
CameronPoe wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

America invented a shitload of things:

Nuclear energy
First internet.

Need more to say?
No lowing is trying to make the point that America is the only country on earth that contributes anything to the world, which is a blatant lie. Europe is at the forefront of technology just like the US. The worlds only particle accelerator is in Switzerland for a start. Plus - one or two of your claims are erroneous:

Some European inventions/contributions:

Hydraulic Crane
Wind-up Radio
Automobile (Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot - France - NOT AN AMERICAN)
Petrol-powered automobile (Karl Benz - Germany - NOT AN AMERICAN)
Programmable Computer (Charles Babbage - England - NOT AN AMERICAN)
AC Electric Motor
Non-reflective glass
3-point Seat Belt
Artificial Kidney
Motion Picture Camera
Contact Lenses
Fuel Cell
Vacuum Pump
Printing Press
Airplane (Karl Jatho - Germany - NOT AN AMERICAN - 4 months before the Wright Brothers)
Nitrogen Based Fertilizer
BASIC programming language
Von Neumann computer architecture
Ballpoint pen
Safety Match
X-Ray Machine
Steam Engine
Microwave Radar

To name a few...
Cam please tell me where  Isaid that the US is the only nation on earth that contributes to the world....

You can't

What I did say was, a lot of the technology we all enjoy today was DEVELOPED/INVENTED in the US. Of course other countries improved and refined technology, also, I never said we invented everything. Like I said, you gave me the A380......which will probably bury airbus..........and the Concorde.......which was abandoned by the US as economically impractical......EU had to have it though so they could be proud of something I guess.

I gave you the airplane itself.........as well as the B747, 30 years prior to the A380............see the difference now?

Wise choice to add "contributions" to your claim or your list would be substantially shorter.

also seems to be a descrepicy in facts cuz some of what you have is credited to the US from WIKI.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Un … inventions

but hey we are getting way off track now....back on topic

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-05 09:31:01)


lowing wrote:

Cam please tell me where  Isaid that the US is the only nation on earth that contributes to the world....

You can't

What I did say was, a lot of the technology we all enjoy today was DEVELOPED/INVENTED in the US. Of course other countries improved and refined technology, also, I never said we invented everything. Like I said, you gave me the A380......which will probably bury airbus..........and the Concorde.......which was abandoned by the US as economically impractical......EU had to have it though so they could be proud of something I guess.

I gave you the airplane itself.........as well as the B747, 30 years prior to the A380............see the difference now?

Wise choice to add "contributions" to your claim or your list would be substantially shorter.
I reiterate:

Airplane (Karl Jatho - Germany - NOT AN AMERICAN - 4 months before the Wright Brothers)

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Cam please tell me where  Isaid that the US is the only nation on earth that contributes to the world....

You can't

What I did say was, a lot of the technology we all enjoy today was DEVELOPED/INVENTED in the US. Of course other countries improved and refined technology, also, I never said we invented everything. Like I said, you gave me the A380......which will probably bury airbus..........and the Concorde.......which was abandoned by the US as economically impractical......EU had to have it though so they could be proud of something I guess.

I gave you the airplane itself.........as well as the B747, 30 years prior to the A380............see the difference now?

Wise choice to add "contributions" to your claim or your list would be substantially shorter.
I reiterate:

Airplane (Karl Jatho - Germany - NOT AN AMERICAN - 4 months before the Wright Brothers)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Un…inventions ...better double check since you are big fan of wiki. it is not an airplane if you can't control it, which is why he isn't getting credit for it. If he can't control it it is a kite you ride on.

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-05 09:34:52)


lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Cam please tell me where  Isaid that the US is the only nation on earth that contributes to the world....

You can't

What I did say was, a lot of the technology we all enjoy today was DEVELOPED/INVENTED in the US. Of course other countries improved and refined technology, also, I never said we invented everything. Like I said, you gave me the A380......which will probably bury airbus..........and the Concorde.......which was abandoned by the US as economically impractical......EU had to have it though so they could be proud of something I guess.

I gave you the airplane itself.........as well as the B747, 30 years prior to the A380............see the difference now?

