Seriously, this is one BIG reason to invade the USA...we just don't get it - naming football "soccer" and calling [what we call football] football. Seriously, how dumb as that asshead who decided to name this degenerate sport "football, like they call soccer over there!" "Tackle" is better, or maybe "Pigskin!" Maybe some words that best describes the game..."Greedy-Steroidial-Fagdance-Assslap!"
Damn I hate american football. If there's a stupid sport, that's it...and baseball and basketball. Curling is cool, but football has to go.
Oh yeah, my family refers to soccer as "futebol" (FOO-chee-bol) like they say it in the futebol capital of the world! Pq não existe outra penta-campeão no mundo!
Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-11-15 13:40:37)