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MECtallica wrote:

He should have just complied at first "Yes officer, I will go with you"

instead of screaming "GET THE **** OFF ME **#$^#^HOLE!"

These cops should be punished though, there's NO reason to taser a 'kid' 4+ times because he wouldn't get off the ground because you're too fat and fucking weak to pick him up.
Thats right, Dead weight FTW

Bubbalo wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

My friend's dog is half dingo.

And now all the idiots on this forum are going to think that Australians have dingos for pets.  W007.
I thought you guys just ate them when you ran out of seasonal cacti.
Pretty much.  Occasionally we eat immigrants.  All free range.  Personally I favour the ones from Baxter, but it's a personal thing.  With the right sauce and accompanying wine it really is beautiful.
What about the kiwis? Do you eat them too, or did that stop with the onset of New Line's LotR films?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-11-17 03:27:54)

+231|6409|Kyiv, Ukraine
It's a sad commentary on our society when excessive force and the use of an electrocutive device is simply acceptable to anyone.  The crime was that the kid left his ID in his dorm room.  He was asked to produce his ID or leave the school's computer lab...this was the school's right as it is private property.  The police officers chose to manhandle him as he was leaving.  He didn't help the situation by yelling at them to take their hands off.  The response to being yelled at is to administer 6 taser shocks, especially despite being told the kid had a medical condition by bystanders (in the video) and more especially to continue administering the shocks after the kid was clearly not a threat to them.  No official policy should condone this.  If your skin is so thin you can't take a cliche political slogan being screamed at you or you react so violently for being told not to touch someone inappropriately, you shouldn't be a police officer or even a rent-a-cop.

If you feel that is acceptable in a real-life situation, upholding a composure of professionalism, putting aside any real bragadocio or cowboy rhetoric, then I am sorry.  There is no hope for you or this country after being so completely de-sensitized to the rights and feelings of others.  Not terrorists, not criminals, but ordinary citizens who forgot to carry their papers with them or wear the appropriate colored triangle on their clothing.  This is exactly how fascism creeps up on you when you least expect it.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6565|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
Ok, I'm going to start from the initial point of the arrest.

For starters while I accept that Mostafa Tabatabainejad should've had his card arresting him is a completely ridiculous measure. You arrest someone for culpable driving, you arrest someone for commiting murder, you arrest someone who just smashed up a shop. The whole point of arresting someone is to take them into custody for a serious crime and to temporaraly protect the public for someone dangerous. YOU DO NOT arrest someone for failing to produce their friggin library card. If you were browsing the net or reading a book and a pair of coppers come up and try to arrest and subdue you for not showing them your library card you WOULD be pissed off. It's the not the role of campus police or normal police to kick people out of library's for not having their cards.

Then onto the Tasering. This guy had a right to be pissed off, once again if you were about to be arrested for not havin ya ID card then there's no way that you'd let these cops arrest ya. I don't believe that you allow police to carry tasers, electrocuting someone to subdue them is torture plain and simple, and the continous use of the taser even after subduing your suspect is torture. Oh no I said a naughty word, but putting someone in continous pain IS torture, and I'm surprised many people on this forum are supporting the use of that force.

The second thing that disturbs me about that video is the excessive use of the taser. Tasering someone repeatedly is excessive use of force and torture. Even after cuffing him they continue to taser him to get him to stand, don't that get to anyone here? It is impossible to stand after being tasered. Depending on each individual's physiology, it takes at least a minute to be able to even stand after a single Taser shot. Tasers send 50,000 volts into their target. That 50,000 volts overide the nervous system and temporarly paralyze muscles, yet some of you say "He should've stood up like he was told". Because of deaths caused by tasers they have been reclassified from "non lethal" to "less lethal". How Fun.

The repeated use of a taser is known to cause deaths. Yet I've seen many videos of police using their tasers to continuously subdue "suspects" into submission. Over 100 deaths in America have been reported from continously tasering someone. The taser manual states that continous use of the taser can cause permanent damage.

The use of electrocution weapons and the arrests of people for not showing identity cards is something you'd only see in a a police state. Yet you Americans nowadays are quite willing to allow the police, your protecters :S to abuse their powers without consequence and to override your rights as humans. You can't honestly be a member of the country with the most freedom and liberty and say that "he shouldve done what he was told", that is NOT the American way, you are meant to question stupid shit like this.

