+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA
At least in my area... after the elections they went from 2.37 to now around 2.52...  Are the prices going up in other places too?  Is there a reason why?  (besides the fact that the elections are over)
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
thats absolutely nothing compared to the way they jump around out here
+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA
well then i guess thats a plus...

EDIT: yeah gallon and USD

Last edited by CommieChipmunk (2006-11-18 00:09:25)

That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
but also 2.52 per what? gallon? litre? and in USD right?
I dont care, I get free gas
Gassssssssss................ 20$ 3 weeks woot
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
holiday travel time and winter heating oil, around thanksgiving there should be a pretty big jump

as for why it dropped in the first place, the world's deepest test well was bored a few months ago in the gulf of mexico, producing much more bbl/hr than expected. totaling a ridiculous 27000 feet, though now that i think about it im not sure if that's starting from sea level or sea floor. judging from the measurements they estimate that drilling in that one are alone will effectively increase the oil reserve by anywhere from 50 to 100%. there is also a big rush to be the first to drill the marianas trench as it's estimated to hold enough oil to supply the US for up to 200 years.

edit: found a link … 00275.html

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-11-18 12:28:04)


Stop whining about gas prices, you bastards!!!!
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

I love the gas prices.  I love knowing people who have 68 ton SUVs are going bankrupt. I'm not a tree hugging hippie but SUVs are pointless.

"huh? oh! you have towing capabilites up to the wieght of six bulldozers? all terrian 4 wheel drive? rugged grip tires? wow!"

"ever use it?"

+102|7015|New York
Gas has gone down here. Down to 2.25 a Gal  US
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

CommieChipmunk wrote:

At least in my area... after the elections they went from 2.37 to now around 2.52...  Are the prices going up in other places too?  Is there a reason why?  (besides the fact that the elections are over)

Yeah they're going up because the elections are over...good grief gimme a break on the conspiracy.

Regional gas prices flux with many different reasons, elections not being one of them, in my area I bought gas yesterday for $2.25.  So stop trying to find reasons in dark places. (Unless of course you actually have proof).

Good day.
She looked 18 to me officer
Anyone surprised?

I bought all the oil my tank in the basement could hold before the elections were over because I knew damn well they would go up again.

It's just a game (Well, to them it's a game, personally I rather not play).

I wish you yanks would stop bitching about your fuel prices, for one it's your own nations fault there going up and secondly your fuel is one of the cheapest in the world.
+129|7030|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
Like Kr@cker said, winter travel, heating oil, etc. can explain most of it.  Sounds like it might be a regional thing though since gas prices around my area haven't moved in about a month.  $1.99 per gallon ftw!.  (Note: this is in San Antonio TX, 7th largest city in the US.  Not some backwater town in the middle of no where)
+110|6901|United States of America

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

I wish you yanks would stop bitching about your fuel prices, for one it's your own nations fault there going up and secondly your fuel is one of the cheapest in the world.
Your fuel cost the exact same as ours does.  Do you think OPEC gives us a discount because we are America.
We don't have to pay 4 USD tax on a gallon of gas like Europeans but that isn't our fault.  Get some new politicians that set the gas tax in your country.  We bitch about fuel prices to keep them low and to let the politicians know that we wont stand for a +400% tax on our fuel.

P.S. Either Wednesday or Thursday the price per barrel of oil was the lowest it has been in all of 2006.

Last edited by JG1567JG (2006-11-18 14:38:39)


Our tax is 17.5% hasn't changed from that in longer than I've been alive.

Yes, the goverment does have a large ammount of control over the price. TBH I dont think we pay too much, it stops us wasting it. What fucks me off is you over there think its too much for you to pay. hense every single one of your industries and 99.99% of your transport systems are gas guzzling wastes of energy, with no regard for anything else in the world.

Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2006-11-18 14:40:11)

Thump the ARTY finder!!

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

I dont care, I get free gas

The elections are over...thus higher prices again.  Plus the winter costs like said before.

JG1567JG wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Our tax is 17.5% hasn't changed from that in longer than I've been alive.
Where you from and how much you pay for a gallon or liter?
I edited, post again.

UK - $1.62(USD) per litre - 3.78 litres in a gallon.

