
I_SUCK_999 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

Nope. Jews = Tribe of Judah = race. Israel = name of country = Israelites = population of country (Jew & Palestinian). So U lose again.

The UN resolution of 1947/1948 created 2 States in Israel/Palestine. This was hijacked by ARAB states that invaded immediately Israel was declared a sovereign nation. JEWS won & claimed extra territory as spoils of war. (Just as after WW1 & WW2 with German & Japanese Territory). Same with 1967 war & 1973 war, each time Arab countries invade Israel - JEWS win each time. Arabs don't learn do they? maybe if they stop their SH*T then Israel stop occupy their land hey!
LOL. I've been through the arguments a million times. The magnificent international community took it upon themselves to decide that the residents of the area - 67% arab - wouldn't mind getting shafted all because of crimes committed by Germans. 'Hey - it's ok folks! These guys are gonna come here in there millions and take your land, but hey they've had a hard time recently!'. Gimme a break. And no - the Jews are not a race. There are black Jews in Ethiopia - explain that one Einstein.

PS If I were Palestinian I wouldn't never cease to resist the occupation. All ISrael do is take, take and take. Perhaps you're oblivious to the land they continue to illegally steal in the occupied West Bank....
"BLACK JEWS" so what - after 2000 years living in the heat of Africa the IRISH would be black also - COLOUR does not determine RACE. We are ALL one RACE, the only difference between dark and light skin is melanine. The more you have the darker your skin - so you can cope better in hot sun scorching climate. Do some research poe.
OK so now black people are not a race in their own right. Are you gonna tell me the Ku Klux Klan are not a racist organisation now? The ethiopian jews are NOT white people with a really kick-ass tan - they're proper dyed in the wool black people. Judaism is a religion NOT a race. If I convert to Judaism do I need a gene transplant and blood transfusion? LOL

PS It would take FAR more than 2000 years in a desert for skin pigment to evolve so radically.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-23 03:17:15)


TeamZephyr wrote:

Lisik wrote:

just to remind to 'The Poe' that ILLEGALY ocupation starts becouse of Palestenians Attacks on Jews!
That "illegaly" occupation started with the creation of Israel in land that was majority Palestinian Arab.
that land was bigger than land they want today! how do explain it? and how do u explain that Mark Twain when he visit the region found the land empty?

TeamZephyr wrote:

Lisik wrote:

just to remind to 'The Poe' that ILLEGALY ocupation starts becouse of Palestenians Attacks on Jews!
That "illegaly" occupation started with the creation of Israel in land that was majority Palestinian Arab.

And Lisik - what's your point? You concede it's illegal - why not pull the fuck out like you should?
and druzes, bedues, curdes... who stand on same position as israel? they living here long before palestenians...

CameronPoe wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Lisik wrote:

just to remind to 'The Poe' that ILLEGALY ocupation starts becouse of Palestenians Attacks on Jews!
That "illegaly" occupation started with the creation of Israel in land that was majority Palestinian Arab.

And Lisik - what's your point? You concede it's illegal - why not pull the fuck out like you should?
why? simple! coz if today qassam falls in ashkelon - tomorow he will fall in tel aviv! and i dont whant it to happens!
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Lisik wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

That "illegaly" occupation started with the creation of Israel in land that was majority Palestinian Arab.

And Lisik - what's your point? You concede it's illegal - why not pull the fuck out like you should?
why? simple! coz if today qassam falls in ashkelon - tomorow he will fall in tel aviv! and i dont whant it to happens!
Have you ever opened your mind to the possiblity that if you allow Palestine to exist in peace that they may allow Israel to live in peace?

Take a look in "The Death Log" thread, it might shed some light on who does the killing in the Palestine-Israel conflict.

TeamZephyr wrote:

Have you ever opened your mind to the possiblity that if you allow Palestine to exist in peace that they may allow Israel to live in peace?
not even once and not even twice! thats the point... experience! experience proved that if u let the Palestinians enter they killing!

add: i will not post a names who was part of this experience, its sad experience.

Last edited by Lisik (2006-10-23 03:30:55)

Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Lisik wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Have you ever opened your mind to the possiblity that if you allow Palestine to exist in peace that they may allow Israel to live in peace?
not even once and not even twice! thats the point... experience! experience proved that if u let the Palestinians enter they killing!

add: i will not post a names who was part of this experience, its sad experience.
Once again I'd like to point you to "The Death Log", although it doesn't cover the entire conflict I'd admit it shows a bit of picture of who "does the killing".

Be thankful you can drink clean water, play games on your computer and post on the internet and be able to enjoy food and power, because it's something that your next door neighbours can't enjoy. And you wonder why the Palestinians are so pissed off?
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6761|Alice Springs

CameronPoe wrote:

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

LOL. I've been through the arguments a million times. The magnificent international community took it upon themselves to decide that the residents of the area - 67% arab - wouldn't mind getting shafted all because of crimes committed by Germans. 'Hey - it's ok folks! These guys are gonna come here in there millions and take your land, but hey they've had a hard time recently!'. Gimme a break. And no - the Jews are not a race. There are black Jews in Ethiopia - explain that one Einstein.

