+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

Flecco wrote:

jord wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

you need more pussy cars like europe, send me all your falcons, holdens (pre- GM ownership plz), and challengers.
Yes,Europe make some of the shittest,pussiest cars ever....

On further thinking i decided to actually see what European car companys are making,then i changed my mind.
BMW, Renault, Aston Martin.... I want a DB9. Pity they cost almost as much as the house I live in. I think....

Kracker, you can go get fucked, we are keeping the holdens.

Yoda wrote:

Expensive these cars are.
I was running more along the lines of Ferrari,Lamborghini,Porsche,Zonda.

And dare i say it,the headline hitter,TVR.
+105|6945|Lexington, KY

Bubbalo wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

We are allies
And so far Australia hasn't really gotten anything in return for 50 years of dedicated service.
Lets not get started on this, how much has the internet helped you nation?  Where did that come from?  If the US wanted to, they did not have to share the technology.  We do not have to get into other technologies do we?  (Noted that you guys may have created a similar technology, but how long would have taken you?)  Lets not talk about the US helping in the Pacific theater during WWII.  You guys may not have lost the war, but you guys would not be as strong as you are now.

Let's not talk about how much money we invest into your economy when we film moves in Australia.  It may seem like a lot is going to the actors, but remember they have to sleep, eat, and get so enertainment.  Each of these cost money. 

Even look what the Australian Government says that the ANZUS Treaty provides:

Australian Government wrote:

The alliance is the foundation of defence and security cooperation between Australia and the United States.  This increases Australia's ability to protect itself and its interests by providing access to world-leading defence hardware and technologies and to vital intelligence capabilities. Such cooperation supports joint efforts against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Source: … iance.html

Also, other then the wars that you have helped us in since WWI, what has Australia given America?
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
The sad thing is that the new generations of Australians are more willing to listen to their iPods, eat McDonalds and watch the new Hollywood film at the cinema rather than go to the beach and eat a chiko roll with $2 of chips.

With the attitude this current generation of city-folk are taking on, Australia's culture is being absorbed by America's and within a couple of decades our culture will be dead.

Tis Sad.
The Lizzard

Iron_Sentinel wrote:

Anyway, Australia's relationship with the USA i would have to say is not as strong as it used to be. Our politicians have finally realised that we reside in ASIA! So china, india and japan are becoming a lot more important to us than the USA in terms of the economy.
Our economic relationship with the US was never that strong.  The shift has been more away from Britain than away from US.

Iron_Sentinel wrote:

In terms of defence i honestly think we are screwed without the deterance that is the USA. Seriously - we reside on the biggest island in the world and have a fairly large population, yet our entire military personel could fit COMFORTABLY in the MCG, if not the SCG!!!
That's because the army isn't designed to be an army, but rather a supporting force for the US army.  Which is exactly what I'm saying is an issue.

Iron_Sentinel wrote:

Meanwhile we have 220 million poor indonesians JUST north of us, who would love to get away from the natural disaster prone, poverty stricken, islamic radicalist hotbed that is their overpopulated country.
220 million Indonesians who don't have a say in government, and with an army built (and trained by Australia) for combatting internal resistance.  And a navy which doesn't have the capacity to launch an attack on us.

Iron_Sentinel wrote:

We need a bigger military and some sort of defence pact with Japan
Useless.  The Japanese military is required by Japanese law to defend Japan and do no other combat actions.

Iron_Sentinel wrote:

or possibly even China or India - the last two arent overly favourable, aside from their large, advanced militaries, because they could drag us into a war with Taiwan or Pakistan, but i guess the USA dragged us into Iraq...
Taiwan wouldn't be an issue: if the Chinese didn't take it before the US arrived, they'd probably just level it with long range artillery/rockets.  Either way, they wouldn't care about us.  Having said that, neither China nor India has the ability to project their power globally.  If we have to ally with someone, it ought be the US.
The Lizzard

dubbs wrote:

Lets not get started on this, how much has the internet helped you nation?  Where did that come from?  If the US wanted to, they did not have to share the technology.  We do not have to get into other technologies do we?  (Noted that you guys may have created a similar technology, but how long would have taken you?)
We would have gotten that technology with or without alliance.

