There are some babies on here but the more mature posters know who they are and glance over their rantings. Sometimes when you need a cheer up and a laugh, you have a read, but generally ignore. It is, was and always be a part of life in D&ST. The issues discussed here generally attract the posters here to put their point forward. Its because both sides are so polarized in their opinions that a flame war starts. Might I suggest that the flamers get warned/banned and not the topic, just because they use it to flame??? Anyho back on topic.Bernadictus wrote:
See why I said this forum is not mature enough for big-boy talk.CameronPoe wrote:
Ironically my thread on Africa has ended in an almighty flame war and a ban!!!! Exactly why Bernadictus asked me not to make Israel/Palestine threads. He suggested I concentrate on the poor and hungry of Africa!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Africa is a big big mess. Ultimately Spain,Portugal, France and Britain are to blame as they colonized it. I'm not saying things would be any better if they hadn't, I'm saying that if we had stayed the hell out of there and let the African society develop at its own rate, (As the rest of us did)have their own Industrial Revolution, Renaissance etc, then they would eventually find their own equilibrium. It may have taken years but they would have got their.
The colonial powers withdrew, but they left friendly puppet dictators in place with the wests interests at the forefront instead of the people of Africa's. Military Dictators are the norm as long as they keep their countries resources flowing unabated.
The IMF and World bank currently take the brunt of the blame for digging the Continent into even more debt. Making the situation hopeless unless the debt is canceled. By handing out loans by the handful to dictators who do not represent the people, you saddle the people with the debt, while the loan goes into the pockets of the regime running the country. The people then have to struggle to repay these debts instead of using their money to start an infrastructure which may get the place out of the hole it is in.
And finally I get to blame everyones favorites!! End game Fundamentalist Christians. Pumping millions into countries to build elaborate churches like bristling statues rising out of the filth when there is no clean water in the same town. Converting these people is easy when you tell them to prepare for when you will be 'raptured up to heaven', offers a glimmer of hope for these people as their present is so bleak. The backlash to this is that the people don't give a shit about roads or infrastructure or planting crops because we are all going to die soon anyway and we will be off to heaven.