+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA
Could someone who is a history buff or expert please detail exactly what would happen if the United States pulled out of Iraq within the next 3 months?

What is the best case scenario?  Worst case?
+156|6941|space command ur anus
best case civil war and the good side wins, worst case civil war and the Muslim extremists win
GunSlinger OIF II
best case scenario: Iraqis die

worst case scenario: Even more Iraqis die.

No matter what we do, it'll be wrong in the eyes of America haters.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
this is the best we can do?

King_County_Downy wrote:

No matter what we do, it'll be wrong in the eyes of America haters.

Even Muqtada Al Sadr (or his people) are guilty of ethnic cleansing so good luck when the ref's leave.

Last edited by smtt686 (2006-10-26 15:02:33)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Iraq is a lost cause.  This should be about what options are best for America, since there really is no best option for the Iraqis....
+5,233|6842|Global Command

Harmor wrote:

Could someone who is a history buff or expert please detail exactly what would happen if the United States pulled out of Iraq within the next 3 months?

What is the best case scenario?  Worst case?
In the North, Turkey would invade and crush the Kurds.
They would engage Iran in combat to control the ports and Southern oil fields.
Syria would sit on the sidelines, doing usiness with everybody and waiting to see who won.
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia would begin either side drilling or blatant cross border incursion to drill for oil.
Iran would be celebrating the defeat of both Iraq and America and ejaculating at the prospect of dominating the worlds flow of oil.
Tank Whore

King_County_Downy wrote:

No matter what we do, it'll be wrong in the eyes of America haters.
Considering that they should never have gone in to begin with, that's the most likely scenario.

Of course I'm not just talking when they went to hunt down Saddam, but way back when they put him in power.  That's where America doomed Iraq.  They just go in every few years and try to put Humpty Dumpty back together again and end up with more egg on their face.
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6968|Lancaster Ohio, USA

herrr_smity wrote:

best case civil war and the good side wins, worst case civil war and the Muslim extremists win
I would have to agree on this one, if we leave the whole place would destabilize into civil war, hell it's almost there now it seems. If it does go into civil war then who knows what would happen, Iran might get in on it to stick it to us, or they might sit back and just sell arms to both sides and get money, it's hard to say. Basically I believe it would be a power play over there, all the countries would get in on it and try and come out on top, and if that were the case it may launch the whole place into war. However then again it might not, it's really hard to say, either way if we leave we make Iran happy and Al-Queda happy because they would call it a defeat for us and then they would spout their propagandist bullshit around for the whole world to see, that's why we need to stay there for however long it takes. But that's just my 2 cents.

Edit: spelling

Last edited by bob_6012 (2006-10-26 19:09:52)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Could someone who is a history buff or expert please detail exactly what would happen if the United States pulled out of Iraq within the next 3 months?

What is the best case scenario?  Worst case?
In the North, Turkey would invade and crush the Kurds.
They would engage Iran in combat to control the ports and Southern oil fields.
Syria would sit on the sidelines, doing usiness with everybody and waiting to see who won.
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia would begin either side drilling or blatant cross border incursion to drill for oil.
Iran would be celebrating the defeat of both Iraq and America and ejaculating at the prospect of dominating the worlds flow of oil.
You say these things like they're bad.  It sounds like if we pull out, the Iraqis will be so busy fighting all of their neighbors that terrorism will be primarily focused with Muslims killing Muslims rather than them killing us.  I prefer that scenario, since ending terror is not possible.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
I disagree.

I still believe in the concept behind going into Iraq and the middle East.
War torn areas and refugees will not help me at all in the long run. Those people have deep bitter feelings. They don't know who to blame for their own misery.
They blow things up. They fly airplanes into buildings.
Isolationism is as dangerous as imperialist ambitions.
They are better off left alone, they should have been left alone in the first place. Let them have their fights there in the sand box. It's just their culture to argue and to thing that we in the west thinks are strange...
A civil war would erupt.  Iran would invade, aided by Syria.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
I think civil war is likely, but not entirely certain.  If it happened I think you'd likely see Iranian/Syrian involvement.

We should establish Mormon dominance in the Middle East.