PS If I were Palestinian I wouldn't never cease to resist the occupation. All Israel do is take, take and take. Perhaps you're oblivious to the land they continue to illegally steal in the occupied West Bank....
"BLACK JEWS" so what - after 2000 years living in the heat of Africa the IRISH would be black also - COLOUR does not determine RACE. We are ALL one RACE, the only difference between dark and light skin is melanin. The more you have the darker your skin - so you can cope better in hot sun scorching climate. Do some research poe.
OK so now black people are not a race in their own right. Are you gonna tell me the Ku Klux Klan are not a racist organisation now? The Ethiopian Jews are NOT white people with a really kick-ass tan - they're proper dyed in the wool black people. Judaism is a religion NOT a race. If I convert to Judaism do I need a gene transplant and blood transfusion? LOL

PS It would take FAR more than 2000 years in a desert for skin pigment to evolve so radically.
Evolution is a theory that has not been proven. Genetics shows that evolution from slime to man is not possible as info has never been proved to increase, only decrease through mutation/adaption - ie info is lost with each change.
The genetic information for skin colour has always been present in the gene pool. eg Noah's son Ham was dark skinned. Colour does not determine race. Human is the only race - KKK & other sh*t is crap - small minded people who don't know didly squat about the bible they claim to follow. KKK also hate Jews - yet Jesus and nearly ALL the early Christians were Jews (until Paul went to the gentiles). So don't even try to label KKK as Christian or any thing other than F*cktards, OK.
Judaism is a religion that is correct - I never disputed that - but Jew is a word historically used to describe a descendant of Judah (therefor in modern terms a race).

The original post was about Palestinians possibly murdering that boy so as to add fuel to the anti-Israel fires. If it was the Palestinians - the evidence is not conclusive. But without an autopsy it would always remain speculation. I don't believe the IDF would deliberately kill a child. However the PLO & their successors certainly have done so.
instead of learn kids how to hate and kill, spend money on weapons...  they can build schools and learn them physic and mathematic! without knowing this simple things u cant sit, drink some cold water and play on your computer! why dont they newer do that?

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

Evolution is a theory that has not been proven. Genetics shows that evolution from slime to man is not possible as info has never been proved to increase, only decrease through mutation/adaption - ie info is lost with each change.
The genetic information for skin colour has always been present in the gene pool. eg Noah's son Ham was dark skinned. Colour does not determine race. Human is the only race - KKK & other sh*t is crap - small minded people who don't know didly squat about the bible they claim to follow. KKK also hate Jews - yet Jesus and nearly ALL the early Christians were Jews (until Paul went to the gentiles). So don't even try to label KKK as Christian or any thing other than F*cktards, OK.
Judaism is a religion that is correct - I never disputed that - but Jew is a word historically used to describe a descendant of Judah (therefor in modern terms a race).

The original post was about Palestinians possibly murdering that boy so as to add fuel to the anti-Israel fires. If it was the Palestinians - the evidence is not conclusive. But without an autopsy it would always remain speculation. I don't believe the IDF would deliberately kill a child. However the PLO & their successors certainly have done so.
Apparently we have a professor of anthropology on the forum.... LOL

The KKK is predominantly a race-hate organisation that aimed to eradicate mainly black people - a race.  The term race distinguishes one population of an animal species (including human) from another of the same subspecies.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-23 03:50:32)

Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Lisik wrote:

instead of learn kids how to hate and kill, spend money on weapons...  they can build schools and learn them physic and mathematic! without knowing this simple things u cant sit, drink some cold water and play on your computer! why dont they newer do that?
Palestine has tried to build infrastructure many times before. But what was Israel's first action of the recent conflict?

Bombing the power plant that gave power to the Gaza Strip. They would like to build things so they can live at your level, but it seems like your bombers have a different idea doesn't it?
Israel and Palistine are both evil. I do not care if you call me anti-semitic, it is the truth. As being from a nation who has been oppressed by a greater force, I find living in this situation not nice. The reason I think the palistinians cannot drink some cold water and play on their computer is that the Israelis are bombing the shit out of their powerplants and water treatment plants. They spend money on weapons to protect themselves from Israeli soldiers who have been crossing the border. WTF happened to the peace that was initiated in 2005?
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6761|Alice Springs
You continue to equate colour as the same as race. Just because someone draws a chart and uses the label race doesn't mean it is correct. The Bible doesn't mention "race" at all - all people are descended from 1 man & 1 women - study genetics.

why don't you just check it out instead of making pointless personal attacks.

& yes I am a Christian - & I practice what I preach. You appear to support racist ideas as evolution does lead to racism and persecution of minorities based on colour or eye shape etc.

Last edited by I_SUCK_999 (2006-10-23 04:14:10)

Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

You continue to equate colour as the same as race. Just because someone draws a chart and uses the label race doesn't mean it is correct. The Bible doesn't mention "race" at all - all people are descended from 1 man & 1 women - study genetics.
Darwinism and evolution has been proved time and time again as fact. More than your christian "creationism" theory.

