Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

Ikarti wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Actually, it wasn't as if I started the war...
I was in the military and got stop lossed into it.  Im here to do a job, im doing my job...I dont Initiate the contact sometimes like lastnight (End of Shia Ramadan) it found us as we were secxuring an Iraqi Army humvee and doing advanced first aid on 3 Iraqi soldiers injured in an IED attack.  Yeah so we got shot at and shot back, Its not like we roll outside the wire to go kill someone. Not even the first time I was here did we do that, 9 out of 10 of our partols were to check on things like Daswani village (Village of Hope the Military paid for and built, then rebuilt after insurgents blew it up) Or Set up dental clinics and pull security for the medics while they treated the kurds saddam tried to starve to death and torture... you sir dont know me.  I hate Weakness and Cowards, People that quit when things get tough is another biggie, and people who cry foul when something dont go they'er way truely upsets dont like me? then Fine STFU and leave me alone.  I have yet to attack you on a personal level so dont assume you know me or why the fuck im here in Iraq.  Get off your ass and make a change dont cry about the indecency of it all while you are at home sitting in a warm room with fresh water and internet.
Who's angry now?
If I was upset you would know it, im not known for maintaining my calm when im mad

CannonFodder11b wrote:

So funny.  I actually think you are getting mad. Yet I have not said anything towards you. Its a debate bud Chill out.  My beliefs are not yours, and never will be, its a talking point....I know your fighting the urge to call me some more names IE Jew,Heeb.... go ahead, I have yet to attack you, feel free to flame me. I dont really give a rats ass, Im in Iraq, and nothing You could do would upset me.  Unless you some how manage to cut my SGLI from 400k to nothing, I would like to think if I get smeared out here atleast my wife and kids will bve taken care of.
Yawn.... heard all of this shit before. Try reading some more of my posts. Don't give me the siege mentality bullshit - "they're all against us". Jewish people are not necessarily zionists. It's Zionists I have a beef with.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 07:14:06)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA
Zionism is a political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, where Jewish nationhood is thought to have evolved somewhere between 1200 BCE and late Second Temple times,[1] [2] and where Jewish kingdoms and self-governing states existed up to the 2nd century CE.

It has been described as a diaspora nationalism.[3] Its proponents regard it as a national liberation movement.[4]

While Zionism is based in part upon religious tradition linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the modern movement was mainly secular, beginning largely as a response to rampant antisemitism in Europe during the 19th century.[5] At first one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to the position of Jews in Europe, Zionism gradually gained more support. The destruction of the existing Jewish society in Europe during the Holocaust accelerated migration to Palestine, in turn accelerating the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Since 1948 Zionism is a national ideology within the State of Israel, [6] and outside it is primarily a movement in support of that state.[citation needed]

Really Its Zionists you have a problem with.....

Last edited by CannonFodder11b (2006-10-24 07:29:47)

International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...
Like I said, the infighting Muslims are idiots. Pay no attention to them, try to keep away from suspicious-looking vehicles, and insya-Allah, you'll be back in America with your family before long. In one piece, of course.

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Zionism is a political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, where Jewish nationhood is thought to have evolved somewhere between 1200 BCE and late Second Temple times,[1] [2] and where Jewish kingdoms and self-governing states existed up to the 2nd century CE.

It has been described as a diaspora nationalism.[3] Its proponents regard it as a national liberation movement.[4]

While Zionism is based in part upon religious tradition linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the modern movement was mainly secular, beginning largely as a response to rampant antisemitism in Europe during the 19th century.[5] At first one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to the position of Jews in Europe, Zionism gradually gained more support. The destruction of the existing Jewish society in Europe during the Holocaust accelerated migration to Palestine, in turn accelerating the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Since 1948 Zionism is a national ideology within the State of Israel, [6] and outside it is primarily a movement in support of that state.[citation needed]

Really Its Zionists you have a problem with.....
Yes IT IS Zionism I have a problem with. It's the reason Arabs have paid the price for German atrocities. Hey - let's give Israel back to the Cana'anites - they were there first!
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Zionism is a political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, where Jewish nationhood is thought to have evolved somewhere between 1200 BCE and late Second Temple times,[1] [2] and where Jewish kingdoms and self-governing states existed up to the 2nd century CE.