Wise choice to add "contributions" to your claim or your list would be substantially shorter.
I reiterate:

Airplane (Karl Jatho - Germany - NOT AN AMERICAN - 4 months before the Wright Brothers)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Un…inventions ...better double check since you are big fan of wiki. it is not an airplane if you can't control it, which is why he isn't getting credit for it. If he can't control it it is a kite you ride on.
Karl Jatho (February 3, 1873 - December 8, 1933) was a German pioneer and inventor, performer and public servant of the city of Hanover.

On August 18, 1903 he flew with his self-made motored gliding airplane 4 months before the first flight of the Wright Brothers. His first attempts he made with a plane having three lifting surfaces, but switched to two surfaces soon. They were modelled after the Zanonia seed, a seed that was known for its gliding capability. In contrast to the Wright Brother's planes, the wings were flat in profile and not curved.

And let's not forget the original ideas man: Leonardo DaVinci

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-05 09:35:49)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I reiterate:

Airplane (Karl Jatho - Germany - NOT AN AMERICAN - 4 months before the Wright Brothers)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Un…inventions ...better double check since you are big fan of wiki. it is not an airplane if you can't control it, which is why he isn't getting credit for it. If he can't control it it is a kite you ride on.
Karl Jatho (February 3, 1873 - December 8, 1933) was a German pioneer and inventor, performer and public servant of the city of Hanover.

On August 18, 1903 he flew with his self-made motored gliding airplane 4 months before the first flight of the Wright Brothers. His first attempts he made with a plane having three lifting surfaces, but switched to two surfaces soon. They were modelled after the Zanonia seed, a seed that was known for its gliding capability. In contrast to the Wright Brother's planes, the wings were flat in profile and not curved.

And let's not forget the original ideas man: Leonardo DaVinci
NOT CONTROLLED FLIGHT CAM..........that is the difference.

well hell if we are going to give DaVinci credit for inventing shit just cuz he drew a picture of it, I guess he invent helicopters to huh, and not ole Igor
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA
Another nice little nutmeg to add to this thread:
Only in the last ten years, however, has the British government announced that it now recognizes (primarily for educational purposes) Antonio Meucci (see below) as the 'first inventor' of the telephone. This was acknowledged even by the US Congress in 2003.

# 1849 Antonio Meucci, an Italian living in Havana, demonstrates a device he later called a telephone. (The demonstration involves direct electrical connections to people.)
# 1854 Charles Bourseul publishes a description of a make-break telephone transmitter and receiver but does not construct a working instrument.
# 1854 Meucci demonstrates an electric telephone in New York.
# 1860 Johann Philipp Reis demonstrates a "telephon" using a pressure contact transmitter after the make-break design of Bourseul and a knitting needle receiver. Witnesses said they heard human voices being transmitted.
# 1860 Meucci demonstrates his telephone on Staten Island.
# 1861 Reis manages to transfer voice electrically over a distance of 340 feet, see Reis' telephone.
# 1864 In an attempt to give his musical automaton a voice, Innocenzo Manzetti invents the 'Speaking telegraph'. He shows no interest in patenting his device, but it is reported in newspapers.
# 1865 Meucci reads of Manzetti's invention and writes to the editors of two newspapers claiming priority and quoting his first experiment in 1849. He writes "I do not wish to deny Mr. Manzetti his invention, I only wish to observe that two thoughts could be found to contain the same discovery, and that by uniting the two ideas one can more easily reach the certainty about a thing this important." If he reads Meucci's offer of collaboration, Manzetti does not respond.
# 1871 Meucci files a patent caveat (a statement of intention to patent).
And re: nuclear power
The first successful experiment with nuclear fission was conducted in 1938 in Berlin by the German physicists Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann.

During the Second World War, a number of nations embarked on crash programs to develop nuclear energy, focusing first on the development of nuclear reactors. The first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was obtained at the University of Chicago by Enrico Fermi on December 2, 1942 (Fermi was an Italian emigree)
On June 27, 1954, the world's first nuclear power plant to generate electricity for a power grid started operations at Obninsk, USSR. The reactor was graphite moderated, water cooled and had a capacity of 5 megawatts (MW). The world's first commercial nuclear power station, Calder Hall in Sellafield, England was opened in 1956

Last edited by Masques (2006-11-05 11:05:16)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

lowing wrote:

Only comment I have on the US "brain drain" without even reading your sources is............I agree with you.

