Is the answer Ethanol like in Brazil? Hydrogen Fuel Cells?
In California a recent ballot inititive failed that tried to raise gas taxes to fund alternative technologies:
CA - Proposition 87 - Would establish $4 billion program to reduce petroleum consumption by 25 percent, with incentives for alternative energy, vehicles, etc... To be funded with tax on oil producers
100% Precincts Reporting
No - 3,849,303 (55%)
Yes - 3,175,594 (45%)
Does this mean that we won't change technologies until we are forced to? Is the answer 'let the marketplace decide', or is there anything that the goverment can or should do to encorage the alternative technologies?
In California a recent ballot inititive failed that tried to raise gas taxes to fund alternative technologies:
CA - Proposition 87 - Would establish $4 billion program to reduce petroleum consumption by 25 percent, with incentives for alternative energy, vehicles, etc... To be funded with tax on oil producers
100% Precincts Reporting
No - 3,849,303 (55%)
Yes - 3,175,594 (45%)
Does this mean that we won't change technologies until we are forced to? Is the answer 'let the marketplace decide', or is there anything that the goverment can or should do to encorage the alternative technologies?