Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

silo1180 wrote:

I'm thankful that my wife and I have survived 10 years of marriage together, that I have 2 healthy girls that love me.  I'm thankful that in her twilight years, my dog has finally figured out that I'm the one that scratches her head the most so she hangs out with me more.  And finally, I'm thankful that my family and I will be able to sit down tomorrow and celebrate however we see fit because America is still the Land of the Free.
sounds like the new ESPN installment

new on ESPN 8 "the Ocho!!"

                            IT'S EXTREME DATING!!
No safeties!
no helmets!
no do-overs!
will he make it to the honeymoon?!?!
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
What he didn't tell you is he's married to Medusa.. It's hard to make babies when you can't look in the face and even though he's not turning to stone, she does make him hard as a rock.. hahah
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6961|Land of =KBK=

We return thanks to our mother, the earth,
which sustains us.
We return thanks to the rivers and streams,
which supply us with water.
We return thanks to all herbs,
which furnish medicines for the cure of our diseases.
We return thanks to the moon and stars,
which have given to us their light when the sun was gone.
We return thanks to the sun,
that has looked upon the earth with a beneficent eye.
Lastly, we return thanks to the Great Spirit,
in Whom is embodied all goodness,
and Who directs all things for the good of Her children.


Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone Here

Walk in Peace

Kmarion wrote:

Thanksgiving is the celebration of two very different cultures coming together and helping each other. Something this forum could take a lesson from.
Yes but later didn't the pilgrims kill the Indians?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Thanksgiving is the celebration of two very different cultures coming together and helping each other. Something this forum could take a lesson from.
Yes but later didn't the pilgrims kill the Indians?
True but we are not celebrating that
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Bahiti wrote:

Ok.. I don't post often around here and really enjoy reading alot of the posts.. but this thread has taken a turn that is disturbing to me.  For one..go read your history.  And not just the history given out to the school kids to discuss and learn.  Go and do some research on the Native Americans and what they had to endure.  Go read about the massacres that occured on that first thanksgiving.  Don't step up in here and start spouting your crap when you are misinformed.

IndianScout made a point some time back in this thread

BFROE|IndianScout wrote:

while it's your right to agree with who you want, American history is very white washed and very incorrect..

a perfect example...

think about this the next thanksgiving when you sit down to eat..

In 1637 in Connecticut: Just before dawn, colonial militia men attacked, surrounding the Pequot tribal village completely, setting fire all around, burning alive over 700 men, women and children. The eerie screams could be heard for miles according to neighboring tribes. The few Pequots that managed to escape were immediately shot down, except for a handful that were held captive and sold as slaves into Boston households. The militia men celebrated on their way home from the slaughter, drinking and cheering upon their return, that same day, signed into law with Governor Bradford that: "This day forth shall be a day of celebration and thanksgiving for subduing the Pequots." (Massachusetts document) This is how the "holyday" was founded. The famous and fictitious story of a "Thanksgiving dinner" in 1621 with the Indians and Pilgrims never happened. In fact, rats that jumped ship even before the Pilgrims set foot ashore, infected the Wampanoags with the deadly Smallpox. The Wampanoags had no resistance to this foreign disease and soon started dropping dead everywhere. They sure couldn't help the Pilgrims when they couldn't help themselves, but the Pilgrims managed to repeatedly steal their grain supplies and other food. The Pilgrim-Indian dinner was invented many years after the Pequot slaughter to instill both a false pride in Americans about the founding of their country and to cover up the True founding: Slaughter, steal land, give thanks. Which started with the Pequots and spread across the entire country, leaving millions dead and remaining survivors shoved onto "reservation" prisons. Between the big lie about the 1621 "Dinner" and the Truth concealed for 358 years, it is very difficult to watch this celebration year in and year out. True thanksgiving, in Native understanding, is ever day, it is a way of life. Would anyone tolerate a "Happy Holocaust Day" in Germany, and give it a Hebrew name??? I don't think so... Americans do need to find out the Truth, so we can all have a "Harvest Dinner" on another day, making a new beginning through education, and change this "Thanksgiving Day" to a National day: "A Teaching Wind," an All Native Peoples Day, including remembrance of the Pequot People.

Source: Documents of Holland, 13 Volume Colonial Documentary History, letters and reports from colonial officials to their superiors and the King in England and the private papers of Sir William Johnson, British Indian agent for the New York colony for 30 years.

