Scorpion0x17 wrote:
lowing wrote:
Scorpion0x17 wrote:
But it's not. Communism isn't about redistribution of wealth, it's about the people controlling the means of production. Sorry, to just repeat what I've already said, but this is actually pretty simple. One does not imply the other.
Kinda hard t ohave a "classless" society if some have more than others.
'Class' is not a measure of wealth and 'wealth' is not a measure of class.
You can be a working-class millionaire and you can be an upper-class destitute.
no actually a CEO could be clasified as "working class" by your difinition, he is after all working to run a company.
Class is meant to be divided by wealth, not by work ethic
lower class---poverty poor, low income
middle class--- majority of America, modest to very comfortable living.
upper class----- extremely comfortable living up to being rich
just admit it, when you are talking about no one having more than anyone else, and classless societies, you are talking about communism
don't try and tell me that a person making 12,000 a year could be considered upper class. You can't re-difine class to suit your argument. Either find another approach to convince me or admit you want communism t oprevail.
Last edited by lowing (2006-11-10 19:44:04)