YES yes I know. This is from the EA website I Did not write any of this. I also could not find it on BF2s I did a search and if its already on here I'm Sorry.  Much of this is the same as BF2 guides so don't ding me on that either.  I accually did some searching on EA's site and thought this was interesting.


Basic tips for all classes

Hug walls and use obstacles
This means when you are advancing on an opposing position keep close to walls and use rubble for cover. These will provide you an amount of cover if you find yourself under fire.
Go prone when advancing a blind corner
Hitting the ground will reduce your silhouette. The smaller your silhouette, the less likely you will be seen coming around the corner.
When a Recon shoots run for cover
When a sniper takes a shot at you, remember that it takes time to reload the next round. This is the perfect time to run for cover instead of dropping to the prone position.
Short bursts or single shots are more accurate
Most weapons can switch to a single or burst shot mode. These modes are far more accurate, especially when you are looking through the weapon's sights in zoomed mode. The only exception to this is the support weapon. The support weapons will become more accurate the longer you hold them down, just be careful of overheating.
Remember you don't have to attack everything in sight
You can spot your enemies out for your fellow teammates and your air support.
Don't underestimate your enemy; you're not working against artificial intelligence
Don't get too frustrated, you're playing against another human opponent. Try and figure out their tactics and counter them.
Use your EMP's
These are very effective against not only ground targets but air targets as well.
Use APC escape pods to escape danger
The APC has boarding pods that can take you far away from danger when your APC is about to explode. Quickly switch to a gun port and hit your alt-fire button to activate the "escape" pod.
Plan your soldier’s advancement
Decide early on what sort of role you want to play. Investigate the 40 different unlocks and find the class you most want to play. Rising through the ranks and unlocking new equipment becomes progressively harder, so plan early to avoid picking unnecessary unlocks.


Bind a keyboard key to firing while sniping
Sometimes clicking a mouse button will move your mouse. Try binding an alternate keyboard key to firing so that you can avoid this.
Try using an APC boarding pod to board a walker to place your explosives
The boarding pods on the APC's aren't just for boarding a Titan; you can use them to board any other vehicle to get up close to use explosives. They can also be a good escape tool when nearing destruction.


Figure out what you want your Assault kit to do
Since the Assault kit is also the medic kit, figure out if you want your kit to be a medic, or a fighting soldier. This way you can utilize your unlocks to your advantage.
In the heat of fire use your smoke
If you choose to tailor your Assault kit to a medic make sure you use smoke grenades if you have to resuscitate or heal a group of soldiers on the field.


Try to stay close to a Supply soldier
The more ammunition you have, the better you can perform. Defend your supply line.
Be on guard when repairing vehicles
If you are on your own and repairing a vehicle, be on the lookout for enemies, they would like nothing more than to hop into your freshly repaired tank and kill you with it.


Fuel your troops well
When defending or assaulting a position make sure to effectively supply your troops with ammunition.
Place your turret overlooking a choke point
Practice on each map and determine where the chokes points are. These are ideal locations for your turret.

Platoon Commander

When commanding a larger map find a location that is away from view and safe from orbital strikes
The opposing commander will probably be looking for a static soldier on the map and will figure that they are commanding. When there's a break in the action try and move from location to location to keep them guessing.
On a smaller map, or a map with less people, you will need to play a more active role as a commander
Take the initiative to capture empty points, you're the one with the advantage on the field; take this advantage to move to unpopulated flags. Ride in armored vehicles as a medic, supply, or engineer; you don't need to be active to help another soldier out.
Scan for stragglers
When you have a UAV out and scanning, point out the key soldiers by right clicking and selecting spotted. This will alert your squads to these soldiers' positions. Use the UAV for groups, and the scan to weed out the snipers and lone flag cappers.
Crates can be used to repair damaged equipment
If your equipment is damaged, and you have a supply crate available, you can drop that crate near your damaged unit to repair it. This also works for damaged tanks and vehicles.
On larger maps, take the role of an engineer
You can save on using supply crates to repair if you are an engineer. If your equipment is damaged ride in an armored vehicle to repair it. You don't have to be actively wrenching on something to repair it when you're in a vehicle, and by being in an armored vehicle you're not exposing yourself to opportunistic gunfire.
If your base is able to be captured, guard it
There are maps where the enemy base might not be able to be captured, but yours is. Make sure you order a squad to guard your home base; this is where all your equipment and big vehicles are located. If they should capture it, they have free reign to destroy all your equipment and use all of your vehicles.
Supply, then artillery
If your squads are not in need of a re-supply use this to your advantage. Place a supply crate in enemy territory, and then wait a few moments for enemy troops to gather around it, and then let loose the artillery. Be aware that artillery in Battlefield 2142 is very quick to deploy.