The Bible is not the be all and end all of the history of man and genetics.

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

You continue to equate colour as the same as race. Just because someone draws a chart and uses the label race doesn't mean it is correct. The Bible doesn't mention "race" at all - all people are descended from 1 man & 1 women - study genetics.

why don't you just check it out instead of making pointless personal attacks.

& yes I am a Christian - & I practice what I preach. You appear to support racist ideas as evolution does lead to racism and persecution of minorities based on colour or eye shape etc.
This will obviously go nowhere because I am vehemently atheist, having abandoned superstitious nonsense a very long time ago.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-23 04:17:02)

Scratch where it itches

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

The Bible doesn't mention "race" at all - all people are descended from 1 man & 1 women - study genetics.
Wow! You have come to this conclusion by studying genetics? Fascinating! And yet you mention the bible in the same sentence. LMAO

Last edited by SpaceApollyon (2006-10-23 04:20:44)

2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6761|Alice Springs

TeamZephyr wrote:

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

You continue to equate colour as the same as race. Just because someone draws a chart and uses the label race doesn't mean it is correct. The Bible doesn't mention "race" at all - all people are descended from 1 man & 1 women - study genetics.
Darwinism and evolution has been proved time and time again as fact. More than your christian "creationism" theory.

The Bible is not the be all and end all of the history of man and genetics.
Show me the hard evidence - the fossil remains of missing links (note the term missing - cause they have not been found) - transitional creatures etc. Don't generalise - there are thousands of fossils. NOT true. Piltdown man was a hoax see the following article

the evidence for evolution is still missing - which is why the theory of evolution that is taught in schools today is different to what was taught as fact to my generation, which was also different to what was taught to my parents generation.

The Bible has yet to be proven wrong as far as human history is concerned. & it is still just as accurate today as it was 2000 years ago - the dead sea scrolls show this.

Last edited by I_SUCK_999 (2006-10-23 04:43:32)

2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6761|Alice Springs

CameronPoe wrote:

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

You continue to equate colour as the same as race. Just because someone draws a chart and uses the label race doesn't mean it is correct. The Bible doesn't mention "race" at all - all people are descended from 1 man & 1 women - study genetics.

why don't you just check it out instead of making pointless personal attacks.

& yes I am a Christian - & I practice what I preach. You appear to support racist ideas as evolution does lead to racism and persecution of minorities based on colour or eye shape etc.
This will obviously go nowhere because I am vehemently atheist, having abandoned superstitious nonsense a very long time ago.
Now there is an honest answer - and one I am happy to accept - so end of discussion. I also am firmly entrenched in my beliefs (& experiences) and cannot be influenced from the fundamentals of Judeo_Chritianity.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
I'm sorry but "evidence" from creationontheweb is hardly evidence but is more extremely biased opinion. The bible yet to be proven wrong? I sure hope you aren't including the parts on how Jesus turned water into wine and how he rose from his tomb after being crucified.

I think common sense easily cancels out this "evidence" of yours. The Bible is nothing but an interesting fiction book that is believed by many.

Although my ability to pull facts out of my arse at will is yet to properly develop have a look at the wikipedia article on evolution,

Seems like that article has a lot of concrete evidence right there.

Last edited by TeamZephyr (2006-10-23 05:37:01)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

You continue to equate colour as the same as race. Just because someone draws a chart and uses the label race doesn't mean it is correct. The Bible doesn't mention "race" at all - all people are descended from 1 man & 1 women - study genetics.

why don't you just check it out instead of making pointless personal attacks.

& yes I am a Christian - & I practice what I preach. You appear to support racist ideas as evolution does lead to racism and persecution of minorities based on colour or eye shape etc.
This will obviously go nowhere because I am vehemently atheist, having abandoned superstitious nonsense a very long time ago.
Now there is an honest answer - and one I am happy to accept - so end of discussion. I also am firmly entrenched in my beliefs (& experiences) and cannot be influenced from the fundamentals of Judeo_Chritianity.
Did you know the internet is satanic? I think you should get off.
+51|6841|Land of the free

CameronPoe wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

That's right - you're supposed to forget about recent history... silly me. Somebody stole daddy's house and farm but I don't care - it happened fifty years ago!! LOL

You are presuming that the Palestinians shoot kids on a regular basis for propaganda, a point not yet proved and pretty difficult to believe on a widespread basis if you ask me.
So am I suppost to go out and kill japenese because they bombed pearl harbor?
No because that issue is resolved, unlike the situation in Palestine.
They brutally murdered over 3000 of Americans. I think I should kill them.
You know what I am always wondering
Why can't the Palestinians live side by side with the Israelis, I am sure the Israelis would be happy to.
O thats right they did until Palestinians started blowing themselves up.
Did you know that alot of Palestinians have Israeli friends that they still talk to on the phone.
did he use this?--->
or this?--->
Quite a discussion here. I have no idea if this has been shared but this website goes through the whole "shooting" and is quite interesting.


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