Say wat!?

arabeater wrote:

1. What nation of the allies or axis would you fight for and why? Germany. SS Divisions were ruthless MFers and those are my kinda guys.

2. In what theater of operation would you rather be involved and why? Invasion of Low Countries. I hate frenchies and they make good wine. Also nice weather for an occupation

3. In what branch of service and why? 1SS Panzer Adolf Hitler Division. SS Panzergrenadier. NOT A DEATH SQUAD! Best military in the world.

4. In what capacity would you rather do your fighting? IE. infantry, fighter pilot, tank driver, sniper, ships. etc..keeping in mind the life expectancy and the ways of death you could experience from that job. Remember, you still wanna survive the war and go home. Infantry all the way. I know the life expectancy of an SS soldat and that doesnt bother me at all. If im gonna go fight a war I sure as hell wanna fight for the best trained and best equipped. Which happens to be the SS. They just were heavily outnumnered.
Sorry to say this but NOT one SS soldier was inocent. The rest of the German Army were just normal people who were angry but the SS were just pure evil fucking cock suckers who hopefully are burning in hell right now.
+18|7015|Swing and a miss
1.  US, because i don't hate jews?

2. European  Campaign

3. Army, Dog Company ,  I Would Go Easy Company Air Born ; But  Being A Paratrooper  Is Almost Suicide

4. Infantry. 
VV Good Points  + 1

Ty wrote:

4.Difficult question. I suppose I wouldn't take the likelyhood of death, because in war everyone was at risk. I'd probably base my answer on the ways of death. I would hate to be in a tank, those things are death traps. A plane I could cope with, but being splattered with burning oil while thousnads of meters I the air is something I'd rather leave in Medieval times, (the burning oil part I mean.) Snipers were fairly safe in their work, depending on how good they were. However Snipers were so hated by the enemy that if captured they were generally shot. The Russians and Japs even tortured captive Snipers.

I have to rest on general Infantry. Yes, there were so many ways an infantryman could be killed, but most were quick. I'd rather be shot or blown up then burn to death in a tank for example. I would like to be a Sharpshooer perhaps rather than a Sniper. If anyone remembers Private Jackson in "Saving Private Ryan" he was a Sharpshooter, (basicly the only difference is a Sniper is solo while a Sharpshooter is generaly a Sniper in a squad.)

Last edited by trackstarr (2006-10-25 17:00:42)

Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Vilham wrote:

arabeater wrote:

1. What nation of the allies or axis would you fight for and why? Germany. SS Divisions were ruthless MFers and those are my kinda guys.

2. In what theater of operation would you rather be involved and why? Invasion of Low Countries. I hate frenchies and they make good wine. Also nice weather for an occupation

3. In what branch of service and why? 1SS Panzer Adolf Hitler Division. SS Panzergrenadier. NOT A DEATH SQUAD! Best military in the world.

4. In what capacity would you rather do your fighting? IE. infantry, fighter pilot, tank driver, sniper, ships. etc..keeping in mind the life expectancy and the ways of death you could experience from that job. Remember, you still wanna survive the war and go home. Infantry all the way. I know the life expectancy of an SS soldat and that doesnt bother me at all. If im gonna go fight a war I sure as hell wanna fight for the best trained and best equipped. Which happens to be the SS. They just were heavily outnumnered.
Sorry to say this but NOT one SS soldier was inocent. The rest of the German Army were just normal people who were angry but the SS were just pure evil fucking cock suckers who hopefully are burning in hell right now.
Apparently you know jack fucking shit about the SS. Yes they had death squads and yes they killed P.O.W.'s and civilians, but guess what so did the Brits, Russians, French and the US. Maybe not on the scale of the SS. Also my grandfather was an SS troop in the 1SS LSSAH division and they were strictly a military unit. NOT A DEATH SQUAD! They were the military section of the Nazi party. The SS Algemeine were the ones that controlled the Death Camps. Do some research you twit.
Say wat!?

arabeater wrote:

Vilham wrote:

arabeater wrote:

1. What nation of the allies or axis would you fight for and why? Germany. SS Divisions were ruthless MFers and those are my kinda guys.

2. In what theater of operation would you rather be involved and why? Invasion of Low Countries. I hate frenchies and they make good wine. Also nice weather for an occupation

3. In what branch of service and why? 1SS Panzer Adolf Hitler Division. SS Panzergrenadier. NOT A DEATH SQUAD! Best military in the world.