It has been described as a diaspora nationalism.[3] Its proponents regard it as a national liberation movement.[4]

While Zionism is based in part upon religious tradition linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the modern movement was mainly secular, beginning largely as a response to rampant antisemitism in Europe during the 19th century.[5] At first one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to the position of Jews in Europe, Zionism gradually gained more support. The destruction of the existing Jewish society in Europe during the Holocaust accelerated migration to Palestine, in turn accelerating the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Since 1948 Zionism is a national ideology within the State of Israel, [6] and outside it is primarily a movement in support of that state.[citation needed]

Really Its Zionists you have a problem with.....
Yes IT IS Zionism I have a problem with. It's the reason Arabs have paid the price for German atrocities. Hey - let's give Israel back to the Cana'anites - they were there first!
Hahaha, Thats Amusing to say the least so Arabs are paying for Germany's Atrocities?  I Dont quite understand that, I think Germany paid for its own Atrocities.  Germany has come a long way since ww2.
My only problem is that if no one agvrees with what you have to say, you find a name to call them.  Keep it up and you might end up like your friend whom just got banned.....

CannonFodder11b wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Zionism is a political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, where Jewish nationhood is thought to have evolved somewhere between 1200 BCE and late Second Temple times,[1] [2] and where Jewish kingdoms and self-governing states existed up to the 2nd century CE.

It has been described as a diaspora nationalism.[3] Its proponents regard it as a national liberation movement.[4]

While Zionism is based in part upon religious tradition linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the modern movement was mainly secular, beginning largely as a response to rampant antisemitism in Europe during the 19th century.[5] At first one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to the position of Jews in Europe, Zionism gradually gained more support. The destruction of the existing Jewish society in Europe during the Holocaust accelerated migration to Palestine, in turn accelerating the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Since 1948 Zionism is a national ideology within the State of Israel, [6] and outside it is primarily a movement in support of that state.[citation needed]

Really Its Zionists you have a problem with.....
Yes IT IS Zionism I have a problem with. It's the reason Arabs have paid the price for German atrocities. Hey - let's give Israel back to the Cana'anites - they were there first!
Hahaha, Thats Amusing to say the least so Arabs are paying for Germany's Atrocities?  I Dont quite understand that, I think Germany paid for its own Atrocities.  Germany has come a long way since ww2.
My only problem is that if no one agvrees with what you have to say, you find a name to call them.  Keep it up and you might end up like your friend whom just got banned.....
I used one term 'sicko' once in response to your 'Fuck everyone in Palestine and Lebanon' remark. I very very rarely slide to the level of someone who uses such language but your remark so aggrieved me that, in this case, I did. Thank you and good day.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 07:43:39)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Here we go again. This is what...the 50th thread that turned into this same argument? How many times are you guys going to argue the same thing over and over before you realize that you're either (A) Wrong or (B) Never going to change the opinion of who you're arguing against?

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-10-24 07:52:07)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Yes IT IS Zionism I have a problem with. It's the reason Arabs have paid the price for German atrocities. Hey - let's give Israel back to the Cana'anites - they were there first!
Hahaha, Thats Amusing to say the least so Arabs are paying for Germany's Atrocities?  I Dont quite understand that, I think Germany paid for its own Atrocities.  Germany has come a long way since ww2.
My only problem is that if no one agvrees with what you have to say, you find a name to call them.  Keep it up and you might end up like your friend whom just got banned.....
I used one term 'sicko' once in response to your 'Fuck everyone in Palestine and Lebanon' remark. I very very rarely slide to the level of someone who uses such language but your remark so aggrieved me that, in this case, I did. Thank you and good day.
And if your going to say I said something re-read before you make yourself look like an idiot...I said Fuck Lebanon, and fuck palistine... not Fuck everyone.   Now have a good day from your new "Zionist"  friend.

