-I think being able to "bash" people would be awesome. Either with your main weapon or with your pistol. This would then open up a space for possibly a new ribbon or maybe even a medal. But then again this might defeat the knife. Eh still a cool concept I think.

-Decrease the jump height, bunny hopping = no more

-Make maps for "interactive." For example, make it so you can go into every single building in Karkand. It would make it more of a city environment. Don’t you hate just running around with buildings in your way, I mean their not even building, more like obstacles because you can’t run through them but only around them. I think it would add more excitement also, storming rooms and such.

-Makes more things explode, yes the barrels are fun but I think more things need to go "boom" if you know what I mean

-Fix the stoopid parchute, I hate pounding my 9 button and have nothing happen

-Then you have the more obvious "glitches" in the game that need some help. Such as the guys leg sticking through the wall lol
+-1|7059|Tucson, Arizona
Totally agree! The "gang" (all 3 of us) that I play with brought up the same thing just the other night.  Nothing better than hearing the hollow sound of the butt of a gun against someones head.  Thought I feel I would be at the receiving end more often then not...

As far as the buildings--  This game is realistic on many levels, but as for building interaction it totally lacks. You're right, make the buildings actual BUILDINGS.  Doors, windows and all...  Also, on some maps with light structures, make them where they can be totally destroyed.  Tin roof immune to arty?  Please...  Give the ability to enter a buiding, defend it, us it as a fire base.  Awesome.  Think of the tactical possibilities...  But here's the question -- Do you take away the ability of the UAV and Scan to see through walls?  Would you make the UAV blind and only make the Scan see into buildings?  With the ability of arty and large muntions to destroy and damage buildings, there would have to be a line drawn.  No holes blown in a building safe from UAV?  Or only after damaged?  But then would this prompt a huge drive to blow up everything around?  Hm....  Great tactical and strategic question...  Would folks destroy a structure to keep it from the enemy, or keep it in case they need it later taking the chance the enemy will take it anyway?

Karkand, Sharqi and Mashtur would see massive, long drawn out battles where you would actually have to fight buidling to building rather than just run the streets...

Also, I feel that oil tanks, and oil fields on the maps that have them should be able to be blown up throwing smoke into the air inhibiting the ability or air defense or air supremecy. Think about it.  Blow them up on purpose to keep aircraft from being able to see down or blow them up so air defense can't see up.  Also, this could cause a fog on the battlefield limiting the distance people could see on the ground.  Make random wind effect so the smoke is never blown in the same direction?  Wind blowing away from the battlefield?  Wasted muntions...

Gulf of Oman, Zatar, and Oil Feilds would see some serious action...

Total environmental interaction.
SF has indoor maps
Tomarr Sovai
I think it should be more consistent. All Buildings schoud be destroyable.

The most hideouts you can shoot trough it, but its not destroyable. I never see a fance where you overrun with a tank and the tank gots damage, not the fance .
Un Moderador

yeah i love those ideas, but just imagine the time into making that and also... how the hell do u run that sort of thing(like the interactive part) you would need a bloody powerful computer or the game would take so long to load there would be no use in it.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7145|Bryan/College Station, TX
Make some buildings more realistic with shell holes in walls instead of windows. Make a series of them hollow so that interaction can happen inside. It makes the concept of Seek and Destroy a bit more prevelant and not to mention nice hidey holes for Squad Leader spawn points and Sniper roosts.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Out of Nowhere
+0|7038|Helsinki, Finland

Chodda wrote:

-Make maps for "interactive." For example, make it so you can go into every single building in Karkand. It would make it more of a city environment. Don’t you hate just running around with buildings in your way, I mean their not even building, more like obstacles because you can’t run through them but only around them. I think it would add more excitement also, storming rooms and such.
I've been tempted to suggest this too, but never got around with it.

Sniping in urban environment cries for these buildings, so that every building could be entered and every building would have floors. I dont know why this hasent been implanted yet, e.g. Operation Flahspoint 2 had buildings that could be entered without a problem. They where small cottages but still they had atleast 2 floors.

If they really want to improve BF2, improve it by doing the buildings better.

And now that we are discussing about environment, it should be noted that the grass in BF2 is way, way too low. The grass should be much longer in maps, specially in the maps which are located in a more warm territorry.

Hmm, that's it for now.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Remember, BF2 was just a test run, SF has a lot of the updates we all wanted to see originally... particulary the more indoor, close quarters combat.
Hmm I'm not going to get into an argument here, but they shouldn’t have to released another game to fix the bugs. Fix the bugs in the original game first
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Chodda wrote:

Hmm I'm not going to get into an argument here, but they shouldn’t have to released another game to fix the bugs. Fix the bugs in the original game first
Yea, you would think that would be a good business strategy... if only EA thought the same way.
Have to agree with Chodda though.

