A difficult water to tread indeed. I admit I'm once again in the middle on this subject. On one hand, I want freedom. I don't want to have to worry about men in suits in offices in the middle of Virginia listening in on what I do. I don't want to worry about "fingermen" (V for Vendetta ftw) taking me for "questioning" in the middle of the night. But likewise, I don't want terrorists in our country being able to discuss their plots with their buddies knowing the NSA won't listen in/surveillance them because they hold the constitution so dear.IRONCHEF wrote:
The patriot act is not dangerous because it can "help" fight the war on terror, or because it will prosecute those who are doing bad things....(it's already proven to not help that anyway). it's dangerous because it's shredded our constitution considerably. Ashcroft and Gonzales literally conspired to make it in a way that would negate constitutional rights for the sake of catching enemies foreign and domestic. IN doing so, they have committed the high crime and impeachable (punishable actually) offense of disregarding the constitution..something they were SWORN to uphold. That's all that matters. Because police can now perform search and seizure operations that were once protected by the constitution, that's enough to know it's bad.
Oh, the wiretapping you're referring to is different. That's a seperate abuse inflicted upon us by wrecking the constitution and avoiding the lawful court orders to do so according to the FISA agreements.
But hey, it's to be expected when the president and the attorney general consider the constitution as a goddamned piece of paper.
I think it was Ben Franklin who said "Those who give up freedoms for safety deserve neither.", and that's probably one of the most difficult statements to talk about. If we had no surveillance thing like the PAct (I haven't read it in detail so bear with my ignorance), and those British bomb plotters were in the US, what if they carried out their plans because nobody inspected? But again, what if it goes to the point of you not being able to buy a few household cleaning chemicals without the CIA/NSA doing a background check on you?