
Phantom2828 wrote:

What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife?
Well personally I have a baseball bat and a souvenır sword from Sweden lyıng nearby ın my bedroom but other than that ıt ıs a matter for the polıce. It ıs theır duty to ensure crıms are caught and that crıme ıs kept to a mın level. It ıs not for Joe Soap on the street to get all vıgılante.
+51|6785|Land of the free

CameronPoe wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife?
Well personally I have a baseball bat and a souvenır sword from Sweden lyıng nearby ın my bedroom but other than that ıt ıs a matter for the polıce. It ıs theır duty to ensure crıms are caught and that crıme ıs kept to a mın level. It ıs not for Joe Soap on the street to get all vıgılante.
I doubt you could stand up to a criminal.
LOL the police! Don't make me laugh. They take on average like 10 mins to get to you.
Somebody could easily kill you in 30 secs.
+51|6785|Land of the free

Vilham wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

OP fails. Gun crime ın Ireland ıs practıcally non-exıstent. Gun ownershıp ıs ıllegal. In Ireland ıt's safe to walk the streets at nıght. Go fıgure.
I doubt Ireland has as much of a gang problem as US.
Hey Cam can you find drugs in Ireland? If so you can find guns.
What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife? Yeah its soooo safe to walk the streets in Ireland................ intill somone pulls a knife on you.
If Cameron had a gun so would the crim, and the crim would pull the gun first meaning rather than facing an oppenent with a knife who he can run from he is facing someone with a gun who will kill him before he can run or draw his gun. THINK FFS!!! YOU ARENT SUPER MEN!
There is a law preventing fucking felons from buying handguns dumb fuck!
There is also a waiting period on handguns along with a background check!
A gun is an equalizer, would YOU want to fight toe to toe with a criminal with a crowbar? Or would you rather just shoot him.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6839|SE London

Phantom2828 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife?
Well personally I have a baseball bat and a souvenır sword from Sweden lyıng nearby ın my bedroom but other than that ıt ıs a matter for the polıce. It ıs theır duty to ensure crıms are caught and that crıme ıs kept to a mın level. It ıs not for Joe Soap on the street to get all vıgılante.
I doubt you could stand up to a criminal.
LOL the police! Don't make me laugh. They take on average like 10 mins to get to you.
Somebody could easily kill you in 30 secs.
Seems like a very paranoid mentality.
I would hate to live like that.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

As for the Brits, There's More people Against the BAN on long guns than for it, believe me.
That's totally untrue. The vast majority of people in the UK are in favour of the gun ban.

In the UK there is a gun ban and also a much lower homicide and gun crime rate. Despite similar levels of gang activity to the US. Probably more gang activity in fact because less of the UK is rural than the US due to it's size.
It could be, as some people have suggested, that Americans are inherently more violent, but I think it has more to do with the gun control laws. The gun crime rates, which dropped significantly when the ban was imposed, would seem to add weight to this argument.
Calmer than you are.
Arguments against guns:

ATG wrote:

I just wish there was a gun law that let me shoot illegal aliens.
I rest my case.
One Shot, One Kill ... Always
i have guns   a shotgun for defense and 2 .22 cal rifles for fun   couldnt live without them
A God Amongst Men
Ive been reading up on this so i feel that I'm not just giving unbacked  opinion so I consulted the FBI database to what was what in gun crime in USA and then compared it our own murder rate in UK and what cross section or that is gun related and what is knife or other weapons related.


Year Number of Murder offenses Rate per 100,000 per Capita(mean not directly comparing the total amount of murders but comparing for ever 100.000 people the rate of murder and attempted with gun and without ) inhabitants Deemed unjustifiable by law (including attempted murder)
2003 16,528
2004 16,137

Of those incidents in which the murder weapon was specified, 70.3 percent of the homicides that occurred in 2004 were committed with firearms. Of those, 77.9 percent involved handguns, 5.4 percent involved shotguns, and 4.2 percent involved rifles. Approximately 12.4 of the murders were committed with other types or unspecified types of firearms. Knives or cutting instruments were used in 14.1 percent of the murders; personal weapons, such as hands, fists, and feet, were used in 7.0 percent of murders, and blunt objects (i.e., clubs, hammers, etc.) were used in 5.0 percent of the homicides. Other weapons, such as poison, explosives, narcotics, etc., were used in 3.6 percent of the murders. (Based on Table 2.9.)