JG1567JG wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

I wish you yanks would stop bitching about your fuel prices, for one it's your own nations fault there going up and secondly your fuel is one of the cheapest in the world.
Your fuel cost the exact same as ours does.  Do you think OPEC gives us a discount because we are America.
We don't have to pay 4 USD tax on a gallon of gas like Europeans but that isn't our fault.  Get some new politicians that set the gas tax in your country.  We bitch about fuel prices to keep them low and to let the politicians know that we wont stand for a +400% tax on our fuel.

P.S. Either Wednesday or Thursday the price per barrel of oil was the lowest it has been in all of 2006.
AFAIK, it's not that we're taxed massively, it's that your gas prices are subsidised.
+12|6983|Aberdeen, Uk, SF Bay Area 1st
US fuel isn't subsidized, and UK taxes are far higher than 17.5%, try 75 pence of every pound you pay per fuel is tax. and don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about eternal pessimist, I've lived in both countries(and am currently in the UK). Get off your high horse pal, and stop generalizing and buying the BBC's every word hook line, and sinker. I've seen enough bias and lies from the beeb to be able to ignore eveyr word of drivel they spout. Start living outside the bubble you live in and explore the world and realize your taxation system is screwed up beyond belief and if things don't change in the next 10 years you won't have a health care system, nor a welfare system.
+12|6983|Aberdeen, Uk, SF Bay Area 1st

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

hasn't changed from that in longer than I've been alive.
ummm, gordon brown sets the taxes every year, it changes all the time

I was refering to VAT, I even changed my post to be a little more coherant, as I admit i was attrociously vague to begin with

Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2006-11-18 14:54:16)

+110|6901|United States of America

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Our tax is 17.5% hasn't changed from that in longer than I've been alive.

Yes, the goverment does have a large ammount of control over the price. TBH I dont think we pay too much, it stops us wasting it. What fucks me off is you over there think its too much for you to pay. hense every single one of your industries and 99.99% of your transport systems are gas guzzling wastes of energy, with no regard for anything else in the world.
We have ethanol plants being built all over this country.  Many of our mass transit systems are converting to biodiesel.  Many city bussing systems and school bussing are switching to biodiesel.  You also know nothing about our Industries. We burn coal for alot of our power in the U.S. New technology has made these plants very clean compared to how coal was burned in the past for power.

jarhedch wrote:

US fuel isn't subsidized, and UK taxes are far higher than 17.5%, try 75 pence of every pound you pay per fuel is tax. and don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about eternal pessimist, I've lived in both countries(and am currently in the UK). Get off your high horse pal, and stop generalizing and buying the BBC's every word hook line, and sinker. I've seen enough bias and lies from the beeb to be able to ignore eveyr word of drivel they spout. Start living outside the bubble you live in and explore the world and realize your taxation system is screwed up beyond belief and if things don't change in the next 10 years you won't have a health care system, nor a welfare system.
Ahh another the news is evil type. fuck the news I don't watch it, all I see is our fuel prices and the USAs fuel prices, yeah we have massive tax, no its not a bad thing, as i said it makes us try to be careful with our fuel. what i dislike is the fact the USA has minute taxes compared to a lot of other major nations and flagrantly wastes fuel at an astonishing rate and thats not ever going to change.

JG1567JG wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Our tax is 17.5% hasn't changed from that in longer than I've been alive.

Yes, the goverment does have a large ammount of control over the price. TBH I dont think we pay too much, it stops us wasting it. What fucks me off is you over there think its too much for you to pay. hense every single one of your industries and 99.99% of your transport systems are gas guzzling wastes of energy, with no regard for anything else in the world.
We have ethanol plants being built all over this country.  Many of our mass transit systems are converting to biodiesel.  Many city bussing systems and school bussing are switching to biodiesel.  You also know nothing about our Industries. We burn coal for alot of our power in the U.S. New technology has made these plants very clean compared to how coal was burned in the past for power.
Not even close to enough sorry but it's just nothing like what needs to be done.

All that aside. $6.12 per gallon = fair (thats cheap for the UK)

$2.50 per gallon = screaming waste me im an expendable fuel... USA needs taxing, and heavily.

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