ATG wrote:
Well, I'm sorry.
I just get a little tired of being branded racist because I think lack of border security is insanity.
Yes, I may have said some harsh, perhaps even boneheaded things, and I may be a hypocrite.
I'm anxiety ridden about the border, and yet the entire economic structure in Southern California depends on mexican workers.
I'd say failure to enforce border law is treason, yet I'd probably go out of business without my Hombres.
Some may recall my brash flashing of cash of late, and as ill advised as it was it is made akward even more in that, truth is everybody not working in my office or in sales, is Mexican. Meaning ( gasp! ) it is ill gotten loot in that I employee illegal aliens.
They have to have a social security number, which in our currupt system, can be had for $500.00 in Santa Ana. Many of these numbers are bogus, yet the illegals have taxes withheld. The governent turns a blind eye in part because they take in payroll taxes and don't have a legitiment beneficiary to pay to upon retirement.
My best guy, we call him Gordo ( means Fatso ) makes coin $$$. He can't have a license be cause he's illegal.
It's the way it is.
No one called you racist. Guilty conscience, my friend.