Pro-life means no abortions.IRONCHEF wrote:
You know, I'd like someone to tell me the difference between "PRO-LIFE" and "PRO-CHOICE." I don't believe they are properly named.
I"m under the impression that PRO LIFE means NO ABORTIONS, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. THese are the types to vote for Bush and other Republicans and to hell with other issues that actually matter (oh, and Bush has the same opinion as I do on abortion...risk of life to mother, rape, incest..etc so he's actually choice..if i'm right on what that means). I'm under the impression that the "CHOICE" party spans the options for abortion for ANY REASON including a narrowing option for abortion in certain circumstances.
Any thoughts on this? Please feel free to clear it up for me.
Pro-choice means the woman gets to decide if she wants an abortion, for whatever reason.
I'm pro-choice, because I believe a woman has a right to decide to do what she wants with her body.
The entire abortion issue depends on what counts as a life. Is it wrong to use any form of contraception, an idea long promoted by the Catholic church (because "every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good, every sperm is needed in your neighbourhood"), is the morning after pill wrong? That is essentially the same as an abortion. It's all just about the timeframe and what counts as life.