just vote yes or no , give a reason why or why not also!
do you believe in fate?
hell yes ! | 25% | 25% - 18 | ||||
hell no ! | 49% | 49% - 35 | ||||
hell knows ! | 25% | 25% - 18 | ||||
Total: 71 |
Not at all. Fate would indicate that everything is predetermined, and nothing I do makes any differences.
I voted null, because partially yes, and partially no. Some things I feel like I was meant to do....others, not so much, and I just did them because I flippin felt like it.
No don't believe in fate same reason as above.
Watch Red Dwarf Season 8, episode title - Cassandra
Listers take on fate at the end of that episode about sums it up for me.
Watch Red Dwarf Season 8, episode title - Cassandra
Listers take on fate at the end of that episode about sums it up for me.
Last edited by Jinto-sk (2006-10-27 11:43:28)
I believe we ultimately choose our end result in life. But I think fate, or destiny can be assumed by those who discern ones behavior/choices as they age and therefore be easily labelled as FATE...as if you had no choice. But people who radically change their lives prove otherwise.
I believe I was put on this earth to kill you
Fate is a subconscious thing, I believe. If you do something that you believe "was meant to be by fate" or whatever, it's because you believe it.
That's my opinion anyway. I don't think that anything can be predetermined by anyone else. You have your own will and you choose to do everything that you do in life.
That's my opinion anyway. I don't think that anything can be predetermined by anyone else. You have your own will and you choose to do everything that you do in life.
Fate is what ya make it.
I believe in probability.
Hmmm another 4 lettered word
Mexican, nice sig..............DirtyMexican wrote:
I believe I was put on this earth to kill you
No fate for me, I can change my fate right now if I want to.
Dude...her teeth are so freakin' white. It's more distracting than the toplessness.Superslim wrote:
Mexican, nice sig..............DirtyMexican wrote:
I believe I was put on this earth to kill you
On a on-topic note. Fate seems to go against everything people are told. When parents tell their children "you can be whatever you put your mind to" that statement is for the most part true. I believe you're in control with free will. To me, it seems fate is a remnant of Calvinism and predestination.
Last edited by DesertFox423 (2006-10-27 16:08:16)
but in doing so? would'nt that be what your fate is? by trying to change your fate? your only playing into it with everything you do...Sh1fty2k5 wrote:
No fate for me, I can change my fate right now if I want to.
its really confusing when you really think about it
Fate is a human perception, not a fact or a reality. It's kind of like religion in a way....
The notion that I have no control over my "destiny" would make life 100% pointless so no.
Naturally? No.
Logically? No.
Scientifically? Fuck no. Not with quantum mechanics circling around.
Logically? No.
Scientifically? Fuck no. Not with quantum mechanics circling around.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
I believe in fte becasue sometimes peple have those dreams were they see snippets of things that happen in the future...how do you explain that?
I call that subconscious thought. It only happens in the future because you had a dream about it. Whether you know it or not, you made that happen because you saw it.Choclot wrote:
I believe in fte becasue sometimes peple have those dreams were they see snippets of things that happen in the future...how do you explain that?
QFEAgent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Not at all. Fate would indicate that everything is predetermined, and nothing I do makes any differences.
Fate exists because the universe is a mathematical system. All outcomes are constrained completely by the initial value of the sequence. Everything that happens couldn't have happened any other way, ultimately, and the real probability of anything happening is either 100% or 0%.
However, none of this should change how we live our lives, because we can't accurately predict those probabilities.
However, none of this should change how we live our lives, because we can't accurately predict those probabilities.
I believe fate is a frame work, and our freewill twists fates initial assist in a certain direction.
It makes more sense to me that everything in life is 50-50;
It either is, or it isn't.
It makes more sense to me that everything in life is 50-50;
It either is, or it isn't.
So you don't believe in fate, but nothing you do will make a difference? How depressing....Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Not at all. Fate would indicate that everything is predetermined, and nothing I do makes any differences.
Fate and pre-determınatıon ıs a load of bollocks. End of dıscussıon. Fate ıs a purely phılosophıcal concept/fabrıcatıon, the dıscussıon of whıch ınevıtably leads NOWHERE (ıs that fate?)...
Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-28 11:55:06)