If you're like me at all, you've read through the voter information guide and are on the fence about a few issues because you don't know what the real story is.
I know it's a bit late but if you haven't voted yet and you're on the fence with some of the props, you might find it interesting to see who exactly are the ones funding the "NO ON PROP 85" ads and such.
1) Head to this page
2) Click on the prop you're interested in
3) Click on the name of a committee
4) Click the radio button labeled "Contributions received".
If you're a big nerd like me you can download the excel file and then create a pivot table of the resulting data so you can quickly total up all of the multiple contributions made from specific contributors.
For example, the No On 87 ads trot out the president of the state firefighters' association to tell us to vote down the prop.
But check out who's really behind the committee opposing this prop, who call themselves "CALIFORNIANS AGAINST HIGHER TAXES":
Another easy one: there's a committee called "CALIFORNIANS AGAINST UNACCOUNTABLE TAXES" who is against the 13-cent-per-cigarette-tax prop 86. This web site lets you see who this committee really is.
I'd been thinking about voting NO on all of the bond props, because I don't like the idea of throwing more money at inefficient government spending that will likely serve only to fill the pockets of government contractors. But I checked out who's supporting 84, and rather than obvious monetary beneficiaries, you have the Nature Conservancy and the California Conservation Action Fund.
Anyway this may help you avoid making a decision out of a lack of information.
I know it's a bit late but if you haven't voted yet and you're on the fence with some of the props, you might find it interesting to see who exactly are the ones funding the "NO ON PROP 85" ads and such.
1) Head to this page
2) Click on the prop you're interested in
3) Click on the name of a committee
4) Click the radio button labeled "Contributions received".
If you're a big nerd like me you can download the excel file and then create a pivot table of the resulting data so you can quickly total up all of the multiple contributions made from specific contributors.
For example, the No On 87 ads trot out the president of the state firefighters' association to tell us to vote down the prop.
But check out who's really behind the committee opposing this prop, who call themselves "CALIFORNIANS AGAINST HIGHER TAXES":
Another easy one: there's a committee called "CALIFORNIANS AGAINST UNACCOUNTABLE TAXES" who is against the 13-cent-per-cigarette-tax prop 86. This web site lets you see who this committee really is.
I'd been thinking about voting NO on all of the bond props, because I don't like the idea of throwing more money at inefficient government spending that will likely serve only to fill the pockets of government contractors. But I checked out who's supporting 84, and rather than obvious monetary beneficiaries, you have the Nature Conservancy and the California Conservation Action Fund.
Anyway this may help you avoid making a decision out of a lack of information.