+149|6805|USA bitches!

Basically, because of how "badly" he was treated at Gitmo, this guy my never have to face what he conspired to do. I don't really know the specifics of him and the case against him, or if he's guilty, but say that he is. Just because he was embarrased, he'll get away with consipiring to murder innocent Americans. I wish our POW's were treated like this faggot. Instead, we get our fucking heads sawed off with a freaking knife. What if we beheaded POW's we've collected on the battlefield? They'd yell bloody murder at us.

Worthless fucking people, just like the cowards that cry for them to have rights.

Oh, and if this has been posted, I'll delete the thread.

Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-10-24 11:02:06)

© 2009 Jeff Minard
I believe in human rights but don't be comparing me to them. If it was up to people like you, so called "terrorist" would be hanged with out a trail . 

LOL. The reason we don't behead pow's is because we are "bigger" then them. If u want to lower yourself, go ahead, and chop some heads.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2006-10-24 11:11:19)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6946|Fort Lewis WA

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Basically, because of how "badly" he was treated at Gitmo, this guy my never have to face what he conspired to do. I don't really know the specifics of him and the case against him, or if he's guilty, but say that he is. Just because he was embarrased, he'll get away with consipiring to murder innocent Americans. I wish our POW's were treated like this faggot. Instead, we get our fucking heads sawed off with a freaking knife. What if we beheaded POW's we've collected on the battlefield? They'd yell bloody murder at us.

Worthless fucking people, just like the cowards that cry for them to have rights.

Oh, and if this has been posted, I'll delete the thread.
Better watch out, this is a can of worms that quite possibly should not have been opened on these forums....
But I do agree with you.  If something happens to me I know I will be beaten and killed and the recording of it will be posted on the internet, and all over al jezera (or however you spell that news agency)
They will probably even treat me worse when they see my SoD tattoo.  But as long we feed and take care of our POWs all is good eh?  (and no can tell me Abu Ghrab was even remotely close to how they treat the allied forces in Iraq)
+149|6805|USA bitches!
You totally missed the point of my pointless rant.

This fuck is basically not being held accountable in a court because they he to endure thongs on his head, getting a lapdance, and having water thrown on him, to name a few. What the fuck kind of country is this that a guy can conspire to murder us and won't go to trial because of a few stupid fucking things? Fuck that guy. I wish we could just release some hounds on him and let them do the work for us.

Also, they behead us. We shelter and feed them, with the occasional embarrasment. I think I'd take a trip to Club Gitmo before becoming headless because my govt won't deal with these twats.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6946|Fort Lewis WA

Jenkinsbball wrote:

You totally missed the point of my pointless rant.

This fuck is basically not being held accountable in a court because they he to endure thongs on his head, getting a lapdance, and having water thrown on him, to name a few. What the fuck kind of country is this that a guy can conspire to murder us and won't go to trial because of a few stupid fucking things? Fuck that guy. I wish we could just release some hounds on him and let them do the work for us.

Also, they behead us. We shelter and feed them, with the occasional embarrasment. I think I'd take a trip to Club Gitmo before becoming headless because my govt won't deal with these twats.
While I do Believe the "hazing" at Gitmo and Abu Ghareb are uncalled for they are in no way comparible to the treatment the troops have recieved. 
I do believe we should treat the detainees better (in terms of the "Hazing") And not because I think its de-humanizing...As a member of the uniformed services its an embaressment. And the way the press plays it out you would think we were beating these peaople into a bloody pulp.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6946|Fort Lewis WA
I do firmly believe that guy needs to get the death penelty. And not the slow kind, no it needs to be sentencing and straight to the chair. (if he is under POW status he cannot be harmed)

Last edited by CannonFodder11b (2006-10-24 11:35:26)

+385|6747|Northern California

Jenkinsbball wrote:

You totally missed the point of my pointless rant.

This fuck is basically not being held accountable in a court because they he to endure thongs on his head, getting a lapdance, and having water thrown on him, to name a few. What the fuck kind of country is this that a guy can conspire to murder us and won't go to trial because of a few stupid fucking things? Fuck that guy. I wish we could just release some hounds on him and let them do the work for us.

Also, they behead us. We shelter and feed them, with the occasional embarrasment. I think I'd take a trip to Club Gitmo before becoming headless because my govt won't deal with these twats.
It's a brilliant countrythat has these laws to protect people until they are proven guilty.  If you were incarcerated, abused, tortured, humiliated and had your civil rights violated like him, then guess what, any coerced confession you made would likewise be thrown out and you'd go free.  And you know what, even if you were guilty of being the 20th hijacker, you'd have that right because the corrupt leadership of this country doesn't respect our incredibly fair justice system.  Let this be a big lesson learned for the terrorists running the camps and this country.