I have long felt that America is in a moral, technical, and educational tail spin, I really have no idea what can be done about it. I do wonder if our open border policy that has crippled us is also a factor. Since it is no secret that the majority of people flowing into America has no interest in anything except exploiting it without giving back.
Seal the borders...now!
It's bullshit...  Illegal immigrants and outsourcing only take the low-skill jobs.  As a First World country, we should have a more educated and highly skilled workforce, but we don't because we'd rather spend more on war than on education.

If you want to blame anyone for our decline, blame the influence of the military industrial complex.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

fadedsteve wrote:

Liberalism, it's a mental DISORDER!!
We know, we know...  The terrorists keep saying it to their recruits.

Last edited by Turquoise (2006-11-05 11:11:02)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Kinda hard to focus on what the Us is supposed to do when people like Cameronpoe says mind our own business, but get out there and save the world.

Before you say it, the US contributes a lot more to this world than war, think about that the next time you turn the lights out in your house and get into your car to drive to the gas station to fill up for the trip to the airport while talking on your cell phone to let your wife know you are on the way. Once you get into the airport and sit and work on your computer while you wait to board your airplane to Africa to build a house. Probably using tools to do so, invented in the US as well. On the plane you can talk to the guy next to you about how worthless and selfish the US is, since you are free to do so.
I never said America was useless by any means.  I just think we are too aggressive.  If we spent less time on war and more time on humanitarian endeavors, the world would be in better shape.  Granted, I believe the best route of helping the world is through charity and private aid, rather than through the government.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Kinda hard to focus on what the Us is supposed to do when people like Cameronpoe says mind our own business, but get out there and save the world.

Before you say it, the US contributes a lot more to this world than war, think about that the next time you turn the lights out in your house and get into your car to drive to the gas station to fill up for the trip to the airport while talking on your cell phone to let your wife know you are on the way. Once you get into the airport and sit and work on your computer while you wait to board your airplane to Africa to build a house. Probably using tools to do so, invented in the US as well. On the plane you can talk to the guy next to you about how worthless and selfish the US is, since you are free to do so.
I never said America was useless by any means.  I just think we are too aggressive.  If we spent less time on war and more time on humanitarian endeavors, the world would be in better shape.  Granted, I believe the best route of helping the world is through charity and private aid, rather than through the government.
US history is full  of examples of humanitarian efforts, please stop acting like the US would rather war than anything else.
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

Lowing should be working in the White House, he has finally connected the war in Iraq with American border security.
If you can't see the connection to the war on terror with border security then YOU are truly a....................liberal.
lol, what the fuck does the war on terror have to do with Iraq?

Reciprocity wrote:

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

Lowing should be working in the White House, he has finally connected the war in Iraq with American border security.
If you can't see the connection to the war on terror with border security then YOU are truly a....................liberal.
lol, what the fuck does the war on terror have to do with Iraq?
oh gee, I dunno.......terrorists all over Iraq wanting to kill us, no secured borders in the US . Planes full of people fly into Canada, or Mexico, maybe a terrorist might think to fly into one of those countries and cross over into the US unchallenged.......hell I dunno, I guess ya got me on that one..............god I hate liberals, especially high school or college ones. I'll bet you were ummmmmmm 5 grade on 911

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-05 15:13:48)

Im Ron Burgundy?
Steam Boat FTW. ( american)
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon

lowing wrote:

oh gee, I dunno.......terrorists all over Iraq wanting to kill us, no secured borders in the US . Planes full of people fly into Canada, or Mexico, maybe a terrorist might think to fly into one of those countries and cross over into the US unchallenged.......hell I dunno, I guess ya got me on that one..............god I hate liberals, especially high school or college ones. I'll bet you were ummmmmmm 5 grade on 911
So the terrorists that we manufactured in and invited to Iraq want to kill us? HOLY FUCK!  I just enjoy the fact that in one thread title "Iraq is a work of art...", you take it from, Iraq is a fucked mess to it's those Mexicans who are destroying our culture, moral values, and ability to invent useless consumer shit.

