Cylons' my kinda frak

Cilvaa wrote:

I'm going to make this really simple:
I live in Australia. In Australia, citizens are NOT ALLOWED TO CARRY FIREARMS. Every year in Australia we have 70-80 deaths by shootings. This is out of a population of 21 million

In America, guns are everywhere. Every year in the USA, there are around 28 000 deaths by shootings. I'll say that again: TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND!!! out of 295 million.

Taking into account the difference in populations between Australia and America, there are about 23 times as many deaths by shootings in the USA than here.

Can't dumb it down any more than that...

You can't even own an air rifle 100-200m from the road in a semi-rural area.
+102|7015|New York

Macca wrote:

Cilvaa wrote:

I'm going to make this really simple:
I live in Australia. In Australia, citizens are NOT ALLOWED TO CARRY FIREARMS. Every year in Australia we have 70-80 deaths by shootings. This is out of a population of 21 million

In America, guns are everywhere. Every year in the USA, there are around 28 000 deaths by shootings. I'll say that again: TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND!!! out of 295 million.

Taking into account the difference in populations between Australia and America, there are about 23 times as many deaths by shootings in the USA than here.

Can't dumb it down any more than that...

You can't even own an air rifle 100-200m from the road in a semi-rural area.
Well ya better be worried LOL Those Roo's are gonna take over soon,(and the Rabbits) And i wouldnt be cought dead in the outback without a firearm. I was in your fine country for a couple years as an equipment operator building roads. Such a nice place and very cool people. But the outback (while im a nature nut and a very very good hunter), is a dangerous place. Those dang razorbacks are a handful in Packs. Dingos are a Pest, and Half the animals(reptiles and such) are poisonous. Kind of made you stressed working out there without any sort of weapon on the bulldozer.

As to the deathrate, If we could stop the Illegal flow of firearms to America and Curtail the Criminals from getting such weapons, youd find that you wont find Law abideing citizens with legal firearms Included in such statistics. These murder rates are the result of Illegal firarms being used in the perpetration of a crime.
+102|7015|New York

Vilham wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

krazed wrote:

bolt action/lever action/single shot rifles = a firearms safety course with a permit to own and transport  firearms

shotguns = same as rifles shown above
That would absolutly never pass, do you know how many hunters there are in the world? If every hunter had to go through a B.S. coarse and own a permit to use a shotgun, there would be an outrage. There's no way that would work in anyones opinion, whether for or against guns
LOL your taking the piss? In america you dont even need a permit for a shotgun! WTF is wrong with your country, ffs no wonder you all love war so much.
Whelp in NY, to at least Hunt with a Long gun you need a hunter safety course and it also teaches Gun safety. You also have to transport the firearm Unloaded and in a case until you get to the camp or hunting spot.

As for the Brits, There's More people Against the BAN on long guns than for it, believe me. Especially when Recreational Hunting and Shooting sports basically originated there. Real Brits that are sickened(that they have to belong to a club to shoot ANYTHING) are sickened that they have to view firearms in a firearms/Hunting Museum, When the country was founded around such beliefs. I can see and am in favor of Possibly no pistols in the UK if thats what you all want, But FFS long guns? They have a purpose and its a pity really, because for a country to lose such a rich tradition such a hunting(and there's allot of country to do it in) Is really sad for those who use to or who want to. Now you have to pay outrageous fees just to hunt. Worse yet, you cant even but Hunting arrow tips without an anal probe really. I usually have to send them over from here for my buddies. Arrows too.
I think its better not to have guns but if the bad guys got them we gotta have them. In america if someone robs a bank its with a gun in uk its with a knife normaily. I presonaly think when the police get guns the criminals get guns
+102|7015|New York

mark wrote:

I think its better not to have guns but if the bad guys got them we gotta have them. In america if someone robs a bank its with a gun in uk its with a knife normaily. I presonaly think when the police get guns the criminals get guns
Criminals will ALWAYS get guns, Its when guns are Outlawed or Baned is when The average citizen is in the most danger. The Vaerage citizen wouldnt know where to purchase an Ilegal gun for protection of his or her home if they wanted to, but the scumbags sure do. In ANY country.
Say wat!?

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

That would absolutly never pass, do you know how many hunters there are in the world? If every hunter had to go through a B.S. coarse and own a permit to use a shotgun, there would be an outrage. There's no way that would work in anyones opinion, whether for or against guns
LOL your taking the piss? In america you dont even need a permit for a shotgun! WTF is wrong with your country, ffs no wonder you all love war so much.
Whelp in NY, to at least Hunt with a Long gun you need a hunter safety course and it also teaches Gun safety. You also have to transport the firearm Unloaded and in a case until you get to the camp or hunting spot.