And before you flame my perspective, please note that neither YOU nor I know if he was truly the 20th hijacker for real.  And because some assheads couldn't control themselves, we may never know and this possible piece of shit terrorist may get away having robbed justice...or he may be innocent and wrongly accused like probably 99% of the 'detainees' we are holding illegally.

And it is my opinion that General Miller should be held accountable for the piss-poor job he's done at putting American forces in danger because he wanted to torture the ragheads he was in charge of interrogating.  But no, some enlistees suffered for his poor command.  He failed at upholding the constitution of the USA like most of his political leaders.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-10-24 11:42:28)

+149|6805|USA bitches!


It's a brilliant countrythat has these laws to protect people until they are proven guilty.  If you were incarcerated, abused, tortured, humiliated and had your civil rights violated like him, then guess what, any coerced confession you made would likewise be thrown out and you'd go free.  And you know what, even if you were guilty of being the 20th hijacker, you'd have that right because the corrupt leadership of this country doesn't respect our incredibly fair justice system.  Let this be a big lesson learned for the terrorists running the camps and this country.

And before you flame my perspective, please note that neither YOU nor I know if he was truly the 20th hijacker for real.  And because some assheads couldn't control themselves, we may never know and this possible piece of shit terrorist may get away having robbed justice...or he may be innocent and wrongly accused like probably 99% of the 'detainees' we are holding illegally.

And it is my opinion that General Miller should be held accountable for the piss-poor job he's done at putting American forces in danger because he wanted to torture the ragheads he was in charge of interrogating.  But no, some enlistees suffered for his poor command.  He failed at upholding the constitution of the USA like most of his political leaders.
Yes, and if you reread my first post, I said I know nothing of the case against him or if he's innocent or guilty. I was going on a hypothetical. It's not about him, it's about all "terrorists" we have. They can get away because we make them feel ashamed. They're a bunch of fucking pussies.

And, where does it say they were tortured @ Gitmo? I'm pretty sure nobody has been tortured there.
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6709|Cambridge, UK

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I don't really know the specifics of him and the case against him, or if he's guilty...
WTF!  So you dont even think he may be guilty but still think you can do whatever you want to someone, for as long as you want, just because they may just be one of 'them'.

Yes anyone guilty should not get away without a trial - but its not his fault - and if the prisoners had not been so treated this probably wouldnt be hapening anyway.

Try to think of yourself of someone you care about being treated like this, for this long, if innocent.

oh and if there was any real evidence after all this time I doubt very much he would would be getting out (not that lack of real evidence means innocence)

Oh and the thing I like to think about when there is no real evidence of guilt is not just 'what if they are the guilty one' but 'if they are not - the real guilty one is getting away as well as abusing an inocent person'
+385|6747|Northern California
Are you joking about torture at gitmo?  Do you not know that General Miller, the guy who was praised for his interrogation tactics, was promoted to oversee the prisons in Iraq after his exemplary "extraction" tactics employed at Gitmo?  he's the guy that is responsible for using dogs bringing them to Abu Graib since that female general (who was booted because she protested the tactics used by miller) wasn't an effective commander of the prison.

And I was pointing my criticisms at all those on this thread who presume guilt before trial and how arrogant and evil that is, further pointing out that many of the kidnapped persons we are illegally holding in our many prisons (known and hidden) are likely innocent of their presumed rolls as terrorists.  If they were guilty, surely there'd be more charges brought against them and maybe even a trial or two.  But as it is, it's been 5 years now since 9/11 and there's been less than a dozen cases going to trial?  A single conviction or two have happened?  yet we hold thousands of men hostage without basic rights? 

There's some sick shit going on both sides of this "war of terrorism."  Truly, evil has begotten evil.
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6709|Cambridge, UK

Jenkinsbball wrote:

And, where does it say they were tortured @ Gitmo? I'm pretty sure nobody has been tortured there.
So youd be happy to be there for year in chains, with no contact with anyone, being told your "mother and sisters were whores.", "led on a leash and forced to perform dog tricks", subtitute "watch as an interrogator squatted over his Koran" for "burning and shitting on your flag"

I'm sure for the first day(s) maybe week(s) since your so hard that you may not have been a "pussy", but I bet youd be mentally fucked for life after years of continual abuse with no normal things from life at all!

In fact I think you'll find that most regular soldiers dont even cope with a few hours of mental abuse thats done as part of the US or other contries elite military training - and they know that it will end.

