+5,233|6842|Global Command
Hang it up and surrender America, it’s over.[/
According to court testimony, agent Compean tried to block his path, but Aldrete continued running toward the Rio Grande. Compean and Ramos then shot at Aldrete and a bullet from Ramos' gun hit the smuggler in the buttocks. Though wounded, Aldrete made it to Mexico. The agents did not report the shooting and Compean picked up his shell casings. The agents, who will be officially fired now that they have been sentenced, said in court that they thought Aldrete had a gun. They were convicted of various charges, including violating the smuggler's civil rights and tampering with evidence. The case has become a cause celebre among conservatives, especially in California.
Jurors say they were misled to convict agents .

Help these men.
Oh, then there’s this, for political correctness
Mexican pledge recited, flags waved in Texas school
Link to videos
And then thisfor political incorrectness

I would rather be killed by a terrorist than abandoned by my government. But I don’t want to die, so I’ll consider surrender.
     Osama Bin Laden?
     Would he accept my surrender, and would it be palatable?
     Perhaps. He’s got a thing for Whitney Houston and I’d bet the Bill of Rights those Taliban are smoking the best of Kush, if you know what I’m saying.
Vincente Fox?
Man I love Mexican women and food. But would they drive the gabachos back to Europe whence they came ? They are still pissed about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the California Gold Rush, but admire our sense of industry and corrupt way of taking what we want.

Perhaps a power sharing arrangement.
I lol'd. robin williams - "the whole system sucks"
The Lizzard
You don't see an issue with people hiding an incident, whether or not it was a crime?
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
Whether or not it was a crime? It was not.  They should've aimed better and rid the world of a drug smuggler.  There is no issue here.  Our border patrol should be able to shoot a criminal coming over the border illegally.  Violating a smuggler's rights. Gimme a break.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-10-20 23:39:26)

The Lizzard
Actually, if you read the article you'll know that he was going the other way, and that the court considered it a crime......................
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Good stuff, almost makes you want to sign the petition... but then you read the news well and you think.

First, what kind of idiot puts himself in the position to get shot at by border patrol. I mean they've spotted you, they are blocking your path, and you STILL keep running trying to make it past the border. This isn't Hollywood dude, sometimes you just gotta know you're beat. I wonder what that guy did once he crossed the border with a bullet wound on his ass.

Then, what kind of idiots shoot at an unarmed suspect, running AWAY from them, and then actually go as far as hiding most of the evidence. How is that even remotely smart. Of course they got in trouble. It doesn't help that border issues are in the limelight right now so your actions are bound to be scrutinized even more. It really doesn't look good that they tried to hide the fact that they shot at the guy. If they had really thought he was armed they would've fessed up to the shooting and gotten help in catching the guy.

"...but that she could not reduce the 10-year mandatory, consecutive sentence mandated by federal law when a gun is discharged in the commission of a crime." I think it goes without saying, they should've known this before firing their weapons.

Finallty, jurors were misled? What kind of idiot jurors are these. I sure hope they aren't at my trial if I ever get indicted for something. And what's with the article, this quote doesn't make sense. "Essentially, when they saw they could not convince the majority in favor of voting guilty, they conceded their votes, believing that they did not have the option to stick to their guns and prevent a unanimous verdict" Shouldn't that be, in favor of voting innocent, they conceded their votes. Ignoring that issue, how did they not know they could NOT say they were guilty?

And you should get ready to edit that pic, we've got a new president coming up soon, let's see what kind of magic he does.

Edit: And that petition, I love how it conveniently fails to mention that they picked up the casings and tried to hide the shooting ever happened. Not just that they failed to report it.

Last edited by GotMex? (2006-10-21 02:41:07)

Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA

ATG wrote:

And then thisfor political incorrectness
What a freakshow that site is. I be half of those primates never even read the full article in the post...
Schools such as Shaw Heights in Westminster, Colo., and Skyline High School in Longmont, Colo., have enacted bans on all flags -- American and Mexican -- as a way to diffuse the confrontations students have engaged in because of the recent immigration debate. School officials say it's a safety issue.

Shaw Heights Principal Myla Shepherd implemented the flag and clothing ban last week after several incidents, including one in which about 25 students wore camouflaged clothing on one day.

