Stingray24 wrote:
1. All the world's problems will not be solved by latex. Condoms don't prevent AIDS transmission.
2. I have found nothing in the Bible that convinces me that birth control is immoral or that sex is not for pleasure. (read Song of Solomon in the Bible hellooooo he's enjoying his wife's breasts and legs etc etc) Priests who aren't supposed to be having sex tell their congregations sex is not for pleasure to make themselves feel better about not getting any. Our Creator would not have given us the ability to gain pleasure from sex, if was only for reproduction.
3. Sex using a condom is not more pleasurable. Duh.
1. O Rly? So the AIDS lobbyists have been lying to me?
2. Emphasis on word wife. If you are married, and both are faithful = no fear of AIDS. No problem with enjoying your wife, you're supposed. How else would you deal with her running her mouth all day?
3. Condoms suck, but I use them with a new girl, for the first 6 months or so. I just try and yank that bad boy off and blast away when my boy decides he's ready to chuck.