Reciprocity wrote:

lowing wrote:

oh gee, I dunno.......terrorists all over Iraq wanting to kill us, no secured borders in the US . Planes full of people fly into Canada, or Mexico, maybe a terrorist might think to fly into one of those countries and cross over into the US unchallenged.......hell I dunno, I guess ya got me on that one..............god I hate liberals, especially high school or college ones. I'll bet you were ummmmmmm 5 grade on 911
So the terrorists that we manufactured in and invited to Iraq want to kill us? HOLY FUCK!  I just enjoy the fact that in one thread title "Iraq is a work of art...", you take it from, Iraq is a fucked mess to it's those Mexicans who are destroying our culture, moral values, and ability to invent useless consumer shit.
let me refine my post..............i will go with 4th grade on 911
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon

lowing wrote:

let me refine my post..............i will go with 4th grade on 911
It was the third grade, and I was 19, you know why?  those fucking Mexicans wasting all our eductation money on free wellfare and healthcare.

Reciprocity wrote:

lowing wrote:

let me refine my post..............i will go with 4th grade on 911
It was the third grade, and I was 19, you know why?  those fucking Mexicans wasting all our eductation money on free wellfare and healthcare.
I have absolutely no doubt it was the 3rd grade...............I am sorry i gave you so much credit.

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

lowing wrote:

If you can't see the connection to the war on terror with border security then YOU are truly a....................liberal.
lol, what the fuck does the war on terror have to do with Iraq?
oh gee, I dunno.......terrorists all over Iraq wanting to kill us, no secured borders in the US . Planes full of people fly into Canada, or Mexico, maybe a terrorist might think to fly into one of those countries and cross over into the US unchallenged.......hell I dunno, I guess ya got me on that one..............god I hate liberals, especially high school or college ones. I'll bet you were ummmmmmm 5 grade on 911
there are terrorists all over the world, and in even greater number in some countries than you would find in Iraq. Why didn't US government invade those countries then? And the reason US invaded Iraq is changed as often as people change their underwear. Terrorists, WMD, Saddam a bad man, operation Freedom bla bla bla
God I hate neo-cons...

Sacula wrote:

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

lol, what the fuck does the war on terror have to do with Iraq?
oh gee, I dunno.......terrorists all over Iraq wanting to kill us, no secured borders in the US . Planes full of people fly into Canada, or Mexico, maybe a terrorist might think to fly into one of those countries and cross over into the US unchallenged.......hell I dunno, I guess ya got me on that one..............god I hate liberals, especially high school or college ones. I'll bet you were ummmmmmm 5 grade on 911
there are terrorists all over the world, and in even greater number in some countries than you would find in Iraq. Why didn't US government invade those countries then? And the reason US invaded Iraq is changed as often as people change their underwear. Terrorists, WMD, Saddam a bad man, operation Freedom bla bla bla
God I hate neo-cons...
No  it has been consistant.........We invaded Iraq because they were breaking the UN resolutions ( peace treaty).......His actions toward the inspections lead the world to believe he might be involved with WMD's, we went back to Iraq for that reason.

YOu also were probably 9 or 10 on 911, so spare me with your worldly knowledge bullshit about who you hate and why.......live on your own, pay a mortgage, raise some kids..............basically, take on an ounce of responsibility for yourself instead of relying on Mom and Dad's provisions. Then come back and preach who you hate and why.

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-06 15:39:40)


lowing wrote:

Sacula wrote:

lowing wrote:

oh gee, I dunno.......terrorists all over Iraq wanting to kill us, no secured borders in the US . Planes full of people fly into Canada, or Mexico, maybe a terrorist might think to fly into one of those countries and cross over into the US unchallenged.......hell I dunno, I guess ya got me on that one..............god I hate liberals, especially high school or college ones. I'll bet you were ummmmmmm 5 grade on 911
there are terrorists all over the world, and in even greater number in some countries than you would find in Iraq. Why didn't US government invade those countries then? And the reason US invaded Iraq is changed as often as people change their underwear. Terrorists, WMD, Saddam a bad man, operation Freedom bla bla bla
God I hate neo-cons...
No  it has been consistant.........We invaded Iraq because they were breaking the UN resolutions ( peace treaty).......His actions toward the inspections lead the world to believe he might be involved with WMD's, we went back to Iraq for that reason.

