RDMC(2) wrote:
Its kind of ironic, because they will kill Saddam because he killed many people (so he is a murderer) but doesn't that make the ones who said Saddam should die, aren't they murderers aswell? So they ought to be hanged to?
This exact irony is why I've become anti-death penalty. I'll still talk tough about certain people and say they deserve some sort of suffering (in rare occaisions), but in the end, I still believe it's the epitome of civil arrogance and vanity to think that any society, civilized or not, has the right to take life from those who took it (or didn't for that matter). When killing begets killing, it's a lose-lose situation. How arrogant are the men/women who make laws that condemn people to death.
I have a friend who is on death row in San Quentin prison who did some
gruesome murders and during their trial, I offered to testify on behalf of one of the killers (justin) giving a positive character profile of Justin from when I knew him in the early to mid 90's. During the trial, I learned to hate the prosecutor (and have learned to despise this killer after seeing him act in other cases in such a blood thirsty way) Hal Jewitt and it was during this trial that I kept up on closely (because Justin was an old friend) that i developed my understanding of how stupid the death penalty is.
For Justin's case, he should truly be punished for butchering 3 people, but being put to death?? Why? what purpose does it serve? "Closure?" How many times has a murderer been put to death (even "reformed ones") and we've heard the interview from the victim family members say nothing about closure, or having denied that it gave closure but instead saying "well, at least he won't hurt others..." No shit! They can't hurt others if they're locked away forever. For Justin, the dude was seriously mental during that splurging period of drug use, and I know him enough (now and before the murders) to know he'd never hurt a fly if he were out. I don't want him out of prison (unless by some miracle, there were some type of true rehabilitation process that could occur) or anything, but killing him? Why? He could do soooo much more good being alive.
Bah, i hate this topic. Too many people who think with vengence.