Why is it so hard for people to play an online video game without using racism as a way vent anger?Earlier I was on a Wake server having a good time flying a chopper (i hardly use helo's) and i started taking too much fire and had to bail out.I parachute down towards a main road and land and i see an enemy vehicle coming right for me.I switched to my grenade launcher (i was playing assault) and tried to take him out but missed.He smacked a tree and hopped out on foot after me.I switch to my firing mode and smoked him but his buddy got me.But as I'm laying there breathing my last breath and thinking of home,I see this message pop up:

If i get killed,i don't type in a bunch of hate messages because things didn't work out for me.I respawn with the right kit for the job and i hunt that player down for some good ol' fashioned payback.Nor do i cheat.If i could cheat at this game i probably would not play it cause it wouldn't be any fun anymore.
I just don't understand how someone can play a video game and not have a good time doing it.

If i get killed,i don't type in a bunch of hate messages because things didn't work out for me.I respawn with the right kit for the job and i hunt that player down for some good ol' fashioned payback.Nor do i cheat.If i could cheat at this game i probably would not play it cause it wouldn't be any fun anymore.
I just don't understand how someone can play a video game and not have a good time doing it.
Last edited by BrOk_MoRdU (2006-11-26 01:06:39)