YOu also were probably 9 or 10 on 911, so spare me with your worldly knowledge bullshit about who you hate and why.......live on your own, pay a mortgage, raise some kids..............basically, take on an ounce of responsibility for yourself instead of relying on Mom and Dad's provisions. Then come back and preach who you hate and why.
If thats true then why did US invade Iraq without UN backing them up?? If Iraq refused UN inspections isn't up to UN to decide what to make of it and not the world police? And no Bush has changed his reason to invade several times...if you believe anything else I know not to take you serious at all...no sane person can. And I was 23 on 11/9, even "living my own", with no money from parents. I studied and worked at the same time to be able to pay the rent

So you are saying that an older person with kids/paying mortgage/living his own know better than me? If so, a person older than you with kids and had experienced more in his /her lifetime should know better than you? And there sure are plenty of those around....

Last edited by Sacula (2006-11-06 16:28:09)


Sacula wrote:

lowing wrote:

Sacula wrote:

there are terrorists all over the world, and in even greater number in some countries than you would find in Iraq. Why didn't US government invade those countries then? And the reason US invaded Iraq is changed as often as people change their underwear. Terrorists, WMD, Saddam a bad man, operation Freedom bla bla bla
God I hate neo-cons...
No  it has been consistant.........We invaded Iraq because they were breaking the UN resolutions ( peace treaty).......His actions toward the inspections lead the world to believe he might be involved with WMD's, we went back to Iraq for that reason.

YOu also were probably 9 or 10 on 911, so spare me with your worldly knowledge bullshit about who you hate and why.......live on your own, pay a mortgage, raise some kids..............basically, take on an ounce of responsibility for yourself instead of relying on Mom and Dad's provisions. Then come back and preach who you hate and why.
If thats true then why did US invade Iraq without UN backing them up?? If Iraq refused UN inspections isn't up to UN to decide what to make of it and not the world police? And no Bush has changed his reason to invade several times...if you believe anything else I know not to take you serious at all...no sane person can. And I was 23 on 11/9, even "living my own", with no money from parents. I studied and worked at the same time to be able to pay the rent

So you are saying that an older person with kids/paying mortgage/living his own know better than me? If so, a person older than you with kids and had experienced more in his /her lifetime should know better than you? And there sure are plenty of those around....
THe US gave the UN 10 YEARS to do something about Iraq. and there isn't any....."if that is true " to it........It is true...The UN did nothing except pass resolution after resolution and never doing anything definitive against Iraq.

The US, in its OWN interests to national security, decided they had enough of the games, and based on wording from existing resolutions determained it had the right to go back to Iraq and force Iraq to comply.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Securit … ution_1441

Good you were 23.......I am talking to all these little kids on here that feel like they know someting of the world from watching nick jr and shit. In 1995 they were about 8 years old and didn't then or now, know a god damn thing. Todays 18 year old liberal is only a liberal because they think it is a cool, hippyish thing to be. Really they have no responsibilities in real life whatsoever. I do take satisfaction in knowing, like their hippy forefathers of the 60's their attitudes will change as REAL responsibilities are forced upon them.
Phorum Phantom
What does resived mean? or is it Revised?
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

US history is full  of examples of humanitarian efforts, please stop acting like the US would rather war than anything else.
I agree that we have a history of humanitarian aid, but we're slowly becoming less humanitarian and more militaristic.
BF2s Frat Brother
WTF is wrong with these people. All they do is kill kill kill....my God
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

lowing wrote:

If you can't see the connection to the war on terror with border security then YOU are truly a....................liberal.
lol, what the fuck does the war on terror have to do with Iraq?
oh gee, I dunno.......terrorists all over Iraq wanting to kill us, no secured borders in the US . Planes full of people fly into Canada, or Mexico, maybe a terrorist might think to fly into one of those countries and cross over into the US unchallenged.......hell I dunno, I guess ya got me on that one..............god I hate liberals, especially high school or college ones. I'll bet you were ummmmmmm 5 grade on 911
While it is quite possible that terrorists may enter our country through the Mexican or Canadian border, the question I have for you is this....  How do you secure thousands upon thousands of miles of coastline and land borders?  Building a wall is prohibitively expensive.  Bush's guest worker idea is one of the few policies he's come up with that I favor.  Immigration seems like one of the few issues Bush actually has a good grasp on.

Last edited by Turquoise (2006-11-06 17:20:12)

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