BF2 plays like an Alpha Test, let alone a beta test.

I mean come on guys, I can't even click on a server in the multiplayer game list without it hanging for 10 seconds and someone taking the 63/64 spot I was trying to get in the delay.

There are a ton of bugs, balance issues, miscellaneous glitches, and problems with hacks that punkbuster is failing to keep tabs on.

Hell, just a few things to rag on:

- Unlocks. Some are useless. Some are required for the class to be halfway useful. If you want to specialize in a single class, you can't unlock anything further for your class. No new equipment, no nothing. Would be nice for engineers to have some kind of alternative to the woefully underpowered AT mines, for example.

- Projectiles being "lost". I can shoot someone direct with a tank blast on my end, and on their end they say I never fired anything at them. I can be running along the ground, and die to a "hand grenade" that didn't exist on my screen. I've been on ventrilo with a friend who drove over C4 despite me telling him it was on the ground. He said he couldn't see it because it didn't exist on his screen. Hell, I've taken direct enemy tank hits while in an APC and my APC suffered no damage.

- Incorrect or glitchy hitboxes. One shining example being attack choppers. Rotors aren't even part of the box, and I've had TV missiles go through targets both air and ground instead of destroying them.

- Damage "double standards". I can't count the amount of times I've walked up behind an assault, put 3 triples of the USMC AR into him, and he spins around and kills me with a single AR101 shot.

- Parachutes apparently are supplied by ACME, and we apparently got the shipment meant to be sent to Wile E. Coyote. The chute only deploys like 50% of the time.

- Questionable balance in a lot of spots. For example, the utter inretaliability of jets. Grenade launcher attachment also comes to mind. The best anti-air in the game (at least vs helicopters), for some reason, is a truck with a Vodnik? Uh, what?!?

- Accidentally clicking "Find Server Now" when trying to click disconnect = you get to reboot your computer!

- Very frustrating to play the game as a squad. Most of the servers are either completely full, or completely empty (or empty to the point of not being worth joining). Once you actually do get in to one, you have to fight past autobalance / server has moved you to the wrong team. And why does autobalance balace the teams by people instead of by STATISTICS.

- Map design is lacking both in quantity and quality. Unfortunately, there are only 3 maps that are enjoyable (at least to me), those being Sharqi, Karkand, and the odd Oman game (so long as the planes aren't too much of a pain). Most of the other maps either are 1. dominated by air 2. too many vehicles (ie. zatar wetlands, songhua stalemate) 3. too few vehicles (ie. Mashtuur), or 4. just have way too many flagpoints and require huge jumps between base to base to get to the action. Thus why there are so many urban only servers. And then there's only 13 total maps. The shareware version of Doom had like that many.

Really, let's get BF2 released first before we worry about an expansion pack, shall we.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Sud wrote:

- Parachutes apparently are supplied by ACME, and we apparently got the shipment meant to be sent to Wile E. Coyote. The chute only deploys like 50% of the time.
I hate to point this out, but parachutes are meant to be deployed when jumping out of high flying jets/choppers. In no way does BF2 intend to make them dual purpose for high altitude parachuting and BASE jumping off some stupid roof. (Which btw, it's impossible to parachute off a 2 story building). I think we need to get real here and understand that we are trying to use them for a different purpose, thus they can be unreliable.
Hah yeah, you are correct on that. But then again, when you see an ally doing it succesfully, and it doesn't duplicate properly for you, it either needs to work consistantly or not at all, no double standards. We got enough of those with the weaponry.
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7053|Cohog, RI

LoaderX wrote:

Do you take away the ability of the UAV and Scan to see through walls?  Would you make the UAV blind and only make the Scan see into buildings?
UAVs have heat vision satellites would too.

LoaderX wrote:

As far as the buildings--  This game is realistic on many levels, but as for building interaction it totally lacks. You're right, make the buildings actual BUILDINGS.  Doors, windows and all...  Also, on some maps with light structures, make them where they can be totally destroyed.  Tin roof immune to arty?  Please...  Give the ability to enter a buiding, defend it, us it as a fire base.  Awesome.  Think of the tactical possibilities...  .
If buildings could be destroyed I think it would be even better if they could be repaired.  it may take longer than normal but a bonus would be nice for those engineers to repair. 

Silly thing to add is a catapult .... I want to have a catapult..  launch from the ship to shore.  while you are in the air you can parachute down. 

so you fly as far as the person aiming you can shoot you. but if your parachute fails to open... splat

just a random thought from randomfire1977
I would turn that idea into the world's first patented C4-A-Pult (tm)
you guys do know there is a drop delay for the chutes? you cant pull your chute for until you fall far enough (your gun dissapears). i just say that because i have *never* had a problem with my chute, even when dropping off of 2 or 3 story buildings, but ive had plenty of times when i tried to chute down something, only to realize too late that its too high.

