Isreal don't give up land. Not called giving up, if it wasnt theirs in the first place.Stingray24 wrote:
I cannot empathize, that's correct. We've been fortunate not to be invaded. Mainly because of the strength of our military. I refuse to sympathize with the Palestinians who have deluded themselves into thinking the land is there's and needlessly fight on. IF the Palestinians had been invaded, I'd express sympathy. However, as I've stated in other posts, Israel has a much longer claim to that land before the Palestinians showed up. In ancient times, Israel was carried from her homeland by her captors and returned numerous times. In modern times she returned in 1947. No matter how much land Israel gives up, you said yourself, the Palestinians (arabs if you will) will not be satisfied until Israel is gone completely. Peace is only a reloading period for Israel's enemies and as such is not true peace. So I encourage Israel to be ever vigilant and not give up her security for a fake peace deal with her enemies.CameronPoe wrote:
I suppose you can't really empathıse wıth the fact that the arabs WILL NEVER gıve up because the USA has never been ınvaded. You would change your tune at least slıghtly ıf the US had suffered sımılar ın the recent past. I doubt you'd sıt ıdly by ıf ıt happened to the US. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you would be lıke those French that let the Germans march through Parıs unhındered and waıt for someone else to baıl them out.Stingray24 wrote:
Apparently, they would rather keep poking the badger in his den. Knowing he will rake them with his claws because he just wants to live in peace in his den. Yet they keep coming back for more. I'm surprised the badger hasn't torn them a new one yet.
Ok i don't want to go into the past, so let start from 1947, prove that the current amount of land it has is legal and within their right.
" needlessly fight on"
Sort of like underdogs. .
Last edited by mafia996630 (2006-10-28 13:41:03)