; He will have it entirely to Himself.  He demands it unconditionally; and forthwith His demand is granted.  Wonderful!  In defiance of time and space, the soul of man, with all its powers and faculties, becomes an annexation to the empire of Christ.  All who sincerely believe in Him, experience that remarkable, supernatural love toward Him.  This phenomenon is accountable; it is altogether beyond the scope of man's creative powers.  Time, the great destroyer, is powerless to extinguish this sacred flame; time can neither exhaust its strength nor put a limit to its range.  This is it, which strikes me most; I have often thought of it.  This is which proves to me quite convincingly the Divinity of Jesus Christ”

- Napoleon
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7082|Toronto Canada
Allah, because he allows for the suffering of the infidels

polarbearz wrote:

Yes, one of the oldest topics since time. I feel extremely strongly on this topic, considering I'm a Lit/Phil Major, and my muse is Nietzsche. I would like to hear from everyone, what/who do you believe in, WHY do you believe in?

See, I used to be christian, But thinking about it, there's a problem with being all-powerful. As we all know, God (in the christian concept) is all powerful, all seeing, basically omnipotent and all. But put it this way:

If he was all powerful and all seeing, could he hide someone so well that he himself could not see?
If he was all knowing and all powerful, could he create something so complicated he himself could not understand?

That's the paradox of absolute-ness.

Hell I worship chuy so its easy, a bowl of tapioca every night as a symbol of my cold, lifeless brain now that I'm hopelessly hooked on bf2s.

Lets hear it guys
Doesn't Nietzsche believe that "god is dead"?  And therefore if "god is dead" we are accountable to noone?
PNT Quote:
So why doesnt god just smack the pharaoe in the face? Because god works in mysterious, inefficient, supercool ways.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7100|The Hague, Holland
Ah yes, filosophie * I'll bet 20 bucks I dindt spelled that right *.
I believe in Life and Love.
Over the years I created my own philosophie wich nobody will probably understand
I wll give 1 example wich I have been pondering over for the last week.

If a villain kills somebody, he will be thrown in jail for I dunno, 20 years?
Who are we to take 20 years of somebody's life? I know he should not have killed a humanbeing but still.
What if you get sentanced for all eternity? You might aswell kill yourself since there is nothing to life for.
Life is there to be lived, we have no right to take somebody's right for living.

Thuss, the philosphie of a 15 y/o child.

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Ah yes, filosophie * I'll bet 20 bucks I dindt spelled that right *.
I believe in Life and Love.
Over the years I created my own philosophie wich nobody will probably understand
I wll give 1 example wich I have been pondering over for the last week.

If a villain kills somebody, he will be thrown in jail for I dunno, 20 years?
Who are we to take 20 years of somebody's life? I know he should not have killed a humanbeing but still.
What if you get sentanced for all eternity? You might aswell kill yourself since there is nothing to life for.
Life is there to be lived, we have no right to take somebody's right for living.

Thuss, the philosphie of a 15 y/o child.
Eh who is he to have the right to take a life of someone else. What youre saying is contradicting itself. If we have no right to take his life what right does he have to take someone elses.
I believe there is something after life but I do not believe in christianity or the bible. In my mind its on old book of misinterpreted stuff.

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