4. In what capacity would you rather do your fighting? IE. infantry, fighter pilot, tank driver, sniper, ships. etc..keeping in mind the life expectancy and the ways of death you could experience from that job. Remember, you still wanna survive the war and go home. Infantry all the way. I know the life expectancy of an SS soldat and that doesnt bother me at all. If im gonna go fight a war I sure as hell wanna fight for the best trained and best equipped. Which happens to be the SS. They just were heavily outnumnered.
Sorry to say this but NOT one SS soldier was inocent. The rest of the German Army were just normal people who were angry but the SS were just pure evil fucking cock suckers who hopefully are burning in hell right now.
Apparently you know jack fucking shit about the SS. Yes they had death squads and yes they killed P.O.W.'s and civilians, but guess what so did the Brits, Russians, French and the US. Maybe not on the scale of the SS. Also my grandfather was an SS troop in the 1SS LSSAH division and they were strictly a military unit. NOT A DEATH SQUAD! They were the military section of the Nazi party. The SS Algemeine were the ones that controlled the Death Camps. Do some research you twit.
Heres my research.

War crimes and atrocities

Many formations within the Waffen-SS were proven to have committed war crimes, most notoriously at Oradour-sur-Glane, Marzabotto, against Canadian soldiers in the Battle of Normandy (see the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend article for details) and Americans in the Malmedy massacre.

Perhaps the most infamous of all SS formations were the Dirlewanger and Kaminski Brigades (later to become the 36.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS and 29.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russische Nr.1) respectively. These formations, composed mostly of ex-Einsatzgruppen, released criminals and Russian Prisoners of War and commanded by the fanatical Nazis Oskar Dirlewanger and Bronislaw Kaminski, were engaged in numerous atrocities throughout their existence. After their actions in putting down the Warsaw Uprising, Heer complaints resulted in these units being dissolved and several members (including Kaminski) being tried and executed for their role in several incidents.

Similarly, the Waffen-Sturm-Brigade RONA has a combat record riddled with atrocities as well as abysmal conduct when faced with front line service.

While some Waffen-SS divisions such as Nordland and Nord are not associated with battlefield atrocities, others were involved to some degree in systemic criminal acts. The debate over the culpability of the organisation as a whole is the center of much revisionism (see Holocaust denial).

On one end of the debate, in addition to documented atrocities, certain Waffen-SS units did assist in rounding up Eastern European Jewry for deportation, SS-Division Totenkopf personnel convalesced at concentration camps by serving routine guard duties, and utilised Scorched-earth tactics during anti-partisan operations.

On the other end, some assert that with over 900,000 men serving in its ranks from 15 nationalities, the Waffen-SS was a pan-European military formation embedded with a socio-political ideology, similar in composition to the 19th-century Napoleonic forces or even modern-day NATO military organization.

Regardless of the record of individual combat units within the Waffen-SS, the entire organisation was declared a criminal organization by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremberg Trials, except conscripts, who were exempted from that judgment due to being forcibly mobilized. The actions of Himmler and the Nazi hierarchy in attaching the SS combat divisions to the same overall command of as the Allgemeine SS, Concentration Camps and Einsatzgruppen meant that such a decision was inevitable.

As you can see the SS was declared a criminal orgainzation due to the fact that they caused numerous war crimes.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Vilham wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Sorry to say this but NOT one SS soldier was inocent. The rest of the German Army were just normal people who were angry but the SS were just pure evil fucking cock suckers who hopefully are burning in hell right now.
Apparently you know jack fucking shit about the SS. Yes they had death squads and yes they killed P.O.W.'s and civilians, but guess what so did the Brits, Russians, French and the US. Maybe not on the scale of the SS. Also my grandfather was an SS troop in the 1SS LSSAH division and they were strictly a military unit. NOT A DEATH SQUAD! They were the military section of the Nazi party. The SS Algemeine were the ones that controlled the Death Camps. Do some research you twit.
Heres my research.

War crimes and atrocities

Many formations within the Waffen-SS were proven to have committed war crimes, most notoriously at Oradour-sur-Glane, Marzabotto, against Canadian soldiers in the Battle of Normandy (see the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend article for details) and Americans in the Malmedy massacre.

Perhaps the most infamous of all SS formations were the Dirlewanger and Kaminski Brigades (later to become the 36.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS and 29.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russische Nr.1) respectively. These formations, composed mostly of ex-Einsatzgruppen, released criminals and Russian Prisoners of War and commanded by the fanatical Nazis Oskar Dirlewanger and Bronislaw Kaminski, were engaged in numerous atrocities throughout their existence. After their actions in putting down the Warsaw Uprising, Heer complaints resulted in these units being dissolved and several members (including Kaminski) being tried and executed for their role in several incidents.

