Erkut.hv wrote:
Dec45 wrote:
Erkut.hv wrote:
I'm not disagreeing that people shouldn't be allowed access to medicing. I am tired of all these fundraiser, concerts, etc... to combat a virus that can be stopped if people acted responsibly.
AIDS is 100% stoppable. The same can't be said of cancer and diseases of that nature.
People should be allowed access to the drugs, but at some point people have to get tired of treating diseases for free when people refuse to act with some degree of responsiblity. (not just sexually either)
Cancer is 100% preventable. You're just ignorant on how. Look up B-17, Super Silver, Magnesium and especially the video lecture called Food as Medicine on google video.
So your plan is to tell everyone in Africa to be abstinent out of fear? And I guess you expect them to pay for the test, to see if them and their partner have AIDS before engaging in sex? Your opinions seem to be full of accusations, and void of solutions.
Not for nothing chief but you're also lacking solutions.
I shall look up the cancer prevention topics you listed however.
And I will concede that most pharmaceutical companies are in it for the money, so helping poor brown people is out of the question.
Other than that, yeah, fear works. Don't want AIDS? Get tested before you f^#% each other.
Say what you want, but I am correct. Get tested, plain and simple.
Get tested with old needles, so if you didn't have AIDS before the testing you'll have it after. I'm not kidding about that either think about what you know about Africa, do you think it's sterile?
and at this..
RicardoBlanco wrote:
We, the Europeans, need to take over the continent again. Most Africans would be happy for us to do so.
I lived there for over a year, in Botswana, and if anyone here thinks the African people can run a country by themselves you're totally deluded. Problem is, we judge a country's standards by our own and if you expect them to start living by our standards, i.e low corruption/crime/rape/violence, think again. Rural Africa, about 99% of the continent, is how Europe would have been 500-1000 years ago. Primitive is an understatement.
They do not share our concepts of what we consider fundamental to a civilised society and therefore will never fulfill our expectations of them. The less we expect from Africa the less dissapointed we'll be.
For those who will no doubt call me a racist, racism is based on prejudice. I've lived there and have made an informed judgement based on what I saw and heard.
What do you expect from a country that was under Eurpeans control for the longest time, and raped of there resources, and still to this day. Maybe if you let the people have some of the moneys that you profited off of them for the past couple of hundreds if not more years, they'll be able to build an infastructor and educate themself..