Who care where he was born? Last I checked New Have, Connecticut is still in the USA... He calls himself a Texan. Just because he wasn't born there doesn't mean that he isnt. I'd say that being the GOVERNOR of TEXAS qualifies him as a being "Texan".Reciprocity wrote:
how 'bout his fucking birth certificate. Did you really think he was a Texan, born and bred?'AlbertWesker[RE wrote:
Connecticut, proof.....If you're refering to the Dan Rather bullshit. That does not negate the remaining questions surrounding Bush's service.'AlbertWesker[RE wrote:
]National Guard story was false, has been debunked, yawncan't find oil in Texas, that takes talent.'AlbertWesker[RE wrote:
]Oil field.....yawn, got things together didn't he.....Wrecked environment:'AlbertWesker[RE wrote:
]The state he wrecked.....ok, nice opinion, want to back your opinion up with anything of substance?
- http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/election … _8-22.html
Wrecked everything:
- http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/st … _no_cattle
There is no question to his service. It was all a ploy, and you fell for it. He still served unlike Clinton. How about the Dems posterboy goto France and denounce the Americans? Wow. Real patroitic! I wanna vote for that guy!
So how many succesful business have you run? How much oil prospecting experience do you have?
Wrecked environment? Look at what China, and Russia do before you point the finger at the Big Bad US.
Wrecked everything? Source Rolling Stones? Its too easy...
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.