Similarly, the Waffen-Sturm-Brigade RONA has a combat record riddled with atrocities as well as abysmal conduct when faced with front line service.

While some Waffen-SS divisions such as Nordland and Nord are not associated with battlefield atrocities, others were involved to some degree in systemic criminal acts. The debate over the culpability of the organisation as a whole is the center of much revisionism (see Holocaust denial).

On one end of the debate, in addition to documented atrocities, certain Waffen-SS units did assist in rounding up Eastern European Jewry for deportation, SS-Division Totenkopf personnel convalesced at concentration camps by serving routine guard duties, and utilised Scorched-earth tactics during anti-partisan operations.

On the other end, some assert that with over 900,000 men serving in its ranks from 15 nationalities, the Waffen-SS was a pan-European military formation embedded with a socio-political ideology, similar in composition to the 19th-century Napoleonic forces or even modern-day NATO military organization.

Regardless of the record of individual combat units within the Waffen-SS, the entire organisation was declared a criminal organization by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremberg Trials, except conscripts, who were exempted from that judgment due to being forcibly mobilized. The actions of Himmler and the Nazi hierarchy in attaching the SS combat divisions to the same overall command of as the Allgemeine SS, Concentration Camps and Einsatzgruppen meant that such a decision was inevitable.

As you can see the SS was declared a criminal orgainzation due to the fact that they caused numerous war crimes.
Of course they were called a criminals because everybody had it out for Germany. I never said that the SS were good guys I said that they were some of the best if not the best combat units. Thats why I wouldve joined them. Not because some units commited atrocities. Ok i'll give you Hitlerjugend divisions were crazy and all brainwashed but so go as far as to say all of them were acting like that is crazy. I have interviewed many former 1SS LSSAH troops and they did tell me that they had heard of atrocities being commited but by other units not theirs. I am in the 1SS LSSAH reenacting unit and we have a few former SS guys instructing us and we all have asked them if they had ever seen anybody in their unit ever commit any acs of violence and they said that the only things that they had ever done were burn peoples houses down for harboring the enemy and interrorgate P.O.W's. Again I agree that there were alot of atrocities carried out by the SS as a whole but you cant sit there and tell me that all of them deserve to burn in hell m8.

Last edited by arabeater (2006-10-25 17:20:17)

Say wat!?

arabeater wrote:

Of course they were called a criminals because everybody had it out for Germany. I never said that the SS were good guys I said that they were some of the best if not the best combat units. Thats why I wouldve joined them. Not because some units commited atrocities. Ok i'll give you Hitlerjugend divisions were crazy and all brainwashed but so go as far as to say all of them were acting like that is crazy. I have interviewed many former 1SS LSSAH troops and they did tell me that they had heard of atrocities being commited but by other units not theirs. I am in the 1SS LSSAH reenacting unit and we have a few former SS guys instructing us and we all have asked them if they had ever seen anybody in their unit ever commit any acs of violence and they said that the only things that they had ever done were burn peoples houses down for harboring the enemy and interrorgate P.O.W's. Again I agree that there were alot of atrocities carried out by the SS as a whole but you cant sit there and tell me that all of them deserve to burn in hell m8.
I know war is harsh but as you said yourself... "they did tell me that they had heard of atrocities being commited", yet they did nothing to stop this happening like perhaps rising up against the evil bastards that did do those things, as far as im concerned that makes them as guilt as those that commited those acts, thats my philsophy. Ive stop being mates with people who have stolen and done other such criminal attacks, for me to continue being mates would just have been hipocritical. Ofcourse im comparing on a different scale here, but if i heard about war crimes like those in WWII being commited by British soldiers on other Brits or even any civilian or soldier i would protest about it.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Vilham wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Of course they were called a criminals because everybody had it out for Germany. I never said that the SS were good guys I said that they were some of the best if not the best combat units. Thats why I wouldve joined them. Not because some units commited atrocities. Ok i'll give you Hitlerjugend divisions were crazy and all brainwashed but so go as far as to say all of them were acting like that is crazy. I have interviewed many former 1SS LSSAH troops and they did tell me that they had heard of atrocities being commited but by other units not theirs. I am in the 1SS LSSAH reenacting unit and we have a few former SS guys instructing us and we all have asked them if they had ever seen anybody in their unit ever commit any acs of violence and they said that the only things that they had ever done were burn peoples houses down for harboring the enemy and interrorgate P.O.W's. Again I agree that there were alot of atrocities carried out by the SS as a whole but you cant sit there and tell me that all of them deserve to burn in hell m8.
I know war is harsh but as you said yourself... "they did tell me that they had heard of atrocities being commited", yet they did nothing to stop this happening like perhaps rising up against the evil bastards that did do those things, as far as im concerned that makes them as guilt as those that commited those acts, thats my philsophy. Ive stop being mates with people who have stolen and done other such criminal attacks, for me to continue being mates would just have been hipocritical. Ofcourse im comparing on a different scale here, but if i heard about war crimes like those in WWII being commited by British soldiers on other Brits or even any civilian or soldier i would protest about it.
What would you have them do, if they wouldve stepped up and bitched about it they probably wouldve been sent to the Eastern Front or something which i'm sure as you know is pretty much a death sentence. Im not saying that I idolize them for what the crimes that some had committed but i do envey the way they fought till the death and didnt give ground in the face of the enemy. You can ask anyone that faced any SS division in combat and they will tell you that they were tough fuckers and they inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy. Thats what i idolize about them. I have German heritage and if I had been in Germany during WW2 I wouldve tried my hardest to fight with an SS unit because they were the Elite soldiers. Period.