CannonFodder11b wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Hahaha, Thats Amusing to say the least so Arabs are paying for Germany's Atrocities?  I Dont quite understand that, I think Germany paid for its own Atrocities.  Germany has come a long way since ww2.
My only problem is that if no one agvrees with what you have to say, you find a name to call them.  Keep it up and you might end up like your friend whom just got banned.....
I used one term 'sicko' once in response to your 'Fuck everyone in Palestine and Lebanon' remark. I very very rarely slide to the level of someone who uses such language but your remark so aggrieved me that, in this case, I did. Thank you and good day.
And if your going to say I said something re-read before you make yourself look like an idiot...I said Fuck Lebanon, and fuck palistine... not Fuck everyone.   Now have a good day from your new "Zionist"  friend.
I know full well that's what you said. It stongly  implies the conclusion that I drew from it. Or are you simply cursing the pieces of land said people walk upon?
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I used one term 'sicko' once in response to your 'Fuck everyone in Palestine and Lebanon' remark. I very very rarely slide to the level of someone who uses such language but your remark so aggrieved me that, in this case, I did. Thank you and good day.
And if your going to say I said something re-read before you make yourself look like an idiot...I said Fuck Lebanon, and fuck palistine... not Fuck everyone.   Now have a good day from your new "Zionist"  friend.
I know full well that's what you said. It stongly  implies the conclusion that I drew from it. Or are you simply cursing the pieces of land said people walk upon?
SO you are Assuming i meant fuck the people?  you know what it means when you assume right? Dont assume shit.. you dont know me, I dont know you.
And yeah cursing the land is pretty much what I meant.  If I had intended to say fuck the people...then i would have said fuck the people.
+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

ATG wrote:
October 23, 1983
A day that will live in infamy in the eyes of the United States forever.
A idea born of the tactics of the Tamil Tiger rebels, Hamas operatives drove a truck laden bomb into the Marines barracks at the airport, and blew themselves up under sleeping marines. … y_big.html
241 Americans died, and in a lessor known, but almost simultaneous attack 58 French paratrooper were killed in a blast nearby. These attacks were carried out by Hezbollah.

Propecy about Hamas/Hezbollah by Pat Buchanan

This article makes a good case for letting bygones be bygones. After all, to insist on Democratic elections and then withhold aid simply on the basis that we do not like who got elected is to make of ourselves fools. I have often wondered why Muqtada al-Sadr  hasn't been killed in Iraq. After all, he is a thorn in our side and many Americans have died fighting his followers.
     The reason we can't is because he holds seats in parliment. It would be wrong and turn the people against us even more. He, and/or his people have been elected in Iraq and we can't just say ( although I personally think he needs to be killed ) we don't like you, without being seen as puppet masters.
     By extensions, the U.S. needs to forgive this decades old crime, and recognize Hamas as a freely elected government.
     Should they insist on funding terrorism, or attacking Israel, then we take them out.

For the usual suspects who will say Israel was to blame for this too; I've taked the time to provide you with your talking points... … ebanon.htm
these clowns claim Mossad controls Hezobollah lol!

     So, what do you think; can the U.S. foster elections, but rightly cry foul when terrorists are elected?
     Can Israel be blamed for the bombings in Beirut?
     Can we deal with elected terrorist like nothing ever happened, and if we are suppossed to, should a requirement of that be that they let bygones be bygones in regards to Israel?
And why are they terrorists?
+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Here we go again. This is what...the 50th thread that turned into this same argument? How many times are you guys going to argue the same thing over and over before you realize that you're either (A) Wrong or (B) Never going to change the opinion of who you're arguing against?
We will argue until a) you realize we are right, or b) we change your opinion.

Last edited by HM1{N} (2006-10-24 08:01:10)

+3,611|6934|London, England
You know i bet if someone did something similair for terrorist attacks against say.....the Russian army or "non NATO/Australia" armys everybody would ask for the topic to be locked or something.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

HM1{N} wrote:

ATG wrote:
October 23, 1983
A day that will live in infamy in the eyes of the United States forever.
A idea born of the tactics of the Tamil Tiger rebels, Hamas operatives drove a truck laden bomb into the Marines barracks at the airport, and blew themselves up under sleeping marines. … y_big.html
241 Americans died, and in a lessor known, but almost simultaneous attack 58 French paratrooper were killed in a blast nearby. These attacks were carried out by Hezbollah.

Propecy about Hamas/Hezbollah by Pat Buchanan

This article makes a good case for letting bygones be bygones. After all, to insist on Democratic elections and then withhold aid simply on the basis that we do not like who got elected is to make of ourselves fools. I have often wondered why Muqtada al-Sadr  hasn't been killed in Iraq. After all, he is a thorn in our side and many Americans have died fighting his followers.
     The reason we can't is because he holds seats in parliment. It would be wrong and turn the people against us even more. He, and/or his people have been elected in Iraq and we can't just say ( although I personally think he needs to be killed ) we don't like you, without being seen as puppet masters.
     By extensions, the U.S. needs to forgive this decades old crime, and recognize Hamas as a freely elected government.
     Should they insist on funding terrorism, or attacking Israel, then we take them out.