Justifiable Homicide
Certain willful killings must be reported as justifiable, or excusable. In the UCR Program, justifiable homicide is defined as and limited to:

The killing of a felon by a peace officer in the line of duty.
The killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.
Because these killings are determined through law enforcement investigation to be justifiable, they are tabulated separately from the murder and nonnegligent manslaughter classification.

During 2004, law enforcement agencies provided supplemental data for 666 justifiable homicides. A breakdown of those figures revealed that law enforcement officers justifiably killed 437 felons and private citizens justifiably killed 229 felons. Tables 2.15 and 2.16 provide additional information about justifiable homicides.

So thats .... less than 1000 murders that were justifiable by people protecting themselves from a felon and thats 70 % of the 16000 odd murders that were deemed unjustifiable where using firearm of some sort and only 14% used knives and even less with blunt objects.

Those figures off your government at … urder.html

Here are the figures for Murder in UK … factsheets

These figures are comparable because both are how much murder / attempted murder per 100.000 people so difference in population is not an issue here because we are looking at the ratio of murder per 100.000 people not the over all amount of murder is comparable.

How much gun crime is there ? (in the UK)
[The figures cited throughout this factsheet come from the Home Office and police organisations].

In less serious incidents of violence against the person, firearms were involved in 4,568 offences – a 31% increase from 2003/04.
Firearms were used in 73 homicides in 2004/05 (under one in ten of all homicides), five more than the previous year.
March 2003 - March 2004  Total murders per 100.000 inhabitant =  853 (including attempted murder)

One thing I have found out is the FBI is much better or at least give perception they can count crime better because to find the UK statistics was slightly harder because we have surveys of perception of crime and survey of reported crime i tried to stick to reported crime. Now as for what the figure say I'm not saying that guns simply being there is the reason why the rates are higher its America's attitude to them and they way the media portrays guns on top of the general perception that the right to have arms makes you safer. I'm not saying that you dont have the right to protect your families all I'm saying is that making it a balanced playing field doesn't mean your come out on top or even anyone will if you both have guns one person illegally and the other legally how does it make it safer you can both shoot each other ? people have argued about logical argument when you give both people guns i can tell you it hardly ever stops people getting shot. 

The argument that people will kill each with or without guns is true yet for a few simple things guns are designed for range killing and you must be

A) A lot closer and determined to give someone with knife or blunt object therefore making people think harder about killing when you have to physically drive the knife through someones heart which i can probably guess is alot more personal and you can feel the the life drain away from them than simply picking up a gun and shooting someone from anything from 3 metre to 2 miles away with modern sniper rifle.

B) crazy if you think that training helps win you the firefight because what if the person shooting at you gets a lucky shot and it just happens to hit you in head no amount of training is going to save you it may help you be more skillful at shooting but as many police officers will testify that has been wounded in the line of duty that the fact they could shoot well didn't increase their chances of not getting shot maybe it increases your chances of shooting someone but there will always be a time where the odds are not in you favour.

On top of all that the criminals that rob houses don't usually intend to kill you so therefore threatening them with a gun if they have an illegally obtained gun will only further serve to make the situation worst. I know someones going to say but what if they re coming to kill you whole family ? well for a start they probably know you someone close to you and will have prior knowledge of what the best way to get into your house when and will do it when there is least resistance so night time for most people when they re asleep so when they shoot you where you lie what difference does it make if you have a gun ? surely a really good lock on you door if you that paranoid would be a better choice. That said that happens less than a drive by from a gang you more likely to get shot in the crossfire than in you house by a total stranger and having a gun then like someone has already said is pretty useless considering you would have to be quick draw McGraw to even get a shot off never mind an excellent shot to hit anyone in the fast moving car.