Researched by William B. Newell, Penobscot Tribe; Former Chairman of the University of Connecticut Anthropology Department.
Being a Native American, Comanche/Apache, some of the comments that have been made have upset me and dishonored me.  And I am not referring to comments about Columbus but rather to the ones that involve eating and the pilaging (i.e. native american pussy) the Original Peoples of this country.  For one I am a woman and that comment offended me.  Two I am Native American and I take offense to it.  So next time take a second or two before you let you fingers start typing some response and think about who you might be offending in your posts.  Generally if I am offended by anything I just go to a different thread.  But when you start disrespecting the Native Americans then I will step up to the plate and take a swing back.

Rant over.. flame away.. I am done.
You do realize that indianscout isn't native american right...

Lol Kmarion, that is the truth
+1,128|6955|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

BFROE|IndianScout wrote:
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6961|Land of =KBK=
Whether he is Native American or not it does not matter.  He made a point and I quoted him.
I am sure we all have something to be thankfully for on this Thanksgiving Day and as for me, I am thankfully for all the good things in my life. Thanksgiving is just a small word for all the things we receive. Think about it. Have a wonderfully Thanksgiving with family and people you love.    M|STJimbob

Bahiti wrote:

Whether he is Native American or not it does not matter.  He made a point and I quoted him.
You need to know who indianscout is.
The English

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

Even tho we dont celebrate thanksgiving here in Sweden, I would still like to thank the USA for making the world a better place, preserving freedom, spreading democracy and kicking terrorist ass! Thank you USA!
Oh the irony...
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6961|Land of =KBK=

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Bahiti wrote:

Whether he is Native American or not it does not matter.  He made a point and I quoted him.
You need to know who indianscout is.
Why do I need to know him?  As I said it doesn't matter if he is Native American or not .. He made a point and I quoted him.
+276|6968|United States of America
Thanks Great Great Gandpa for leaving Europe and coming to America.  And thanks to all the soldiers that have kept America free.  And thanks to CameronPoe for constantly reminding me how lucky I am to be American and how much people will hate me for having what they don't.  And thanks to my kids for keeping me young.
+276|6968|United States of America

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

Even tho we dont celebrate thanksgiving here in Sweden, I would still like to thank the USA for making the world a better place, preserving freedom, spreading democracy and kicking terrorist ass! Thank you USA!
You ROCK!!!!

And thank you Sweden for the Bikini Team, Hot Coco, Snow Skiing, and yodeling in country music.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
I'm giving thanks for living in First World luxury while most of the world is still pretty poor.
Commie Killer
My dick.

No seriously, Im giving thanks to the people who serve to defend freedom, the people who have a IQ above 130 and use there intelligence for other things then wacking off and looking at porn, and other stuff.
+276|6968|United States of America

Commie Killer wrote:

My dick.

No seriously, Im giving thanks to the people who serve to defend freedom, the people who have a IQ above 130 and use there intelligence for other things then wacking off and looking at porn, and other stuff.
just to clarify, it IS ok to use your intelligence to wack off and look at porn,  your just saying that people need to do other things too, right? 

I mean if I have another browser window open that has porn I would still be a person you would be thankful for, right???  This is purely a hypothetical question of course.

Last edited by Major_Spittle (2006-11-23 11:07:57)


Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

Even tho we dont celebrate thanksgiving here in Sweden, I would still like to thank the USA for making the world a better place, preserving freedom, spreading democracy and kicking terrorist ass! Thank you USA!
Uh, you sure you're from Europe?

Kmarion wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Thanksgiving is the celebration of two very different cultures coming together and helping each other. Something this forum could take a lesson from.
Yes but later didn't the pilgrims kill the Indians?
True but we are not celebrating that
How about, "didn't the Indians later kill the pilgrims?"

It wasn't a one-way street.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-11-23 12:03:30)


cpt.fass1 wrote:

WilhelmSissener wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

DId you miss the even though there was already people here part? You fail at the stupid failing post...
Ok, you fail at life.
Yup because I like to put Fail in post... I think you're the failure here, but keep trolling the site I"m sure you can find a place for your fail that it will actually work...
I discovered america.....
+783|7157|Reykjavík, Iceland.
I say thanks for t3h intraw3bz!

By the way, it's not Leif Ericson, it's Leifur Eiríksson.
+43|6705|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Yeah, thanks for having to go to fucking work....

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