For the usual suspects who will say Israel was to blame for this too; I've taked the time to provide you with your talking points... … ebanon.htm
these clowns claim Mossad controls Hezobollah lol!

     So, what do you think; can the U.S. foster elections, but rightly cry foul when terrorists are elected?
     Can Israel be blamed for the bombings in Beirut?
     Can we deal with elected terrorist like nothing ever happened, and if we are suppossed to, should a requirement of that be that they let bygones be bygones in regards to Israel?
And why are they terrorists?
Any group that uses suicide bombings and murder by will against non combatants is a terrorist.
Cololateral damages does not count.

ATG wrote:

Any group that uses suicide bombings and murder by will against non combatants is a terrorist.
Cololateral damages does not count.
ATG the death toll was ENTIRELY military...
+5,233|6842|Global Command
He was asking why Hamas, who got elected are terrorist, not about the barracks bombing ( a legit target imop ).
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon

CannonFodder11b wrote:

F14's to Iran?  Ummm you sure it was Tomcats? and not ooh I dunno the F16 that we whored out to every country that had the cash?  As far as i know the US was the only country to fly the f14's due to the High speed I can nail over 100 miles away radar system it had.  (Besides the F14 was designed for Carrier flight, not dirt merchant air strips)
yes, they were F14's.   Not sure about your speed thing,  and no combat aircraft is carrier exculsive.  That is logistically retarded.

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Also at the time the US trained the Taliban it wasn't the Taliban it was some oppressed people the US trained
we funded and trained freedom fighters in the Soviet-Afghan war.  We funded and trained the Taliban via the CIA from the mid 90's to the summer of 2001. 

Cannonfodder11b wrote:

A far from Dying Soviet Union
yeah, according to the CIA, Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr..  IF you had asked any of them how  the USSR was doing in the fall of '89 they would have said "keep spending" and "space lasers are the answer".  The Soviet Union had been dying since it's inception.  It only took the right Soviet leadership to finally finish it off.
The Lizzard

Reciprocity wrote:

The Soviet Union had been dying since it's inception.
Which explains why it was growing in power up until the end of WWII................
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon

Bubbalo wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

The Soviet Union had been dying since it's inception.
Which explains why it was growing in power up until the end of WWII................
They chose to kill and exile all the intellectuals who concieved of a Communist Paradise.  They were socially and economically doomed from the beginning.  How do you create paradise with goulags and slavery?  How do you feed millions with arms and munitions?  Does a flourishing Goverment kill tens of millions of it's own productive citizens?  Humans make communism into fascism.   Communism is neat on paper, but the human condition will always corrupt.  And if by growing in power, you mean spreading like an infection, then you are correct.
The Lizzard
You don't seem to understand:

If the Soviet Union had been dying since inception it ought be losing power, not gaining it.  Whether it lived up to the ideals of it's founders is irrelevant.
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon
what i'm saying is, any power the Soviet Union ever had was fleeting.  From the moment of its inception, it was doomed, because it was founded solely on the concept of National Socialism which it could never successfully live up to.  It was dying/DOOMED from the beginning, no matter what power it had at any moment.  It takes more than weapons to succeed in the world.

Last edited by Reciprocity (2006-10-24 22:41:51)

The Lizzard
Uh, no.  It was founded by people who publically espoused Marxism, but may privately have just been power hungry, who were, to some extent, backed by people who were hungry.  Nationalism was not a driving factor, nor Socialism (except in that it is similar to Marxism, which was always a side issue anyway).
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  Granted, not the Nazi concept of National Socialism, but they were fans of collective ownership, and all that bullshit.  Communism, Marxism, Socialism; they are interchangeable in this discussion.  And like I already said, the human condition always currupts.  The people who founded the Soviet Union were power hungry because they were human.  The masses who backed them just wanted food and stability.  They were all fucked from the beginning.

Last edited by Reciprocity (2006-10-24 22:58:03)

The Lizzard
Uh, no they aren't.  Marxism is a specific form of Communism, which is a specific form of Socialism.  And you assume that Lenin and Trotsky were power hungry, which we can't really be sure of:  Stalin was, certainly, but he had little to do with the revolution itself.  And none of this has any relation to your claim that the USSR was dieing from inception.

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