Squad Leader

Follow your commanders' orders
He has the bird's eye view, and he has the equipment to see what you can't. If he's ordered you to a capture point there's a good reason, either someone needs backup or the point is clear of enemies and will be an easy capture. If you feel that they are not doing an effective job then you can offer a mutiny vote to remove them out.
Mobile spawning
This is one of the great benefits of using a squad. Your soldiers can spawn on you or your mobile SLSB. Try being assault as a squad leader with access to a med kit and get as many people in your squad as you can. Typically the best armed squad comprises three assault troops, a single supply troop, and two anti-tank troops. Position yourself as squad leader in a hidden spot near a flag. Let your soldiers use you as a spawning point and medical station. If played right you can take an enemy flag very quickly. Just make sure not to involve yourself in the firefight. Remember if you die, your squad won't be able to spawn on you.

Tips on Titan Mode

•  Take over as many silos as you can, obviously.
•  Your titan has defenses you can use. Move your Titan to a central location where you can defend one or more silos.
•  Neutralizing a silo is just as effective as capturing a silo. If you're starting to feel the heat, concentrate on disabling points and not capturing.
•  Keep your troops on the Titan well stocked. It takes a lot to take down a titan by destroying the core, but it will be a lot easier if you have multiple troops working and a constant supply crate.
•  You can take out the turrets on the Titan. Once some of these turrets have been taken down it will be easier to get your men onto the Titan to attack the core.
•  Try to have at least 2 soldiers defending your Titan by manning the guns.
•  If the enemy soldiers have landed a transport on your ship remove it quickly. This is a mobile spawn for the enemy forces, by removing the transport you will remove their spawn point.
•  When boarding a Titan using a ground APC aim your pods at enemy soldiers, or at the turrets on top of the Titan. You can use your boarding pods as weapons.
•  The enemy Titan is also a spawn point for the enemy. Make sure you watch your back when destroying enemy equipment in the Titan.

Tips on Capturing a Flag:

•  The more the merrier. Take the flag as a team. Remember that the more troops you have there to capture the flag, the faster it will capture.
•  Be wary of artillery. Make sure you plan cover to run to in case of artillery. If a commander sees a flag being taken, they will try to use artillery to clear your troops out.
•  Vehicles are good cover for taking a flag. The best way to capture a point is with at least 2 vehicles. This will allow you to carry more troops to a capture point, and will allow you to carry them quickly to the next point.
•  While capturing a flag ensure that there are no mobile spawn points or squad leaders in the area. You will want to eliminate any immediate flow of enemy troops to the capture area.

Tips On Holding A Flag

•  Make sure you have a supply crate, or a supply person and an assault with medic capability.
•  Set up around the capture area so that you can see the area, but are hidden from view and ready to ambush.
Nice summary
Jizz in my pants
+54|6799|Vancouver, USA
Good job.  +1 for you
cereal killer
+233|7071|the middle of nowhere
Doesn't deserve a good job. Anybody can press Ctrl+c and copy something off a website. Even the Semi-Retarded King_County_Downy can do it.    ( Spelled it right that time. )

Darkhelmet wrote:

Doesn't deserve a good job. Anybody can press Ctrl+c and copy something off a website. Even the Semi-Retarded King_County_Downy can do it.    ( Spelled it right that time. )
At least he made the effort. Have you?
Thanks Guys.
Temporary Messiah
+14|6717|Kalamazoo, MI
OP should have named thread "Help for FPS Newbs"

Useful...I guess. But no karma.
+50|6925|Cambridge UK
Cut and Paste ftw!
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6866|Doncaster, UK

tino275 wrote:

YES yes I know. This is from the EA website I Did not write any of this. I also could not find it on BF2s I did a search and if its already on here I'm Sorry.  Much of this is the same as BF2 guides so don't ding me on that either.  I accually did some searching on EA's site and thought this was interesting.
Jesus guys, give him a break. He's not trying to take credit for writing this.
+13|7001|Schlacht um Stalingrad
Whats the point in copying something of EA's website? Matter of fact, who gives a fuck?
good job tino, give all the newbs advice on how to kill the vets after they have played bf for years and had to learn all that stuff for them selfs thru trial and error, my advice to newbies is to play as a team or find a good clan, going prone is a great apart from wen you are under fire and cant stand up and leg it in a a hurry...

Rubix-Cubes wrote:

good job EA, give all the newbs advice on how to kill the vets after they have played bf for years and had to learn all that stuff for them selfs thru trial and error, my advice to newbies is to play as a team or find a good clan, going prone is a great apart from wen you are under fire and cant stand up and leg it in a a hurry...

Last edited by kimaera (2006-11-03 05:13:45)

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