My point is more times having gun when your being attacked only serves to either make things worse or does nothing at all and when it does it only balances the playing field. So you see the problem cannot be thought of in such simple terms as if someone has a gun i better have gun to fight back because it just doesn't work like that. I do think that not have having guns decreases the amount of murder simply due how easy it is to kill someone with a gun but with USA now they have had the right to own guns for so long means that its a deeply seeded in their culture and banning gun in USA probably wouldn't work straight away because its not as simple as taking the guns away but once they get used to it then it they might realise that being able to defend yourself doesn't always mean you can, i don't think it will ever happen in my life time though.

These are my views only I'm not saying they are the truth wholeheartedly 10 times out 10 but the figures don't lie and FBI have no reason to lie about this and neither do BCS (British crime survey) because non of the figures help the UK and USA in anyway so their is no reason to make them up.

Last edited by Recoil555 (2006-10-29 17:54:45)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6839|SE London

Phantom2828 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

I doubt Ireland has as much of a gang problem as US.
Hey Cam can you find drugs in Ireland? If so you can find guns.
What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife? Yeah its soooo safe to walk the streets in Ireland................ intill somone pulls a knife on you.
If Cameron had a gun so would the crim, and the crim would pull the gun first meaning rather than facing an oppenent with a knife who he can run from he is facing someone with a gun who will kill him before he can run or draw his gun. THINK FFS!!! YOU ARENT SUPER MEN!
There is a law preventing fucking felons from buying handguns dumb fuck!
There is also a waiting period on handguns along with a background check!
A gun is an equalizer, would YOU want to fight toe to toe with a criminal with a crowbar? Or would you rather just shoot him.
You also have to remember that in the UK if you shot or in any other way injured a criminal breaking into your house your would probably be prosecuted for it (something I am quite against). There have been many cases of criminals being shot by legitimate gun owners in the UK when breaking in and the shooters have been sentenced to several years of jail time.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7038|Great Brown North

Bertster7 wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

If Cameron had a gun so would the crim, and the crim would pull the gun first meaning rather than facing an oppenent with a knife who he can run from he is facing someone with a gun who will kill him before he can run or draw his gun. THINK FFS!!! YOU ARENT SUPER MEN!
There is a law preventing fucking felons from buying handguns dumb fuck!
There is also a waiting period on handguns along with a background check!
A gun is an equalizer, would YOU want to fight toe to toe with a criminal with a crowbar? Or would you rather just shoot him.
You also have to remember that in the UK if you shot or in any other way injured a criminal breaking into your house your would probably be prosecuted for it (something I am quite against). There have been many cases of criminals being shot by legitimate gun owners in the UK when breaking in and the shooters have been sentenced to several years of jail time.
gotta love a law where defending your home gets you arrested and the criminal set free

Phantom2828 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife?
Well personally I have a baseball bat and a souvenır sword from Sweden lyıng nearby ın my bedroom but other than that ıt ıs a matter for the polıce. It ıs theır duty to ensure crıms are caught and that crıme ıs kept to a mın level. It ıs not for Joe Soap on the street to get all vıgılante.
I doubt you could stand up to a criminal.
LOL the police! Don't make me laugh. They take on average like 10 mins to get to you.
Somebody could easily kill you in 30 secs.
Who would want to kill me? If anyone breaks in, they're interested in stealing my things, and they're not going to disturb me if they can help it. And they probably have a gun. And if they did disturb me, I would be the one on the recieving end of any firearms. I'd rather they just couldn't get a gun, at least they'd have to be near me to hurt me. And there's always the baseball bat at the foot of my bed.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7003|Houston, TX
So I just recieved the report of people going too far in a post. 

Vilham - you've gone so far as to take a topic about gun laws and retort by talking/insulting about a specific group.  Keep it cleaner or be gone.  Your post shows that you are aware that you are on thin ice.  Proceed and fall thru at your own peril.

All others - be aware that this is debate and serious talk.  The topic is gun laws and the OP has put forth his opinion.  Keep civil.  Debate.  Understand that you might have to agree to disagree.   Refrain from letting your anger take control of your argument.

That is all.