Shame on you for defending this bullying and abuse of power.
+572|6695|BC, Canada
meh.... kid should have just listened. god knows i would have, i know i cant stand up to a tazer.

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Sk wrote:

shit... i forget my pass for work somedays..
reckon I shoud just get it implanted to my hand just incase I get tazered for using the drinks machine!
Read the article and watch the video, or do not post here. You're only making a fool of yourself. The kid was told to leave the library because he lacked the necessary ID. He refused to. The cops arrived and told him to immediately leave and he still refused to. He had plenty of opportunities to cooperate.
It is so good to see people with level heads.  Thank you.  I'll +1 you when I get 10 posts.
The Last Black Winegum
Mmmm! Winegums
+52|6642|Lancashire, UK
Do you have Citizens-Arrest in America?   

'Cause I know of someone who witnessed cops abusing their powers on a defenceless handcuffed person,  and they tried to place the cop under citizens arrest.   The cop refused to comply (big surprise)  but was later charged with 'Impersonating a police-officer'   as he was legally no longer a cop when placed under citizens-arrest....
Okay, here's Erk follow up rant:

1. I am by NO means, a fan of police officers. Every run in I have had with them has been under negative connotations.

2. The disobeyed an order form a peace officer. By tearing his arm away and screaming at police officers he was technically commiting assault.


I believe they did tazer him a bit much, but my disdain for his little faggoty screaming act, trying to be the "viva la resistance fuck the pigs" blurred me to the fact that he was being zipped repeatedly.

He should've resisted with less vulgarity, or just left the damn library.

Oh, and the patriot act had nothing to do with this whatsoever, little punk ass kid with an agenda.
+116|6660|Cherry Pie




He says, "I was going to leave this place." but he is sitting on the ground on his stupid ass.  You can't defend his actions.  A normal person would have simply stood up, left and respected the officers authority.  He deserve everything he got and more.
+116|6660|Cherry Pie

Iron_Sentinel wrote:

Good lord that was blood chilling. I think he was tasered more than 4 times, judging by the painful screams.
I watch the show Cops ALL THE TIME and that kid was just screaming bloody murder like a 4 year old child.  I have never ever heard anyone scream like that when they were being tazed ever.  He was just doing it for attention because all of the students were on his side.  If that idiot didn't have an audience then he wouldn't have been so loud.  Thats a fact.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6877|Cologne, Germany

well, from my point of view, there are two sides of the story.

For once, the student, knowing that he had forgotten to bring proper ID, should have followed the officer's orders to leave the property. He must have known that not doing so would have consequences.

Then again, as I understand from the article, the student actually was walking towards the exit ( peacefully, I might add ) when one of the officers grabbed him. From that point, the situation escalated. I'll admit I wasn't there to see it, but that's my take on the incident.

Now, was the student not walking towards the exit fast enough, which prompted one of the officers to grab him ? Maybe. Did the cops overreact by tazering the poor bastard when he said "Let go off me" ? For sure.

Unfortunetaly, we don't get to see the start of the incident. I'd like to know how exaxctly the cops asked the student to leave, how often, and which words they used. Were they polite ? Rude ?

Over here in germany, police officers also receive a bit of psychological training and know ways to talk someone into following their orders. Violence is always the last resort. I suppose it is the same in America.

It's a kid in a university library, for god's sake, not a gang member going berserk in south central.
Talk to him like a grown man would, let him pick up his bag and allow him to leave quietly, without causing stress. Why put unnecessary pressure on him in that situation ? Does it matter if it takes 10 seconds longer for him to leave ? He didn't pose a threat to nobody, did he ?

I believe both parties involved made mistakes / bad decisions. The student for not complying with police officer's oders in the first place, knowing that he couldn't produce proper ID; and the police officers for not having just a tiny little bit of patience when dealing with him.

Telling someone who has just been tazered to "get up, or you'll be tazered more" is just ridiculous. How is he supposed to even get up in that situation ? 50,000 volts will hurt like shit and I personally know nobody who'd be able to even crawl on the floor in any direction after getting one tazer shot, let alone 4 or more...