As for the Brits, There's More people Against the BAN on long guns than for it, believe me. Especially when Recreational Hunting and Shooting sports basically originated there. Real Brits that are sickened(that they have to belong to a club to shoot ANYTHING) are sickened that they have to view firearms in a firearms/Hunting Museum, When the country was founded around such beliefs. I can see and am in favor of Possibly no pistols in the UK if thats what you all want, But FFS long guns? They have a purpose and its a pity really, because for a country to lose such a rich tradition such a hunting(and there's allot of country to do it in) Is really sad for those who use to or who want to. Now you have to pay outrageous fees just to hunt. Worse yet, you cant even but Hunting arrow tips without an anal probe really. I usually have to send them over from here for my buddies. Arrows too.
I am a Brit and have many friends who live on farms. Their fathers are extremely infavour of the being harsh laws on guns, to own a shotgun you MUST have a permit and they are impossible to get unless you live in the country, you dont need to belong to any clubs as long as you have a permit to shoot on your land which if you already own the gun on isnt hard to get.

No one has to pay any fees to hunt, my dad went hunting peasants with a mates dad and get some free lunch to boot. Hunting foxes is now illegal which i personally disagree with, hunting certain animals is also illegal ie swans however hunting anything else is find.

If by long guns you mean rifles, the only rifle im aware that you can own legally is a 0.22 rifle. This was done for the following reason:

In 1988, semi-automatic rifles (except for .22 rimfire) were completely banned for private ownership following the Hungerford Massacre the previous year.
As of 1997, handguns have been completely banned for private ownership following legislation passed shortly after the Dunblane massacre in 1996.

Gun shooting is a minority sport and no one cares that guns are banned even my friends who joined the CCF to shoot guns that the army use dont mind, infact when ever we have debates on the issue they laugh at how stupid it is to have guns legal.

Please dont tell me an British person what my country enjoys as sports and wants from guns, we want nothing to do with legal gun ownership.
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6858|Sverige (SWE)
a US problem.....
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Phantom2828 wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Fair enough. However i believe it has alot to do with guns. Even if not directly, your culture stems from your constiution which allows guns, you past has involved a lot of warfare, again guns. While the states was being founded people would still use force to gain wealth, again guns.
Well, I can definitely agree that America has a more violent culture, due to our bloody past.  England has been around long enough to have sated its bloodlust in a cultural sense.  Two World Wars accomplished that.  America is still young enough to have that aggressive nature within its mindset.  We're sort of the cowboys of the industrialized world, but there are some advantages to it as well....
It has nothing to do with that.
Its all the fucking gang bangers we have in our citys. Citys are suppost to be nice but they are infested with gangs. Bunch of little fucking punks that think they are cool.
If you're talking about the more direct links to crime, yes, you are correct that gang violence is very high in this country.  Still, I would argue that we tend to be more violent as a people.  For example, a much higher percentage of Americans favor the death penalty than the percentage in the U.K. that do.  I'm one of those who favors the death penalty myself, in fact.
Say wat!?

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

mark wrote:

I think its better not to have guns but if the bad guys got them we gotta have them. In america if someone robs a bank its with a gun in uk its with a knife normaily. I presonaly think when the police get guns the criminals get guns
Criminals will ALWAYS get guns, Its when guns are Outlawed or Baned is when The average citizen is in the most danger. The Vaerage citizen wouldnt know where to purchase an Ilegal gun for protection of his or her home if they wanted to, but the scumbags sure do. In ANY country.
High level criminals maybe but not petty crims. I personally have nothing to fear from drug dealers because i in no way effect their business. What you have said above is just bullshit.

Britain remains one of the countries with the lowest murder rate in the world per capita[citation needed], accounting for 853 murders in the reporting period 2003/04 according to the Home Office's Crime Statistics, which at a population of more than 60 million that translates into less than 1.3 murders per 100,000 residents in the UK.[6] By comparison, in 2000, police in the United States reported 5.5 murders for every 100,000 population.[7] In addition, 70% of murders in the United States involve firearms compared to 6% in the United Kingdom.[8] Both New York City and London have over 7 million residents, with New York reporting 6.9 murders per 100,000 people in 2004 to London's 2.4 per 100,000, also in 2004.[9]

SUCK! … ed_Kingdom

Please can you look outside your country for once and check what its like in other countries. Your theory of take guns away from legal people and gun crime goes up is bullshit.
+51|6841|Land of the free
Look at switzerland.
That is all.
Almost everyone there owns a FULLY automatic firearm.
I don't see their gun crime through the roof.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I say make guns legal but really, really hard to get. And no semi-auto rifles, long guns with pistols grips or shotguns that can fire more than two rounds before reloading (i.e. Double barrel shotguns are limit). Also owners need good eyesight and must pass an accuracy test.
Say wat!?

