With the approach of Armistice Day* on the 11th of this month I thought it would be nice for us to 'give a little back' as it were. I was unable to find an international charity for war veterans as this seems to typically be managed by smaller communities/charities so instead I thought it would be appropriate to try and raise some funds for the DMZs sponsored charity, War Child.

A donation page has been set up with who will also be able to provide a gift aid tax bonus to all donations from UK residents. This fund raiser will be running for the next month and I have set a target of £500 which I really hope we can manage.

I understand that some of you (particularly the younger among you) will not be in a position to donate because of lack of cash and cards. I ask that you donate some time instead. Ask your family and friends to visit the site and give a little something on your behalf. War Child do a great job all year round and are always deserving of the support so I'm sure you can make a good case. And besides, it might make your parents a bit happier that you spend your evenings playing a war game if you show that you are concerned about the realities of war.

I don't yet know how well the site handles international payments so would welcome feedback from any non-brit donors on how well they get on. Should this not be possible then I'll happily accept donations through the DMZ Paypal donations account** but this will be subject to Paypal fees. If you are aware of a similar charity donation site in your country (or a global one) that will offer the tax benefit or easier donations then please let me know.

Please donate here now!  -->

*Also known as Remembrance Day (Australia, Canada, UK and Ireland), Veteran's Day (USA) and Poppy Day (South Africa).
**All donations to the DMZ will be paid to War Child for the next month

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