Last edited by arabeater (2006-10-25 20:13:57)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
1) United States

2) Iwo Jima

3) United States Marine Corps

4) 0311....Infantry

A real man's answer should have at least one of the preceding four answers.
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
1) United States

2) Iwo Jima

3) United States Marine Corps

4) 0311....Infantry

A real man's answer should have at least one of the preceding four answers.
Malloy must go

deeznutz1245 wrote:

1) United States

2) Iwo Jima

3) United States Marine Corps

4) 0311....Infantry

A real man's answer should have at least one of the preceding four answers.
Iwo Jima counted as a theater of its own?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-27 15:04:07)

+43|6705|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
I can't believe anyone who knew anything about war would be talking about who they would fight for in WW2.

Even in the cleanest theatre (say, North Africa) it was shitty and deadly.

Personally, I'd run a fucking mile....
GunSlinger OIF II

Ratzinger wrote:

I can't believe anyone who knew anything about war would be talking about who they would fight for in WW2.

Even in the cleanest theatre (say, North Africa) it was shitty and deadly.

Personally, I'd run a fucking mile....
+43|6705|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Ah, a patriot.

Apart from the "last refuge" bit, I have this idea that the principle theme of Orwells 1984 isn't "the control of all information" but "Do it to Julia, not to me" (the Room 101 scene).

Its nice to be brave but no-one knows how they'll be till the time comes.....
GunSlinger OIF II

Ratzinger wrote:

Ah, a patriot.

Apart from the "last refuge" bit, I have this idea that the principle theme of Orwells 1984 isn't "the control of all information" but "Do it to Julia, not to me" (the Room 101 scene).

Its nice to be brave but no-one knows how they'll be till the time comes.....
tell that to somebody who might fit your description.

god damn right im a patriot and I still wear the uniform.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-10-27 21:29:54)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

deeznutz1245 wrote:

A real man's answer should have at least one of the preceding four answers.
Right......... and you obviously know better then everyone else out there, including the Brits who worked for the SAS and could probably snap your spine in half and make you cry like a baby.

Iwo Jima wasn't a theater.  A real man would know that.
Fighting for the Marines in the Pacific.  The Pacific is a theater (I like how we call were wars are fought Theaters... just a thought).  Anyways, my great uncle died on Iwo.  My other great-uncle was wounded on Iwo but not evacuated (a grazing wound he said wasn't a wound).

I love another great-uncle who flew for the Air Army Corps.  My grandpa served with the CBs although we caught the tail end of the war didn't do anything, but eventually became a Professor at the Naval Acadamy.

My Dad never fought, bad eye sight and flat footed.  I never fought because of previous injuries.

However, like I said.  If I fought in WWII, P-38.  Although there are a few other things that would be interesting.  But a P-38 is just such a beautiful plane, if I get rich going to build a replica of one.

Anyways... as far as the SS goes.  It is true that some of them were evil and committed horrible war crimes.  Then there were the fighting units, which for a long time were feared by the Allies because they were really good.  But towards the end of the war, the standard of the German army had fallen and well all units were pretty well torn up so, the SS weren't feared anymore.