Phantom2828 wrote:

Look at switzerland.
That is all.
Almost everyone there owns a FULLY automatic firearm.
I don't see their gun crime through the roof.
Switzerland has a tiny population making thei country relatively easy to control aswell as the fact that the country is small, again making it easy to control. Your comment above also goes to show that there is something fundamentally wrong with American culture.
+51|6841|Land of the free
If guns kill people spoons made Rosie O Donald fat.
I got that from a sig
OP fails. Gun crime ın Ireland ıs practıcally non-exıstent. Gun ownershıp ıs ıllegal. In Ireland ıt's safe to walk the streets at nıght. Go fıgure.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-29 11:00:03)

Why walk when you can dance?
the same goes in sweden...almost no guns...but plenty of saftey and freedom.
+105|6791|Lutenblaag, Molvania
The recurring argument seems to be "the people kill people" phrase. I donĀ“t know who coined the phrase, but it sure has caught on. The thing is people with guns kill allot more people.

Recently there was a referendum here in Brasil to outlaw guns. Thankfully, the people voted against gun control. To me it seems undemocratic to not allow the populace to defend themselves, although I myself don't feel I have any need to have one. But allot of statistics was shown, and the fact is most of the guns owned by private citizens end up in the hands of criminals. The reason for that is simple, its because they always have the advantage. You are always caught by surprise, no criminal burst through the front door. Nor do they walk right up to you in the streets. Hence, when a person who owns a gun is a victim of crime, if they try to use it in most cases they end up dead. And in either case, their guns ends up with the criminal.

So its a big misconception to think having a gun in your house or in your car will keep you safe. I'll try and find the statistics on the net to shown what I mean.

Edited for spelling

Last edited by EVieira (2006-10-29 15:35:27)

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
+51|6841|Land of the free

CameronPoe wrote:

OP fails. Gun crime ın Ireland ıs practıcally non-exıstent. Gun ownershıp ıs ıllegal. In Ireland ıt's safe to walk the streets at nıght. Go fıgure.
I doubt Ireland has as much of a gang problem as US.
Hey Cam can you find drugs in Ireland? If so you can find guns.
What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife? Yeah its soooo safe to walk the streets in Ireland................ intill somone pulls a knife on you.
In my view gun laws are a local issue.  Like I said earlier, there are some places I can go in the united states and everyone is armed, like Vermont.  I wouldn't even bother to lock my doors at night in most places in Vermont.  Then you've got places like L.A. where violence is pretty rampant, but gun control laws are fairly strict.

Portraying all of the United States as violent, is like me saying all Europeans are French and smell bad.  The truth is, most of the violence tends to be centralized in specific areas.  And most of the time those areas have very strict gun laws.  Washington D.C. has the highest murder rate in the country, but it also has the strictest gun laws in the country.

There is no reason to punish those in peaceful areas with gun laws.  There are many people who use guns for recreational purposes.  I regularly compete in the Civilian Marksmanship program, in which military rifles are required to compete.  I also do quite a bit of skeet shooting, which requires a semi automatic shotgun.  I also carry a .45 (1911) when ever I ride my mountain bike because their are quite a few bears and mountain lions where I go riding, and I'd like to have something to run them off.  I know the gun is almost useless against a bear, but it will definatly take down a lion.
+102|7015|New York

Vilham wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Vilham wrote:

LOL your taking the piss? In america you dont even need a permit for a shotgun! WTF is wrong with your country, ffs no wonder you all love war so much.
Whelp in NY, to at least Hunt with a Long gun you need a hunter safety course and it also teaches Gun safety. You also have to transport the firearm Unloaded and in a case until you get to the camp or hunting spot.

As for the Brits, There's More people Against the BAN on long guns than for it, believe me. Especially when Recreational Hunting and Shooting sports basically originated there. Real Brits that are sickened(that they have to belong to a club to shoot ANYTHING) are sickened that they have to view firearms in a firearms/Hunting Museum, When the country was founded around such beliefs. I can see and am in favor of Possibly no pistols in the UK if thats what you all want, But FFS long guns? They have a purpose and its a pity really, because for a country to lose such a rich tradition such a hunting(and there's allot of country to do it in) Is really sad for those who use to or who want to. Now you have to pay outrageous fees just to hunt. Worse yet, you cant even but Hunting arrow tips without an anal probe really. I usually have to send them over from here for my buddies. Arrows too.
I am a Brit and have many friends who live on farms. Their fathers are extremely infavour of the being harsh laws on guns, to own a shotgun you MUST have a permit and they are impossible to get unless you live in the country, you dont need to belong to any clubs as long as you have a permit to shoot on your land which if you already own the gun on isnt hard to get.