+51|6785|Land of the free

jonsimon wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Well personally I have a baseball bat and a souvenır sword from Sweden lyıng nearby ın my bedroom but other than that ıt ıs a matter for the polıce. It ıs theır duty to ensure crıms are caught and that crıme ıs kept to a mın level. It ıs not for Joe Soap on the street to get all vıgılante.
I doubt you could stand up to a criminal.
LOL the police! Don't make me laugh. They take on average like 10 mins to get to you.
Somebody could easily kill you in 30 secs.
Who would want to kill me? If anyone breaks in, they're interested in stealing my things, and they're not going to disturb me if they can help it. And they probably have a gun. And if they did disturb me, I would be the one on the recieving end of any firearms. I'd rather they just couldn't get a gun, at least they'd have to be near me to hurt me. And there's always the baseball bat at the foot of my bed.
Murders happen all the time when someone breaks into your house thinking your not home. They soon discover you are home and panic usually attacking you.
Like I have said MANY times a gun is an equalizer.
I would much prefer that I have a gun than have to fight toe to toe.
Even my grandma could kill the strongest of criminals.
Even if guns are outlawed criminals will still get them, this has been proven. I am sure you can easily find drugs where you live jonsimon so I am sure you can find guns. Just because guns are not banned doesnt mean the criminal will have one. You do know we have waiting periods and laws preventing felons from getting weapons right.
+4|6849|Sydney Australia
Lets compare the UK and USA
UK (Where not even the cops carry guns) HAND GUN DEATHS 15
feeding the BF2S community since 2005.....

Phantom2828 wrote:

MECtallica wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

Imagine this. Every woman has a nice little gun that they keep with them at all times and criminals know this.
Do you think there would be any more rape?
No! I would imagine the man would overpower her, steal the gun and shoot her with it. There would be more murder then.
I don't think so.
All it takes is one bullet to put you down. All the women would have to do is point and pull.
There is almost no way she would get the gun taken.
if you think that then you are naive.   just my 2 cents.

Why is it that everyone tries to benchmark one country against another, while completely ignoring culture?

Vilham wrote:

WTF is wrong with your country, ffs no wonder you all love war so much.
You should be talking, Brit.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-29 21:02:05)

Not Human Anymore
+144|6902|Seattle, WA

CameronPoe wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife?
Well personally I have a baseball bat and a souvenır sword from Sweden lyıng nearby ın my bedroom but other than that ıt ıs a matter for the polıce. It ıs theır duty to ensure crıms are caught and that crıme ıs kept to a mın level. It ıs not for Joe Soap on the street to get all vıgılante.
Vigilantism is quite different than self protection Cam, you should know that.  It has been proven time and time again and ask most police, at least here in the U.S., and they will flat out tell you that you can't always rely on the police, why,

Bad guy busts in your house:

Cam: oh BG please wait, I'm calling the police, can you put down that knife/gun and wait for them to get here, thanks.

BG: Sure, NP

Cam: Thanks.

Yeah well glad it works that way in Ireland my friend, but that is just not the case.  You can NOT rely on the police, and that is NOT vigilantism, vigilantism is PROACTIVELY INTENTIONALLY searching for criminals, defending yourself is REACTIVE is action and Proactive in PLANNING alone.  Good day.
To all Americans. Read this page, read some of the links at the bottom. Realize that;

a) American criminals are directly armed by the legal gun owners. The great majority of guns used in gun crimes are made by Americans, sold to Americans then stolen off Americans. 300,000 guns are stolen in the US EVERY YEAR.

b) Criminals with guns are more successful at committing crimes. Now that they're armed, they are more likely to succeed at killing, stealing and raping.

c) The minority of gun owners in the US are therefore making the entire country less safe for everyone.

d) The assault weapons ban reduced the number of crimes committed with assault weapons, hence gun control in the US does work when implimented.

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Bad guy busts in your house:

Cam: oh BG please wait, I'm calling the police, can you put down that knife/gun and wait for them to get here, thanks.

BG: Sure, NP

Cam: Thanks.