Moreover, tazering somone who is handcuffed is nothing short of police brutality. If you cannot subdue someone who is handcuffed and has just been tazered multiple times, you shouldn't be a police officer, in my opinion.

Again, I'll admit that I don't know how the whole thing started, and what words were exchanged before the tazering, but I do believe that both parties could have done better to handle the situation more relaxed and not let it escalate the way it did.
This is for all the people on this board who think he was unjustly tazed. 

I sent this to an investigator with the DA and he said "the video does not show what the officers are responding too, what was said when they got there, who they are dealing with, why he is "truely" being arrested, what forms of resistance he provided... basically a lot of unknowns here... so it would be unfair and inaccurate to draw detailed conclusions from just that portion of the video alone.  You would need to look at "Totality of the Circumstances".  However, from the video, the officers were well within their right to use force.  Using a tazer is a "use of force" like using a batton and the suspect dictates what is used according to the suspect's resistance.  In this case it appears as if he is both passive and aggressively resisting.  And with a potential angry mob building it was in the officer's best interest to get the suspect out of their ASAP."

Last edited by FederalRepublic (2006-11-17 07:48:40)


B.Schuss wrote:

Telling someone who has just been tazered to "get up, or you'll be tazered more" is just ridiculous. How is he supposed to even get up in that situation ? 50,000 volts will hurt like shit and I personally know nobody who'd be able to even crawl on the floor in any direction after getting one tazer shot, let alone 4 or more...
Also, American police, before being issued a tazer, must... you guessed it...

Get hit with a tazer themselves to know how it feels.

The kid was an attention whore, plain and simple. I really want to defend him, because I am not the biggest fan of law enforcement (I have Ice-T's metal epic on my mp3 player, ffs). He makes it really dificult to though. I would never swear at a police officer. Actually, I would never swear at anyone like that. The kid is just an asshole. Assholes deserve to be tazered. I know there's a time or two in my life when I should have been tazed.

Although I am kinda glad I wasn't.
+1,452|6430|The Gem Saloon
i shoot at least twice a week with cops, and while i dont condone what they did i can understand their actions........im guessing that this took place at a pretty liberal school, with his yelling about the patriot act, lol. im also guessing that school is rather expensive. which puts the majority of young people that go there into the my parents are rich and ill act how i feel category. now thats fine if they want to act like that, but you have to listen to the police. unless you can run fast enough to get away, you will get arrested if they want you in handcuffs. i dont know if it was all over his library card, but if it was all he needed to do was go to his room and produce his card for the officers to see. instead he argued and then screamed and flopped on the floor. now i dont think the number of times he was tased was right. i have been tased before and it took me a second just to get back to my feet....and honestly i was more worried about getting the metal taste out of my mouth than standing at that point. but heres my point, while it wasnt right for the little fool to act that way, the police also messed up bigtime with getting him while he was down.
+116|6660|Cherry Pie
I messaged both of the students quoted in that article on www.facebook.com .  I'm still waiting for their reply.  I ALSO WROTE TO THE GUY WHO WAS TAZED... LOL!! Here is what I wrote to them...

To Mostafa Tabatabainejad (guy who was tazed):
"Why didn't you just stand up?  LOL"

To Carlos Pierre Zaragoza:
"I read your quote in the article about the kid who got tazed in your library. And you seem to be on the side of the kid who directly disobeyed a Police Officers order and sat there on his butt screaming and crying like a baby. You need to review the law a little more and realize that if a person is not standing up and not listening to Police Officers it is resisting arrest and even though he was in hand-cuffs it doesn't mean you can't tazer an individual. The guy should have just listened to Police, stood up and left. He didn't so now he had to put a show on for his audience. I have watched COPS the TV show for a long time and NO ONE has ever screamed like that, EVER! This kid is just an idiot and if you see him on campus tell him the entire Internet thinks he is a dumbass. Have a nice day!


To ALi Ghandour:
"You listen to a Police Officer, you don't get tazed. You stand up when asked to stand up, you don't get tazed. I have seen it on COPS hundreds of times. An Officers asks something from you, you do it. Otherwise the Officer has to use force. I saw that video the person made of the incident and am in total support of the Officers. That kid was a crying little baby playing for his audience. And one last thing...


Going by your mantality, that is like me saying.