In a letter sent home to parents that's dated April 7, Sheperd doesn't sound as if she's backing down from the ban.

"During the week of March 27th, students were observed exhibiting behavior that was interfering with instruction. This behavior appeared to be directly related to students' attire. Our goal at Shaw Heights Middle School is to provide a safe learning environment for our children/students. The neutral dress code that was implemented as a result of widespread student behavior has been very beneficial," she said.

"On Friday, March 31, we sent home a letter detailing the neutral dress code, specifically asking that students not wear the following: clothing that makes a political statement, camouflage clothing, and banners, flags or bandanas of any type. I would like to clarify the dress code, as there seems to be confusion about colors of clothing. Students may wear all colors -- red, white, blue, green, etc. They simply may not wear attire that displays a flag. We will continue to monitor student behavior and as the situation improves we will consider returning to our original dress code. "

Masques wrote:

ATG wrote:

And then thisfor political incorrectness
What a freakshow that site is. I be half of those primates never even read the full article in the post...
Schools such as Shaw Heights in Westminster, Colo., and Skyline High School in Longmont, Colo., have enacted bans on all flags -- American and Mexican -- as a way to diffuse the confrontations students have engaged in because of the recent immigration debate. School officials say it's a safety issue.

Shaw Heights Principal Myla Shepherd implemented the flag and clothing ban last week after several incidents, including one in which about 25 students wore camouflaged clothing on one day.

In a letter sent home to parents that's dated April 7, Sheperd doesn't sound as if she's backing down from the ban.

"During the week of March 27th, students were observed exhibiting behavior that was interfering with instruction. This behavior appeared to be directly related to students' attire. Our goal at Shaw Heights Middle School is to provide a safe learning environment for our children/students. The neutral dress code that was implemented as a result of widespread student behavior has been very beneficial," she said.

"On Friday, March 31, we sent home a letter detailing the neutral dress code, specifically asking that students not wear the following: clothing that makes a political statement, camouflage clothing, and banners, flags or bandanas of any type. I would like to clarify the dress code, as there seems to be confusion about colors of clothing. Students may wear all colors -- red, white, blue, green, etc. They simply may not wear attire that displays a flag. We will continue to monitor student behavior and as the situation improves we will consider returning to our original dress code. "
Yeah, what's wrong with punishing kids for explicitly breaking a very clearly stated rule?
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Any school that bans its kids from wearing American flags ( in America ) should be razed to the ground, everybody fired, and started fresh.

ATG wrote:

Any school that bans its kids from wearing American flags ( in America ) should be razed to the ground, everybody fired, and started fresh.
But they did it for a very good reason, they banned FLAGS, not American flags. It was to facilitate discussion in the classroom. Why do you let your emotions control your thoughts?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
this is depressing, i must leave this thread now
Δ > x > ¥

ATG wrote:

Hang it up and surrender America, it’s over.[/
According to court testimony, agent Compean tried to block his path, but Aldrete continued running toward the Rio Grande. Compean and Ramos then shot at Aldrete and a bullet from Ramos' gun hit the smuggler in the buttocks. Though wounded, Aldrete made it to Mexico. The agents did not report the shooting and Compean picked up his shell casings. The agents, who will be officially fired now that they have been sentenced, said in court that they thought Aldrete had a gun. They were convicted of various charges, including violating the smuggler's civil rights and tampering with evidence. The case has become a cause celebre among conservatives, especially in California.
Jurors say they were misled to convict agents .

Help these men.
Why help these convicted felons?  From reading the links,  they tried to stop a guy running away and, even though one was in front of the guy, he couldn't stop this man.  So they shot him.  They shot an unarmed man, running away from them, i.e. not presenting any threat to them.  And they knew they'd done wrong because they filed false reports and tried to hush up the evidence.  Heck, the guy picked up his shell casings - meaning he shot several times at the unarmed guy, running away from him.