dubbs wrote:

Lets not talk about the US helping in the Pacific theater during WWII.  You guys may not have lost the war, but you guys would not be as strong as you are now.
Roosevelt himself stated that the only reason the US defended Australia was because they needed us as a launching pad for the counter-offensive.

dubbs wrote:

Let's not talk about how much money we invest into your economy when we film moves in Australia.  It may seem like a lot is going to the actors, but remember they have to sleep, eat, and get so enertainment.  Each of these cost money.
That is by far the dumbest comment I have ever heard you make.  That has nothing to do with the US government.  It has to do with film makers choosing the cheapest country to film their movie in.  Further, the film industry has shifted away from Australia.

dubbs wrote:

Even look what the Australian Government says that the ANZUS Treaty provides:

Australian Government wrote:

The alliance is the foundation of defence and security cooperation between Australia and the United States.  This increases Australia's ability to protect itself and its interests by providing access to world-leading defence hardware and technologies and to vital intelligence capabilities. Such cooperation supports joint efforts against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Source: … iance.html
And?  Have you even been reading this thread?  Of course the government will say that, they support the US alliance.

Australian Government wrote:

Also, other then the wars that you have helped us in since WWI, what has Australia given America?
Oh, yes, because sending our young men and women off to die is such a minor issue.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
I dont think that our government is trying to be like America, I think our public is trying to be like America, how can we blame them, they grew up watching sesame street FFS. We are supposed to pronounce 'Z' like this- "zed" but instead have the population says "zee"

same with battery and lieutenant.

Our culture is being over run by the U.S. Don't blame the government for trying to be like the U.S. blame the majority of the Australian public.
The Lizzard

Adams_BJ wrote:

same with battery

Adams_BJ wrote:

and lieutenant.
I make a point of always saying that the right way (d'you get it?)

Adams_BJ wrote:

Our culture is being over run by the U.S. Don't blame the government for trying to be like the U.S. blame the majority of the Australian public.
Except that the things you've point out are British.............
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock

Bubbalo wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

and lieutenant.
I make a point of always saying that the right way (d'you get it?)
LOL I get it
+617|6719|NSW, Australia

dubbs wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

We are allies
And so far Australia hasn't really gotten anything in return for 50 years of dedicated service.
Lets not get started on this, how much has the internet helped you nation?  Where did that come from?  If the US wanted to, they did not have to share the technology.  We do not have to get into other technologies do we?  (Noted that you guys may have created a similar technology, but how long would have taken you?)  Lets not talk about the US helping in the Pacific theater during WWII.  You guys may not have lost the war, but you guys would not be as strong as you are now.

Let's not talk about how much money we invest into your economy when we film moves in Australia.  It may seem like a lot is going to the actors, but remember they have to sleep, eat, and get so enertainment.  Each of these cost money. 

Even look what the Australian Government says that the ANZUS Treaty provides:

Australian Government wrote:

The alliance is the foundation of defence and security cooperation between Australia and the United States.  This increases Australia's ability to protect itself and its interests by providing access to world-leading defence hardware and technologies and to vital intelligence capabilities. Such cooperation supports joint efforts against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Source: … iance.html

Also, other then the wars that you have helped us in since WWI, what has Australia given America?
isnt thousands of lives good enough for you? or do you want some more vegemite?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

Flecco wrote:

jord wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

you need more pussy cars like europe, send me all your falcons, holdens (pre- GM ownership plz), and challengers.
Yes,Europe make some of the shittest,pussiest cars ever....

On further thinking i decided to actually see what European car companys are making,then i changed my mind.
BMW, Renault, Aston Martin.... I want a DB9. Pity they cost almost as much as the house I live in. I think....

Kracker, you can go get fucked, we are keeping the holdens.
you can have them now that GM own em, i want the old ones...........................and someone to help me learn to drive stick lefthanded.

i didn't mean all euro cars are wussy, just seems most of the wussy ones are over there, I'd much rather have a german focus than ours.

and then there's this
atlanta, georgia
probably france
+617|6719|NSW, Australia

oh french car for sure
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
lol, i want to live in the 70's when the world was a much better place
The Lizzard
How so?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

oh french car for sure
actually it's a BMW isetta, just can't picture it cruising sydney

that pic with the trucks is from the atlanta nopi show, there was a yellow ford there so big he had a camera in the front license plate bracket, dunno if the screen in cab had crosshairs on it, and i could walk under the truck without bending over.

