and bitch ass Jon Kerry all visited my school today to promote Angelides for Governor. I felt pretty lucky, regardless of what party they belong to or what not, I respect the offices these people hold the same way some might cherish the clergy.
I was gonna vote for Arnold before but I dont know, angelides kinda pushed my vote towards his camp and I always liked Barbara Boxer, shes a pretty decent speaker but so so much older in person. Villaraigosa is a pretty damn good orator in my opinion and I dont see him losing any election in Los Angeles in the future save a scandal.
California 42nd place in school aptitude tests
California 48th place in students graduating high school and going directly to college
California 6th largest economy in the world. THE WORLD, CRAIG
I usually dont give a damn about local news or politics but since, for the time being, still STUCK at home.....
I was gonna vote for Arnold before but I dont know, angelides kinda pushed my vote towards his camp and I always liked Barbara Boxer, shes a pretty decent speaker but so so much older in person. Villaraigosa is a pretty damn good orator in my opinion and I dont see him losing any election in Los Angeles in the future save a scandal.
California 42nd place in school aptitude tests
California 48th place in students graduating high school and going directly to college
California 6th largest economy in the world. THE WORLD, CRAIG
I usually dont give a damn about local news or politics but since, for the time being, still STUCK at home.....