As for the three jurors who claimed to have been duped into convicting the guy, one's a teacher - do you really want a guy that doesn't understand simple instructions teaching your kids?  And all three, they felt pressurised by the rest of the jury, who had been in court for two weeks.  FFS, these are serious crimes - unlawful shooting, tampering with evidence, etc. - not something to be taken lightly.  If anything, these three should be up in front of the judge for contempt of court.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Unlawfull is a metter of perception.
Somewhere in those links the officers stated that they thought he had a gun. He fled to Mexico, so what they are most guilty of is not wanting to file reports. If they had they'd probably be on patrol right now.
Stupid, yes.
     But the border patrol needs the support of the American people.
     Frankly, I'm glad they shot him, and sorry they weren't better shots.
     This is not the same as the Ashley McDonald story, where the cops are grossly out of line, this is a case of border patrol stopping a drug dealer who abandoned his truck at the border.

     I say any means at the border.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7032|Las Vegas
Hell, earlier this year here in Las Vegas,  two cops shot and killed an unarmed teen in the back as he fled the cruiser he was sitting in while they were distracted (at the time they shot him he had both hands HANDCUFFED behind his back).  One mitigating factor was that he had been detained for suspicion of murder (of which he was guilty).  To my knowledge, neither cop faced any charges.  On one hand, it's one less scumbag to worry about.  On the other hand, the cops here are way too fucking trigger happy.

Cops in Las Vegas sure seem to like killing people....
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA

ATG wrote:

Unlawfull is a metter of perception.
Somewhere in those links the officers stated that they thought he had a gun. He fled to Mexico, so what they are most guilty of is not wanting to file reports. If they had they'd probably be on patrol right now.
Stupid, yes.
     But the border patrol needs the support of the American people.
     Frankly, I'm glad they shot him, and sorry they weren't better shots.
     This is not the same as the Ashley McDonald story, where the cops are grossly out of line, this is a case of border patrol stopping a drug dealer who abandoned his truck at the border.

     I say any means at the border.
I would argue that any law enforcement officer that attempts to cover up what he/she perceives as wrong action on their part should be dismissed whether or not the initial action is illegal. What's to stop them from covering up a more blatant crime like say shooting a citizen and trying to cover it up?
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Drug smuggler gets shot -- what's the problem?  If anything, let the border patrol take a firmer stance on enforcement.  Kill the smugglers and be done with it.

Vicente Fox can lick my nut sack.  He can't even control his own people, much less do anything about our security protocols.

Oh, and that school thing is a simple matter.  If you're in America, you shouldn't be banned from flying the American flag or wearing it.  Screw the immigrants that have a problem with it.  If they don't like it, they can go back to where they came from.

Last edited by Turquoise (2006-10-22 17:23:28)


Turquoise wrote:

Drug smuggler gets shot -- what's the problem?  If anything, let the border patrol take a firmer stance on enforcement.  Kill the smugglers and be done with it.

Vicente Fox can lick my nut sack.  He can't even control his own people, much less do anything about our security protocols.

Oh, and that school thing is a simple matter.  If you're in America, you shouldn't be banned from flying the American flag or wearing it.  Screw the immigrants that have a problem with it.  If they don't like it, they can go back to where they came from.
The problem is the flagrant disregard for American law. If you want to start overlooking crimes, I'll start stealing all your possessions, deal? You can't selectively enforce the rules, its all or nothing.

The flags were banned to protect the learning environment within the school, get over it and stop being a bleeding heart patriot.

Bubbalo wrote:

You don't see an issue with people hiding an incident, whether or not it was a crime?
Should've reported the shooting, I guess.
The Lizzard

In fact, I think that's what they were charged with, and the sentences were so large due to the fact that a gun was involved.  It's kind of hard to tell from the report.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

jonsimon wrote:

The problem is the flagrant disregard for American law. If you want to start overlooking crimes, I'll start stealing all your possessions, deal? You can't selectively enforce the rules, its all or nothing.
Good point...  We should change the law to say, "You can shoot illegals on sight."  That will certainly cut down on the number of crossers and smugglers.  There's not much the Mexican government can do about it either.

jonsimon wrote:

The flags were banned to protect the learning environment within the school, get over it and stop being a bleeding heart patriot.
Bleeding heart patriot?  I don't think I've ever heard that before.  Is that similar to a warmongering hippy?

But seriously, I understand that there were some issues regarding the flags disrupting the classroom environment.  What they should have said done is just kicked the kids out who started fights over it.  That would trim down the enrollment to the kids actually worth something.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

Turquoise wrote:

Is that similar to a warmongering hippy?
lol, thats what I am!

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