Yeah well glad it works that way in Ireland my friend, but that is just not the case.  You can NOT rely on the police, and that is NOT vigilantism, vigilantism is PROACTIVELY INTENTIONALLY searching for criminals, defending yourself is REACTIVE is action and Proactive in PLANNING alone.  Good day.
Bad guy busts in your house:

BG: bang

Albert: Urrrgggggh

BG: Wow I'm glad I nicked that gun. Look, another 20 guns. I can sell these to my criminal friends so we'll all be armed.

The US, proudly arming criminals in the name of self-defence.

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ok lets debate gun laws.
My opinion as I am sure you guys know is we need guns.
I will now explain why with various reasons.
Guns don't kill people people kill people.
There, you said it yourself. Thats the reason why people shoouldn't have guns.
9 out of 10 people are fuckwits in my opinion, yet they are allowed to have guns?.

Amazes me.
Say wat!?

Phantom2828 wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

I doubt you could stand up to a criminal.
LOL the police! Don't make me laugh. They take on average like 10 mins to get to you.
Somebody could easily kill you in 30 secs.
Who would want to kill me? If anyone breaks in, they're interested in stealing my things, and they're not going to disturb me if they can help it. And they probably have a gun. And if they did disturb me, I would be the one on the recieving end of any firearms. I'd rather they just couldn't get a gun, at least they'd have to be near me to hurt me. And there's always the baseball bat at the foot of my bed.
Murders happen all the time when someone breaks into your house thinking your not home. They soon discover you are home and panic usually attacking you.
Like I have said MANY times a gun is an equalizer.
I would much prefer that I have a gun than have to fight toe to toe.
Even my grandma could kill the strongest of criminals.
Even if guns are outlawed criminals will still get them, this has been proven. I am sure you can easily find drugs where you live jonsimon so I am sure you can find guns. Just because guns are not banned doesnt mean the criminal will have one. You do know we have waiting periods and laws preventing felons from getting weapons right.
You just contradicted your earlier statement that it was impossible for criminals to get guns.

There is a law preventing fucking felons from buying handguns dumb fuck!
There is also a waiting period on handguns along with a background check!
A gun is an equalizer, would YOU want to fight toe to toe with a criminal with a crowbar? Or would you rather just shoot him.

Here you state that criminals cant get guns. Please stop posting and go back to school.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6787|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
I am Pro-Gun but with a few limits.

I think only bolt action rifles and shotguns should be allowed. SMGs, Assault Rifles and Pistols aren't neccessary for ANYTHING and this whole "defend myself" mentally is ridiculous.

I also think there should be a series of background checks with permanent records, such as in Australia only farmers should be able to own guns for the purpose of hunting and also for stock executions (fact of farming life).

Although the US's 2nd Amendments protects you from gun restrictions it's worthwhile to point out that the whole reasons that amendment was written was to make an armed militia to keep the government in check with the people's wishes, however it's the pro-2nd amendment folk that are least likely to form armed militias.

Don't know about the US situation though, but Michael Gawenda wrote an interesting article in The Age about Washington DC in today's paper which I will post up later.
Cylons' my kinda frak
A government only has "gun laws" in place in order to keep their arse safely in the seat of power. I'm sure if every type of gun was legal and purchasable in any country, Anti-government fanatics would surely try a coup de tat.
Such as Third world countries, I'm sure their goverment has no gun laws in place, and look how unstable they are.

Last edited by Macca (2006-10-30 04:56:08)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|6942|United States of America

Mortifed_Kangaroo wrote:

Lets compare the UK and USA
UK (Where not even the cops carry guns) HAND GUN DEATHS 15
No crap. That's like comparing the automobile crash deaths of the US to that of Vatican City.
The more people who own guns, the more gun crime there will be.... FACT. Look on any website detailing the statistics of the number of households owning guns vs the number of gun murders and there is a direct correlation.

I don't know whether the details on this site are correct or not but look at the graph half way down: … ntrol.html
enough said.
Can someone explain why crime, particularly murder and gun crime in general, is generally far far higher in countries where guns are legal than in countries where they aren't?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-30 05:09:48)

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