hanging is too good for the wanker......
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- should they hang saddam hussien or let him rot in prison......
42 consecutive life sentences
When only one is needed.kr@cker wrote:
42 consecutive life sentences
He should be gutted,stuffed,and put on display at G.W. Bush memorial library when it's built.
tickle him to death on live TV. seriously, he'll lose all respect that he may still have. and dress him in drag or in a giant diaper or something
I don't care how they kill him, I just wanna watch.
QUICK! KMARION! Make another "SEARCH FEATURE" video for this OP!!!
As for me, I'd like to take Saddam in as a house guest and he can rent our master bedroom. We'd be happy to employ him as our cook too! Did I hear that he's a good massage therapist?!?!?
As for me, I'd like to take Saddam in as a house guest and he can rent our master bedroom. We'd be happy to employ him as our cook too! Did I hear that he's a good massage therapist?!?!?
Tourture FTW!
do you think they are going to televise it......i hope so......pardon my morbid curiosity......i wanna see him swing
prison till he dies killing him will do no good
good 1 id pay too see thatGunSlinger OIF II wrote:
tickle him to death on live TV. seriously, he'll lose all respect that he may still have. and dress him in drag or in a giant diaper or something
A life sentence is only 20 years, so at least two. No chances.Iron_Sentinel wrote:
When only one is needed.kr@cker wrote:
42 consecutive life sentences
Malloy must go
death by scat?from a teletubbie......the gay one with the bag
good one, wait, didn't he staff a professional rapist? time to resurrect that profession{TJM}**generalray wrote:
good 1 id pay too see thatGunSlinger OIF II wrote:
tickle him to death on live TV. seriously, he'll lose all respect that he may still have. and dress him in drag or in a giant diaper or something
ok death by rape......by a teletubby......the gay one with the bagkr@cker wrote:
good one, wait, didn't he staff a professional rapist? time to resurrect that profession{TJM}**generalray wrote:
good 1 id pay too see thatGunSlinger OIF II wrote:
tickle him to death on live TV. seriously, he'll lose all respect that he may still have. and dress him in drag or in a giant diaper or something
kr@cker wrote:
42 consecutive life sentences
Death is too good for Saddam. I say let him rot.
Pay per View stoning. We can salvage some debt at the same time.
Malloy must go
Gas him, really mild doses so he survives, but in agony. Give him a taste of what he did to the people he killed.
We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-11-22 18:29:38)
Tar and Feather! And then let him ROTTT!!
Only :-Pkr@cker wrote:
42 consecutive life sentences
Can't wait for them to hang him. First dictator to be sentenced by their own countrymen...should give the Iranians the fear of God, so to speak, into them.
Weird, I just find it strange that you guys feel so much hatred towards the man. Okay, so he killed bunch of his own people which was nasty, and he invaded Iran, (with backing from the US, but hey, Iran had the US backing them too.)
However, he didn't make the US go to war. He never had WMDs, (the "HE HAS WMDS" crowd is now trying to back themselves up by saying, "well he had the potential to right?" Right indeed, but then again so do a lot of people/countries,) and although Saddam's army is now completely defeated, his people, which are not backed by him are the ones doing all the killing.
He's a nasty bastard, no doubt about it, and I applaud the US for going in there and getting the fucker, but your hatred is unjustified. I say firing squad. He's dead either way, and it's the way he wants to go so just let him get shot. What does it matter?
However, he didn't make the US go to war. He never had WMDs, (the "HE HAS WMDS" crowd is now trying to back themselves up by saying, "well he had the potential to right?" Right indeed, but then again so do a lot of people/countries,) and although Saddam's army is now completely defeated, his people, which are not backed by him are the ones doing all the killing.
He's a nasty bastard, no doubt about it, and I applaud the US for going in there and getting the fucker, but your hatred is unjustified. I say firing squad. He's dead either way, and it's the way he wants to go so just let him get shot. What does it matter?
[Blinking eyes thing]
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Saddam has used them in the past.Ty wrote:
He never had WMDs
To be honest, I think the best deterrent would be to have him beaten with shoes on TV.
apparently its a pretty big insult. and would sort of point out dont do this shit again to that mob over the border.....
Seriously I think its an issue whatever they do. If they execute him they create a "martyr" which will cause more to die and rally the psychopaths who just want to kill someone. If they dont he becomes a cause, ie take an embassy or some hostages and threated them with your bread knife unless they release saddam.
Actually the demeaning him bit might not be a bad Idea after all. Most dictator types are megalomaniacs who want to leave their legacy after all.
(Is this post as rambling as it feels?)
apparently its a pretty big insult. and would sort of point out dont do this shit again to that mob over the border.....
Seriously I think its an issue whatever they do. If they execute him they create a "martyr" which will cause more to die and rally the psychopaths who just want to kill someone. If they dont he becomes a cause, ie take an embassy or some hostages and threated them with your bread knife unless they release saddam.
Actually the demeaning him bit might not be a bad Idea after all. Most dictator types are megalomaniacs who want to leave their legacy after all.
(Is this post as rambling as it feels?)
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- should they hang saddam hussien or let him rot in prison......