No one has to pay any fees to hunt, my dad went hunting peasants with a mates dad and get some free lunch to boot. Hunting foxes is now illegal which i personally disagree with, hunting certain animals is also illegal ie swans however hunting anything else is find.

If by long guns you mean rifles, the only rifle im aware that you can own legally is a 0.22 rifle. This was done for the following reason:

In 1988, semi-automatic rifles (except for .22 rimfire) were completely banned for private ownership following the Hungerford Massacre the previous year.
As of 1997, handguns have been completely banned for private ownership following legislation passed shortly after the Dunblane massacre in 1996.

Gun shooting is a minority sport and no one cares that guns are banned even my friends who joined the CCF to shoot guns that the army use dont mind, infact when ever we have debates on the issue they laugh at how stupid it is to have guns legal.

Please dont tell me an British person what my country enjoys as sports and wants from guns, we want nothing to do with legal gun ownership.
Child Im talking about People my age or above, you know, the people who Had THERE guns taken away. Sorry if this offends you, But you are Not the majority. You might think so, you and your young friends, but Since the Minority seems to have the power, Enjoy your Yourself. Stomping on and taking the privledges away from others because it makes you and the rest FEEL better and you get a chuckel out of it doesnt make it right.

There are Fees, Especially when most land isnt open to hunting. So wrong again. I dont have to live there to know, I talk hours on end with buds there From Manchester, London Ect. From all over the Isle.
+102|7015|New York

CameronPoe wrote:

OP fails. Gun crime ın Ireland ıs practıcally non-exıstent. Gun ownershıp ıs ıllegal. In Ireland ıt's safe to walk the streets at nıght. Go fıgure.
Now that certain groups are dissarmed. Congrats. Glad you can. But when you have 300 Million and 27 or more million Illegals Then come talk to me about walking my streets. Im not as lucky as you are.
Say wat!?

Phantom2828 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

OP fails. Gun crime ın Ireland ıs practıcally non-exıstent. Gun ownershıp ıs ıllegal. In Ireland ıt's safe to walk the streets at nıght. Go fıgure.
I doubt Ireland has as much of a gang problem as US.
Hey Cam can you find drugs in Ireland? If so you can find guns.
What is somone breaks into your house with a crobar or a knife? Yeah its soooo safe to walk the streets in Ireland................ intill somone pulls a knife on you.
If Cameron had a gun so would the crim, and the crim would pull the gun first meaning rather than facing an oppenent with a knife who he can run from he is facing someone with a gun who will kill him before he can run or draw his gun. THINK FFS!!! YOU ARENT SUPER MEN!
Say wat!?

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Child Im talking about People my age or above, you know, the people who Had THERE guns taken away. Sorry if this offends you, But you are Not the majority. You might think so, you and your young friends, but Since the Minority seems to have the power, Enjoy your Yourself. Stomping on and taking the privledges away from others because it makes you and the rest FEEL better and you get a chuckel out of it doesnt make it right.

There are Fees, Especially when most land isnt open to hunting. So wrong again. I dont have to live there to know, I talk hours on end with buds there From Manchester, London Ect. From all over the Isle.
I fail to believe you are of the age of 10 or above as your spelling is apalling. I am in the majority and this is proved through the fact that there are nearly ZERO pro gun groups. Please stop telling me things that are wrong, I live in this country and i know a hell of alot more about it than you. Guns were taken away because of stupid psycos who kill people, the kind that makes up a large part of your country. A choice that was agreed on through out the country apart from by a few red neck hicks.

No one i repeat, NO ONE in the cities is even remotely interested in shooting guns apart from the scum involved in crime, probably those "friends" you speak to. The people who are interested in shooting are the people that grew up on farms where they could shoot. I am someone who knows alot about shooting in England as i have done it myself before and have many friends who have too. None of us want guns to be legal, now stop trying to tell me things about a country I have lived in my entire life, when you like 80% of Americans have never used a passport!
Say wat!?

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

OP fails. Gun crime ın Ireland ıs practıcally non-exıstent. Gun ownershıp ıs ıllegal. In Ireland ıt's safe to walk the streets at nıght. Go fıgure.
Now that certain groups are dissarmed. Congrats. Glad you can. But when you have 300 Million and 27 or more million Illegals Then come talk to me about walking my streets. Im not as lucky as you are.
Glad you can admit your country sucks.

I like the way however that you blame it on immigrants, what a surprise another racist American.

Btw im fully aware that they will ban me for this stuff but tbh i dont care, Im speaking the truth but an American mod wont see it that way.
+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA

ATG wrote:

I just wish there was a gun law that let me shoot illegal aliens.
i wish there was a gun law that let me shoot arrogant morons
What is it about shooting that makes it the #1 sport among homosexuals?

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