Last edited by KylieTastic (2006-10-24 12:11:29)


Jenkinsbball wrote:

Basically, because of how "badly" he was treated at Gitmo, this guy my never have to face what he conspired to do. I don't really know the specifics of him and the case against him, or if he's guilty, but say that he is. Just because he was embarrased, he'll get away with consipiring to murder innocent Americans. I wish our POW's were treated like this faggot. Instead, we get our fucking heads sawed off with a freaking knife. What if we beheaded POW's we've collected on the battlefield? They'd yell bloody murder at us.

Worthless fucking people, just like the cowards that cry for them to have rights.

Oh, and if this has been posted, I'll delete the thread.
Wait, and you're NOT yelling bloody murder? What a fucking hypocrit you are.


Are you so friggin blind that you can't see this as an argument for NOT TORTURING?
+149|6805|USA bitches!

jonsimon wrote:

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Basically, because of how "badly" he was treated at Gitmo, this guy my never have to face what he conspired to do. I don't really know the specifics of him and the case against him, or if he's guilty, but say that he is. Just because he was embarrassed, he'll get away with conspiring to murder innocent Americans. I wish our POW's were treated like this faggot. Instead, we get our fucking heads sawed off with a freaking knife. What if we beheaded POW's we've collected on the battlefield? They'd yell bloody murder at us.

Worthless fucking people, just like the cowards that cry for them to have rights.

Oh, and if this has been posted, I'll delete the thread.
Wait, and you're NOT yelling bloody murder? What a fucking hypocrite you are.


Are you so friggin blind that you can't see this as an argument for NOT TORTURING?
You're a cunt. I don't consider being dressed up as a woman, being told I'm a piece of shit or my mother and sisters are whore and I'm a fag, torture. Only a little bitch would let the enemy get under his skin that way. They're just words. "Ew, you threw water on me. You're torturing me with water." Boo fucking hoo. They probably don't like water because they have no real sanitation system and they love being dirty fucking roaches. These are the very same pieces of excrement that shot at our soldiers, were captured instead of being dealt with when they should've, so they could give us info. I say torture the fucking shit out of everyone that has taken arms against us. We have the right to draw out information that will save lives.

Now, go eat a dick and come back when you're a man. And, as far as I can tell, Gitmo isn't a secret prison. The entire fucking world knows of it. They don't deserve a fair trial as they are enemy combatants, as in not apart of an army, and deserve to be hung instead of being given prayer time.

Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-10-24 14:00:47)

+385|6747|Northern California

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I don't consider being dressed up as a woman, being told I'm a piece of shit or my mother and sisters are whore and I'm a fag, torture. Only a little bitch would let the enemy get under his skin that way. They're just words. "Ew, you threw water on me. You're torturing me with water." Boo fucking hoo. They probably don't like water because they have no real sanitation system and they love being dirty fucking roaches. These are the very same pieces of excrement that shot at our soldiers, were captured instead of being dealt with when they should've, so they could give us info. I say torture the fucking shit out of everyone that has taken arms against us. We have the right to draw out information that will save lives.

Now, go eat a dick and come back when you're a man. And, as far as I can tell, Gitmo isn't a secret prison. The entire fucking world knows of it. They don't deserve a fair trial as they are enemy combatants, as in not apart of an army, and deserve to be hung instead of being given prayer time.
Wow, you're a genius.

And has it occurred to you that maybe these guys are being given the above described psychological and physical torture because they can already handle the hard core torture you watch in movies?  Has it occurred to you that our interrogators are using forms of torture against them that they are unaware of or have specific weakness to?  NO, you are a chuck norris watching boy thinking you're much smarter and tougher than you are who would piss himself if a dog barked at you, let alone getting a lapdance from PFC Lyndie whats-her-name.  You have NO idea what those torture victims went through and I hope you never know, even though you need a serious smack of maturation upside your head.

Only a little bitch would let the enemy get under his skin that way
Hehe, can you post a picture of yourself so we can see the manly man you are who could withstand waterboarding, electric shocking, psy-ops style torture, and other humiliations.  Not that you hold anything dear, but could you handle seeing your cd copy of BF2 being shit on and shoved into your mouth?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6946|Tampa Bay Florida
Jenkins, get a newspaper, dude... they're not just screaming at peoples faces, they're using physical pain to extract info. 

All treatment of POW's/combatants in this war is sick, IMO.  Yes, we are doing much better than they are, but what's the point in trying to spread freedom and democracy throughout the world if you're not even going to treat terrorists as a free people?   A lot of you don't get that lowering ourselves to their level defeats the entire purpose and goes against everything we stand for.