Name one Unlock that is uselss. dont say sniper, its a great alt for MEC and PLA without disrupting game balance.

for half of your problems, i assume your playing on a ranked server that you have played on before, running a system that meets all recommended requirements, and have a ping < 60? if not, well, blame the internet, not EA.

Rotors arent part of helicopters because it would make the game much more difficult. if your rotors hit anything, you would blow then and there. id rather rotors not be hitboxes, but be able to rotor through buildings, makes flying the heli alot easier low, fast, and urban.

in a nutshell, most of the problems you discribe, ive never experienced. and i assume you have re-made an account...if your sig is your only account, play the game more before making those kinds of assertations.

and if you have that many complains, there are other games out there....
Hmm, well I'm going to have to agree with Sud And, don't tell me to play the game more If you say you've never had parachute problems... well then I guess you are Houdini... because everybody I play with complains that their chute didn’t open and they died.

LMAO a catapult?

Oh and you should be able to kill people with your blades. If we can have numbnuts over here sweeping the carrier deck with a plan, I wanna be able to lop some heads with my blades. Is that too much to ask?
Wow, All I have to say is WOW. Wtf did they do to the TV Guided missle... wtf.
If you want to make all buildings interactive and destroyable, just think of how much physical memory you would need for a map like Karkand.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

NamelessMarine wrote:

If you want to make all buildings interactive and destroyable, just think of how much physical memory you would need for a map like Karkand.
True, but DICE could wise up and make highly efficient code. Or maybe they want to give back to the community and they include 2 extra GB of ram for everyone
Mass Media Casualty

To expand the destructibility idea, which I have been thinking about for a long time.

You know what I'd like? I'd like EA to deliver on what I believed to be their promise. Didn't the initially say "fully destructable" environments? I beleive it was to "teach players the difference between concealment and cover."
As far as I can tell the only things destructable in the environment is bridges and those fuel barrels. I'd like to see a demolitians expert to be able to blow a hole in the side of a closed off building so that he and his squad can create an HQ, or shelter from a tank. I'd like Karkand to be in fucking ruins after a huge battle. I'd like to see a fleeing soldier desperatly throw a grenade against a locked door in an attempt to blow it open.

I'm sure this would be ridiculously hard, like Namelesss Marine pointed out. A definate option for Battlefield three, or four. Since it was one of the things I was most looking forward to in Battlefield 2, and perhaps I misread what EA was trying to say, I was rather put off. Still, can't really argue with an awesome game like BF2. I accept that this is some hardcore programming to make this destruction thing work, and I am enjoying the game greatly regardless.
[Blinking eyes thing]

LoaderX wrote:

s far as the buildings--  This game is realistic on many levels, but as for building interaction it totally lacks. You're right, make the buildings actual BUILDINGS.  Doors, windows and all...
Not until everyone has FIOS, buddy.

Moving that amount of "what has blown up, fallen down, and where" from each client to server and back to each client would require nearly a dedicated T1 for the clients and something near an OC3 for the server. (Ok, that might be over stating it, but it'd definately be WAY WAY more than what DSL could handle.)
Hmm yeah. I would love that environment. Ha the game is a processor hog to begin with... imagine if we added all these "special features."

And to refer to my previous post…. It seems that EA loves to destroy everything I enjoy in this game with another stoopid patch. Being a leet gunner in this game was one thing I enjoyed and is why I liked this game. It’s a game, it’s meant to be FUN. But noooooo EA needs be a bunch of wussies and add a special touch to their tv guided missile feed. The whole screen is now one giant mess of waves and pixilated crap. I went to scope a tank (not moving) and hit that sucker dead in the turret. I MISSED! The freaking camera went right through the tank and lo and behold the tank just rolls away through the smoke. Again, in the same map my missile proceeds to go right through a helicopter…. damn this new patch. You would think that if EA is trying to add “realism” to this well then they are entirely wrong. The United States Marines (or any military) has the most advanced technology on the Earth. Most of this technology has never even been seen by the general public. You would think that over time the tv guided missile feed would improve.. but yet EA insists on making it worse

gg ea games... gg
Your all right!!! EA have in a way mucked up an almost perfect game! I like the ragdoll engine... but there should be destructive scenery and the tk puish should be revised. (im always getting punished for accidental tk's). i think that also the ranking system takes to long to achive a high one, and there are so many bugs not yet solved by any patch like my "progress to next rank bar is never high lighted"! Basically EA are dicks! dice should have gone to another pubisher... the same with BF vietnam, they rushed them to get it done, and it was only a money making sceme!!!!!!

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