Finally somebody else gets the credit for selling the most arms. … 1029103208
I smell war. … 1029103208
I smell war.
like what? perfume?cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
France sells the most chemical weapons in the world.
Not really, Americans are pissed because we thought we had the monopoly of "Hey world go fuck yourself". Seems France has the same attitude and they are cutting in on our turfJahManRed wrote:
Come on you Americans are pissed because the Frenches are taking over.
Isn't the FAGOT Russian?kr@cker wrote:
hezbollah are using lots of french munitions, especially the FAGOT (no i didn't make that up) tandem warhead AT rockets
France didn't overtake the US - they only overtook them in sales to developing nations.Turquoise wrote:
Yuri Orlov: "Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars."
I was surprised France surpassed us in arms dealing, but this fits in perfectly with their hypocritical attitude towards war.
Last edited by hilltop2bit (2006-10-30 05:15:03)
I know they've had a few russian FAGOT pieces, including one of the earlier migs, dunno about the rockets thoughSpaceApollyon wrote:
Isn't the FAGOT Russian?kr@cker wrote:
hezbollah are using lots of french munitions, especially the FAGOT (no i didn't make that up) tandem warhead AT rockets
PS. Fagot = Bassoon
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-30 05:25:55)
The weather is ALWAYS good. I can't remember the last time we had decent rain.hilltop2bit wrote:
Hello all its DOCTOR EVIL here........... My Secret hideout is in a hollowed out volcano in france and my holiday house is in a hollowed out volcano in Russia.....I spread my evil everywhere i go....Buy from me and wait and see. PS i also holiday in Austraila when the weather is good lolol