I've been having a problem starting the game.  In All Seeing Eye, I'll select the server and 2x click it.  It doenst load.  HOwever the task manager will show that bf2.exe is active, along with ~e5.0001.  but it doesn't start.  Then I 2x click it again.  A 2nd bf2.exe and ~e5.0001 shows up.  but the game still wont load.  I try it a 3rd time. and finally it loads up. 

I have also tried not using ASE, just loading the game.  THe same symptoms are there.

So I uninstalled the game then reinstalled.  at ver 1.00, it works fine, click the icon and it loads.  Then I install patch v1.03.  Now its loading into taskmanager, but the game doesn't load (as described above).

Any ideas?  Anyone have the same problem?  Any threads you may have seen describing / fixing this error?