So, go ahead, keep spewing out crap like "let's just shoot them", "let's let the hounds get them" or "let's execute enron executives".  But realize that any form of punishment without a fair trial is one of the most un-American things you can do, if not the most. One of the most important reasons America is so great is because of our law and order system we have with criminals.  There are people who often cry bloody murder for almost every crime, and who want to practically F the judicial system.  Such people could have free trials taken away from right under their noses and they wouldn't even notice, until THEY'RE the ones getting F'ed over by the messed up system.

Free trials, fair trials, complete trials.  Treat them as United States citizens being charged with a crime (we did liberate Afgahnistan and Iraq after all, why shouldn't they be treated the same as free citizens of America?), or treat them as POW's and completely follow the Geneva convention.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-10-24 14:20:37)

Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6709|Cambridge, UK

FFS! you've said twice you don't know this guys case or even think hes guilty then say he is an "enemy combatant" - so are you just saying lock up and torture all Muslims? all non US maybe? 

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I say torture the fucking shit out of everyone that has taken arms against us.
So you'd be happy if anybody who thinks a US soldier had taken arms against them "tortured the shit out of them"

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I don't consider being dressed up as a woman, being told I'm a piece of shit or my mother and sisters are whore and I'm a fag, torture. Only a little bitch would let the enemy get under his skin that way. They're just words
don't believe it for a second - you'd be crying like a baby in no time and as I said before after a few years of it with no visits no rights (especially if you were innocent) you'd be truly off your nut. Even mild abusive, degrading or negative verbal said continuously is know by all armies to be enough to break most men even you Americans

In fact if they have no evidence after years of this he is either an extremely highly trained soldier and maybe guilty, or innocent. Do you really think that terrorists (ok religious fundamentalism help) can cope with the best interrogators the US has? After so long doesn't it worry you at all hes innocent and been abused for years!? I bet you haven't even given it a thought, or how you'd actually be able to deal with it?
+385|6747|Northern California
Also, on a note of their training..if they're real al qaeda, then they will likely have received the best training tactics our military uses since Osama and friends were taught that as they received CIA sanctioned training.  SO don't judge an islamic militant just because he is hairy, unbathed, and dressed like a sloppy ninja.  Also, they live in a world where such torture is probably normal for most people, so building resistence is probably quite easy...but being tortured in the unique way the US has probably quite shocking and humiliating to them.
+3,611|6878|London, England
I said it in the other topic. They will behead POW's becuase they are fucking terrorists and fucked up people. We are not. I'm proud that we're (the majority, at least) keeping our standards, even in times like this. Why can't you guys be proud of that instead of crying saying "Waaah they behead our guys lets do the same! We're just like them, we're scum!"

Do you think in WW2 the Allies went and gassed the German population?

Jenkinsbball wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Basically, because of how "badly" he was treated at Gitmo, this guy my never have to face what he conspired to do. I don't really know the specifics of him and the case against him, or if he's guilty, but say that he is. Just because he was embarrassed, he'll get away with conspiring to murder innocent Americans. I wish our POW's were treated like this faggot. Instead, we get our fucking heads sawed off with a freaking knife. What if we beheaded POW's we've collected on the battlefield? They'd yell bloody murder at us.

Worthless fucking people, just like the cowards that cry for them to have rights.

Oh, and if this has been posted, I'll delete the thread.
Wait, and you're NOT yelling bloody murder? What a fucking hypocrite you are.


Are you so friggin blind that you can't see this as an argument for NOT TORTURING?
You're a cunt. I don't consider being dressed up as a woman, being told I'm a piece of shit or my mother and sisters are whore and I'm a fag, torture. Only a little bitch would let the enemy get under his skin that way. They're just words. "Ew, you threw water on me. You're torturing me with water." Boo fucking hoo. They probably don't like water because they have no real sanitation system and they love being dirty fucking roaches. These are the very same pieces of excrement that shot at our soldiers, were captured instead of being dealt with when they should've, so they could give us info. I say torture the fucking shit out of everyone that has taken arms against us. We have the right to draw out information that will save lives.

Now, go eat a dick and come back when you're a man. And, as far as I can tell, Gitmo isn't a secret prison. The entire fucking world knows of it. They don't deserve a fair trial as they are enemy combatants, as in not apart of an army, and deserve to be hung instead of being given prayer time.
Sorry, but I guess you're just too dumb to realize that you can't have your sadistic jollies with them and still expect a trial and sentence afterwards.
AKA: badhq
+937|6889|Derby, England


Peace Boris

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