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-11-18 21:59:05)

+788|6969|Brisbane, Australia

Flecco wrote:

Largest reserves of Uranium on Earth.
Heh, and then in the end, its going to be the world vs Aboriginees who wont give them up.
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
rofl. ut we could become more amercian and allow civilians to own any firearm the desire. (wow imagine bankstown if that law gets past)
+105|6945|Lexington, KY
To respond to the people who responded to my post.  Bubbalo stated that the US has never done anything for Australia,  I was given a few things that we have.  Yes you could have gotten the technology, probably via the UK, but it would have taken longer then it did. 

I am glad that you all are allies with the US and am very thankful for the soldiers from Australia who have give up their lives to help the US.  You all seem to forget that we also have lost soldiers in WWII helping you all out. 

The comment that Roosevelt may have been true, but we also said that about Wake Island, and other small islands within the Pacific.  I also pointed you direction to the Australian government site as a source that we do provide you all with somethings that you may over look.

Bubblo, about the movie thing, it is the first thing that came to mind, and it showed how some of the US industries have helped you Australia in ways that most people would not have thought.  I know that LotR was not filmed in Australia, but a movie like that helps the economy where ever it is filmed.  I guess that another example of how the US has helped the economy in Australia is all the tech companies, like Dell who have chosen to go there instead of India.  This is not totally because of the cost of labor, but the fact that Australians speak English more like the people in the States do.  Yes it is cheaper to have employees in Australia, but if it was all about money, they would stay in India.  (I know that in the long run it is about money, since they do not loose as many customers, or that you have to pay extra to get a tech in Australia.)

Like I stated, America has given a lot to Australia, it is just that a lot of people forget that America invented/created a lot of things that is used in your everyday life, but we do not take credit for it.  Then we are told that we do not do anything for other nations.  This is not true, it just that some of the stuff that we have provided/given other nations they take for granted.  I could list a lot of things just in technology that the US either created or provided the ability to us to other nations, but are not given credit for it.  I also know that other nations and people could have found/developed the same things.  It just that when America went into the industrial age, they helped other nations out also, but those nations forget or over look that some simple things were first developed in the US, and if we wanted to we could have keep them "secret" to just the US.

Edit: <<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven  one life is to much, but we also lost soliders to help protect Australia.  It just seemed if some Australians in the forums are ungrateful for the stuff that we have provided Australia, and I was wanting to know, other then the help during the wars, what have Australia given the US.  Sorry if you took that wrong.  I am very grateful for all the soliders that have servered in the US and in our Allies, without them, I would not be able to have the freedoms that I have right now.

Last edited by dubbs (2006-11-18 23:37:25)

The Lizzard
Cronulla 2: Hail of bullets!
Ice Cold Killa
+26|6757|Perth, W.A, Australia.
i think of john howard as "bush's bitch"

Next thread: America too much like America.
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
ROFL ahahahhahaah have a +1 for that

Mongoose wrote:

lol, i want to live in the 70's when the world was a much better place
i'd say the 70's when no one knew what was going on outside of their street. it wasn't better.
+105|6945|Lexington, KY

twiistaaa wrote:

Mongoose wrote:

lol, i want to live in the 70's when the world was a much better place
i'd say the 70's when no one knew what was going on outside of their street. it wasn't better.
That is because everyone was getting high, and sharing STDs.
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
yes it was, we didnt have to worry about people on the other side of the fucking world dying, we didnt have to worry about seatbelts or "ruining the envrionment" and sex was safe, if some fuckwit tried to blow up your country theyd get there asses deported back to where they came from. and lets not forget the fashion!
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

dubbs wrote:

twiistaaa wrote:

Mongoose wrote:

lol, i want to live in the 70's when the world was a much better place
i'd say the 70's when no one knew what was going on outside of their street. it wasn't better.
That is because everyone was getting high, and sharing STDs.

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