If I fought in Europe.  I'd have loved to use a Pershing Tank for the US.  The Germans got use to being able to take out an American tank in one hit from the front.  Then, all of a sudden the Pershing Heavy Tank arrived and they couldn't, shells would bounce off.  That would've been nice for any American tank crew to get.

Also, the OSS would be pretty cool too.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Spearhead wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

A real man's answer should have at least one of the preceding four answers.
Right......... and you obviously know better then everyone else out there, including the Brits who worked for the SAS and could probably snap your spine in half and make you cry like a baby.

Iwo Jima wasn't a theater.  A real man would know that.
Ok ....Pacific. Are you SAS? Just wondering. I have trained with them and I will admit they are impressive but if you are going to sit there and tell me that Marine special forces are not then I cant debate with you. On any level. No SAS I have ever met or trained with impressed me to the point where I was afraid, and to be honest with you they are just as impressed with us. I know this because I have interacted with them on a proffessional level, not just on the internet you queer. And by the way if you were to scrutinize my post I stated that "A real mans answer would have one of the preceeding answers". INFANTRY was one of them. SAS is infantry special forces. Stupid.
Malloy must go
GunSlinger OIF II
Marine Special forces....thats news to me.
+51|7087|North Hollywood
1. What nation of the allies or axis would you fight for and why? - USA because hey, its home. Even though that was BEFORE the civil rights movement

2. In what theater of operation would you rather be involved and why? Pacific. I'll take the heat all day any day over the damn cold ass euro theatre.

3. In what branch of service and why? NAVY- Somethin about the battleships....

4. In what capacity would you rather do your fighting? IE. infantry, fighter pilot, tank driver, sniper, ships. etc..keeping in mind the life expectancy and the ways of death you could experience from that job. Remember, you still wanna survive the war and go home. - 2 choices, either the deck gunner/ torpedoes mate on a pig boat (sub) or part of the gun crews on a battleship. I like my explosions big   I was a missile technician in the Modern Navy but we didn't exactly test fire nukes...
Say wat!?

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

A real man's answer should have at least one of the preceding four answers.
Right......... and you obviously know better then everyone else out there, including the Brits who worked for the SAS and could probably snap your spine in half and make you cry like a baby.

Iwo Jima wasn't a theater.  A real man would know that.
Ok ....Pacific. Are you SAS? Just wondering. I have trained with them and I will admit they are impressive but if you are going to sit there and tell me that Marine special forces are not then I cant debate with you. On any level. No SAS I have ever met or trained with impressed me to the point where I was afraid, and to be honest with you they are just as impressed with us. I know this because I have interacted with them on a proffessional level, not just on the internet you queer. And by the way if you were to scrutinize my post I stated that "A real mans answer would have one of the preceeding answers". INFANTRY was one of them. SAS is infantry special forces. Stupid.
Well actually SAS is air special forces... Speacil Air Service... I also point out that you are talking crap if you werent even remotely woried about the SAS, they are fucking mental, the Marines (British) are crazy, like for one instance that was in the news a while back now, one marine got beaten up by like 6 chavs, the whole platoon then decended on the town and beat the shit out of all the chavs they could find, and compared to the SAS that is not much.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Marine Special forces....thats news to me.
Maybe he's thinking of the Marine Force Recon guys?
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Marine Special forces....thats news to me.
It also strikes me as odd that he claims SAS are infantry. Despite having trained with them.

Reminds me of Ross Kemp on Extras - Super Army Soldiers!
Say wat!?

Bertster7 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Marine Special forces....thats news to me.
It also strikes me as odd that he claims SAS are infantry. Despite having trained with them.

Reminds me of Ross Kemp on Extras - Super Army Soldiers!
lol that was the funniest thing ever. Vinny Jones threatens him and he is like "plz dont hurt me".
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Marine Special forces....thats news to me.
Marine Corps Force have never heard of it? Ok. You are the expert after all. Im sure you have never heard of our HALO units either. Or the Marine Corps DAP ( direct action platoon). Im guessing you are military but what the fuck? Who has not heard of Force Recon?
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Bertster7 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Marine Special forces....thats news to me.
It also strikes me as odd that he claims SAS are infantry. Despite having trained with them.

Reminds me of Ross Kemp on Extras - Super Army Soldiers!
This is out of Websters, guys you ready?..... Infantry (noun): An organized military unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot and have received special training in close quarters combat.  HHHMMM that sounds like SAS to me unless they started riding around on scooters with paintball guns. Let me check the internet........................nope, they are still fine machines of warfare according to my sources.
Malloy must go

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