I think the 3 factions would escalate the civil war which is already going on. Fighting for land and control over the countries oil fields as the New Iraqi government watches helpless, because most of the army has defected and joined whatever faction their religion is aligned with.
As America will still have solders in Iraqi for the foreseeable future maybe 10 000 or so, any attack from Iran Syria or Turkey as ATG suggests would be the same as attacking the USA and these countries know this so they will stay well out of the civil war. Anyway they have no gain in getting involved the Iraqi 'problem' it could spread into their own countries destabilizing them.
Like every civil war some warlord will come out on top eventually, 1000s of deaths down the line and what will the ppl of Iraqi end up with after their Liberation...........another dictator.

If this site is still up in two years it would be interesting to resurrect this thread and see who was closest to the mark.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
We won't pull out after the November elections since the inauguration doesn't take place until January.
U.S. > Iran
Well, first off, I dont see anything happening after the mid-term elections coming up in November.  Any politician who is intelligent wont just leave the country to collapse and destroy itself.  But if for some reason we were to withdrawal our military, we should withdrawal the Kurds as well....I mean hell, they seem to be the only ethnic group of arabs over there that arent obsessed with fighting another.
+65|7006|las vegas
you turds

just because the libs might take the house or senate

doesnt mean we are leaving the sand box

dubya is still the president
+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA

beerface702 wrote:

you turds

just because the libs might take the house or senate

doesnt mean we are leaving the sand box

dubya is still the president
Yes, but Congress appropriates the bills.  An army with no food cannot fight.
+102|7015|New York

ATG wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Could someone who is a history buff or expert please detail exactly what would happen if the United States pulled out of Iraq within the next 3 months?

What is the best case scenario?  Worst case?
In the North, Turkey would invade and crush the Kurds.
They would engage Iran in combat to control the ports and Southern oil fields.
Syria would sit on the sidelines, doing usiness with everybody and waiting to see who won.
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia would begin either side drilling or blatant cross border incursion to drill for oil.
Iran would be celebrating the defeat of both Iraq and America and ejaculating at the prospect of dominating the worlds flow of oil.
QFT  Glad i didnt have to write it.
PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois

Harmor wrote:

beerface702 wrote:

you turds

just because the libs might take the house or senate

doesnt mean we are leaving the sand box

dubya is still the president
Yes, but Congress appropriates the bills.  An army with no food cannot fight.
Yeah becauase the No Food to Troops Bill will pass the the Presidents desk real quick.  Oh and i bet the public would LOVE that.

I would be rioting with everyone else if that happened.  Getting shot by rubber bullets and all.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-10-27 05:32:42)

+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA
Are you suggesting that if the Democrats get one or both houses of Congress in November that they will NOT block or limit the appropriations bill for the troops?

Are you saying if the Defense Department asked for another $87 billion that the Democrats WILL appropriate it?
If USA pull out of Iraq I wıll gıve a cast ıron 100% promıse not to crıtıcıse them for wıthdrawıng. They wıll stıll remaın to blame (along wıth the UK) for the orıgınal mess but everythıng that occurs from wıthdrawal on ıs out of theır hands and rıghtly so.

What wıll happen next ıf they wıthdraw? A messy cıvıl war whıch wıll last possıbly longer than a decade. A Yugoslavıa sıtuatıon wıll ensue. Iran wıll have a proxy shıa state there and Syrıa wıl have a proxy Baathıst state there. The Kurds wıll probably end up gettıng royally shafted although the Turks WILL stay out of the whole shıtfest.

The healthıest thıng would be for Iran to get the greatest amount of control over Iraq because they functıon pretty well, as ıslamıc states go, ın terms of personal freedoms (obvıously there are glarıng exceptıons to thıs general rule but there ıs a dıstınct culture dıfference between us and them) - lettıng ıt fall ınto the hands of Al Qaeda would reduce Iraq to the level of Afghanıstan. And ıt would certaınly pose an extreme threat to the kıng cunts themselves - the House of Saud. Powderkeg here we come!!! I don't thınk the Saudıs wıll be terrıbly adept at dealıng wıth Al Qaedas partıcular brand of anarchıc warfare. Remember that Saudı Arabıa IS Osama's prımary target.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-27 06:22:09)

PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois

CameronPoe wrote:

If USA pull out of Iraq I wıll gıve a cast ıron 100% promıse not to crıtıcıse them for wıthdrawıng. They wıll stıll remaın to blame (along wıth the UK) for the orıgınal mess but everythıng that occurs from wıthdrawal on ıs out of theır hands and rıghtly so.
I respect you for this statement.  All differences aside.

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