Hmmmmm, I wonder..... No wait, he just had a tail light out... "

If you guys are on facebook too, you should message them too.  Its kinda cool you can talk to these dudes who were part of this and tell them how wrong they are.

B.Schuss wrote:

Telling someone who has just been tazered to "get up, or you'll be tazered more" is just ridiculous. How is he supposed to even get up in that situation ? 50,000 volts will hurt like shit and I personally know nobody who'd be able to even crawl on the floor in any direction after getting one tazer shot, let alone 4 or more...
This is simply not true.  You recover instantly after being tazed. 

Here is an example:
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I have alot of complaints about this instance and I'm very distusted by everyone's support of the police in this instance.
Number 1. They not only said that he didn't have his libary card but they said that they didn't ask for any other form of school id, collage kids don't loose things.

Number 2. If the person was compling to the police and the officer put his hands on him while he was complying that's assalt on the police officers part.
Example if I'm in a park past it's opening and a cop come's up and tells me it's closed and I say ok let me grab my stuff. I pack up and start leaving if that officer where to grab me I'd be pissed as well. That's excessive force.

Number 3. I'm sure we've all seen alot of tazer video's and some of them they flip and hit the ground and freak out. The police motto is "To Protect and to Serve" that's including the people they have in custody, if the gentleman getting arrested started convulsing from the tazer he could have really hurt himself. Broken a shoulder, wrist, or anything else.

I was watching this video here of a tazering and the police helped the gentleman up, now if the police where just sitting there saying "Get up, Get Up" and he was handcuffed behind his back and just tazered it would be very difficult for him to stand.. If you don't belive me lay on the ground with your hands behind your back and try to stand up without making servir jerking motions..


Cops are humans and when you see an act of over aggression from them what do you do? I've seen many acts of aggration by certain police officers that could have been avoided and our current laws are worring me..

cpt.fass1 wrote:

I have alot of complaints about this instance and I'm very distusted by everyone's support of the police in this instance.
Number 1. They not only said that he didn't have his libary card but they said that they didn't ask for any other form of school id, collage kids don't loose things.

Number 2. If the person was compling to the police and the officer put his hands on him while he was complying that's assalt on the police officers part.
Example if I'm in a park past it's opening and a cop come's up and tells me it's closed and I say ok let me grab my stuff. I pack up and start leaving if that officer where to grab me I'd be pissed as well. That's excessive force.

Number 3. I'm sure we've all seen alot of tazer video's and some of them they flip and hit the ground and freak out. The police motto is "To Protect and to Serve" that's including the people they have in custody, if the gentleman getting arrested started convulsing from the tazer he could have really hurt himself. Broken a shoulder, wrist, or anything else.

I was watching this video here of a tazering and the police helped the gentleman up, now if the police where just sitting there saying "Get up, Get Up" and he was handcuffed behind his back and just tazered it would be very difficult for him to stand.. If you don't belive me lay on the ground with your hands behind your back and try to stand up without making servir jerking motions..


Cops are humans and when you see an act of over aggression from them what do you do? I've seen many acts of aggration by certain police officers that could have been avoided and our current laws are worring me..
The facts would help you better.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061117/ap_ … nt_stunned

1) You only have one college ID and he refused to show it.  When I was in college you had to have your ID to do anything and if you didn't have proper ID you were then trespassing on the campus. 
2) This guy refused to show his ID when asked for it and was placed under arrest after refusing to comply.
3) You can get right up after getting tazed.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I didn't say you can't get right up after getting tazed, I said it's hard to get up if you're handcuffed..
Baltimore Blowfish
The kid's an asshole.  The cops are assholes.  The onlookers are assholes.  I'm an asshole.  Fuck LA.

And people, for fuck's sake learn to spell.  Or use that big button in the bottom left that says "check spelling".  Thank you, that is all, assholes...
+116|6660|Cherry Pie

cpt.fass1 wrote:

I have alot of complaints about this instance and I'm very distusted by everyone's support of the police in this instance.
Number 1. They not only said that he didn't have his libary card but they said that they didn't ask for any other form of school id, collage kids don't loose things.

Number 2. If the person was compling to the police and the officer put his hands on him while he was complying that's assalt on the police officers part.
Example if I'm in a park past it's opening and a cop come's up and tells me it's closed and I say ok let me grab my stuff. I pack up and start leaving if that officer where to grab me I'd be pissed as well. That's excessive force.

Number 3. I'm sure we've all seen alot of tazer video's and some of them they flip and hit the ground and freak out. The police motto is "To Protect and to Serve" that's including the people they have in custody, if the gentleman getting arrested started convulsing from the tazer he could have really hurt himself. Broken a shoulder, wrist, or anything else.

I was watching this video here of a tazering and the police helped the gentleman up, now if the police where just sitting there saying "Get up, Get Up" and he was handcuffed behind his back and just tazered it would be very difficult for him to stand.. If you don't belive me lay on the ground with your hands behind your back and try to stand up without making servir jerking motions..


Cops are humans and when you see an act of over aggression from them what do you do? I've seen many acts of aggration by certain police officers that could have been avoided and our current laws are worring me..
Addressing your Number 1:  Were you right next to the guy when it happened?  Or did you read somewhere on the internet what you "think" happened?  None of us really know, but I put my faith in the Police Officers and not the guy screaming like a 2 year old baby and not standing up when asked to a million times...  College kids don't loose thigns?..  Most of them loose their virginity if it didn't already happen... That debunks that theory...  lol

Addressing your Number 2:  LOL!  "assalt on the police officers part", are you joking?  A Police man doesn't need a reason to touch you, they can touch you if he is under reason us suspicion or anything.  That kid was doing something wrong that required security and therefore it was more then necessary to touch him.  You need to review you knowledge of th law...  And from the looks of how you can't spell you are either not American, or too young to even have a say in this. 

You never saw what happened in the beginning of the incedent and since the Police Officers generally aren't the ones causing trouble, I put my faith with them...
"Several civil rights organizations, including Amnesty International and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, have called for an independent review."

The second CAIR gets involved, I side with the police.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
addressing your number 1: Nope I was in the same place that you were and read the same articals that you did, and I didn't pass over the part where it stated that they didn't ask for other ID.

"Tabatabainejad was walking with his backpack toward the door when he was approached by two UCPD officers, one of whom grabbed the student's arm. In response, Tabatabainejad yelled at the officers to "get off me." Following this demand, Tabatabainejad was stunned with a Taser"

That sounds like he was leaving and sould have been done to do so with out resistance from the police officer. He was obviously not under arrest so any Force by the police officer at the time was unlawful, hence assault..

"A police officer is privileged to apply the threat of force, or if necessary to apply actual force, in order to effect a lawful ARREST. A defendant who suffers injury as the result of "REASONABLE" force exerted by the police to effect a lawful arrest will not be able to sustain a lawsuit against the arresting officers for assault or battery."

EDIT; In order to make this arrest lawful, he would have to state that he was under arrest previous to the grabing his arm.

'Edouard Tchertchian, a third-year mathematics student, said he was concerned that the student was not offered any other means of showing that he was a UCLA student.'

That sounds like he wasn't offered any other means of showing ID?

Yeah I've never once heard of police officers abusing there power, or involved in anything illegal. Also when making fun of someone's spelling you should mind your own. You're right I'm 12 and from NJ which is New Jersey, it's not the one in the states it's on the moon.

Last edited by cpt.fass1 (2006-11-17 09:16:31)

Pew Pew!
+216|6884|San Francisco

FederalRepublic wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

Telling someone who has just been tazered to "get up, or you'll be tazered more" is just ridiculous. How is he supposed to even get up in that situation ? 50,000 volts will hurt like shit and I personally know nobody who'd be able to even crawl on the floor in any direction after getting one tazer shot, let alone 4 or more...
This is simply not true.  You recover instantly after being tazed. 

Here is an example:
Yeah, that guy clearly "recovered instantly" after being electrocuted... rofl.

They held him on the ground for a few minutes getting his cuffs on, and then there is a camera cut before showing him get up. For all you know he could have been on the ground five or six more minutes before that shot of him standing up. There would have been no need for a camera cut if the camera man had immediately panned back to him being assisted to the squad car by the cops, which means that he was on the ground for a little while longer before recovering.

You sir have a VERY LOOSE definition of "instantly."
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
And he only got hit with that for about one sec, as appose to 5-6 seconds...

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