
Played it? Liked it?

I have not yet played it, but look forward to my copy14%14% - 168
I have not played it, and do not intend to22%22% - 258
I have played it, and I plan to continue playing it41%41% - 473
I have played it, but I won't play any more20%20% - 233
Total: 1132

Have you gotten your 2142 yet? Did you like it?

If you have, list your 3 favorite and 3 least favorite things about the game. If you haven't played, list three things you're looking forward to (or the three things keeping you away!)

Like: It got the spit shine it needed since the beta. New awards are a nice refreshing hook.
Dislike: The ever-present "battlefield dance" on any surface still exists and drives me NUTS on the titans. The plane/chopper monstrosities are aweful.

Overall, I'll hit up a game once in a while, but I'm probably going to stick with BF2 more often than not. I just think that in 150ish years, we ought to have some f'ing lasers (if not with dolphins).
cant wait for my copy through the door

still going to play bf2 aswell so time on both games will be 50/50 i want to reach atleast Captain before and if i move games completely .

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-10-19 00:38:26)

+788|6994|Brisbane, Australia

I'm sorry chuy, the dolphin became extinct in the year 2137 - Apparently dolphin friendly tuna isn't as friendly as we think...

Whats this Battlefield Dance all about? I haven't seen it

Last edited by Sarrk (2006-10-19 00:27:25)

Aspiring Objectivist
I played the demo & wasn't impressed.
I liked seeing something in the air that big , I liked the flying vehicles, I liked the hover tanks {reminded me of robotech}.
I disliked there was no sound on my demo, for the intro there was...
I disliked the flow of the game , at least on the map I was playing.
I disliked the cost of the game considering its just a mod.
Unless my friend buys it for me like he said he was, I won't be playing it anymore & even if he does buy it ,it will be a back burner shooter compared to BF2.
I will stick with bf2 as well, I have a lot of time invested & they finally have it patched to a decent level.
2142 is to bf2 what bf:V was to bf1942.
+190|6963|Home of the Escalade Herds
Where is the option "I tried to play it but it didn't work"

I downloaded the demo and in classic EA style, i got an error; some shit about some missing component and that i should try to reinstall it. I did and to my suprise (yeah right), it didn't work.

+130|6870|Orlando, FL

1. Voss Lar (Right side Assult unlock) on single shot
2. Improved infantry combat from the demo
3. Conquest mode is much more fun now that the infantry combat has been improved

Dislikes (I could list way more than 3, but I'll just put 4 ):

1. Those fucking support unlockable sentry guns (pubnubs place them in the hallways of the titan, totally ruining the infantry aspect of titan mode)
2. There are already claywhores in 2142
3. The fact that while the titan is moving, you can't revive teammates because they're bodies slide across the fucking floor
4. I hate the kids that sit and wait at the exit's of the titans in choppers, not trying to defend they're titan, but waiting for it to be destroyed, and camping the exits so that those who worked hard to achieve the objective get camped trying to escape from the titan, pathetic.

All and all, 2142 is decent.  I do hope they make some sort of infantry mode in the near future.  Also, I hope CAL makes a 2142 league, because I think conquest mode in 2142 has potential in competition.  They do really need to fix the revive thing on the titan.  Not being able to revive your teammates when the titan is moving is lame, especially when its PURE infantry on the titan, and people die, alot.  Those sentry guns should be abolished, they are pathetic.  Usefull for defense, but when you toss it in the hallway and hide behind a corner like the tool that you are, the game gets lame.  Anyway, pubbing will get old after awhile, even worst in 2142 than in BF2 considering all the little toys and gadgets that the pubnubs can whore to the extreme.  Oh how I can't wait for 2142 compeition.
Aeon Supreme commander
I like that the tank can kill you like a sniper, but can only take 3 hits before its dead
I love those popups with badges

  • APC is now truly a Armored Personel Carrier, not a gun platform.
  • Titan Guns.
  • Type 32 Nekomata, once you get the hang of the fact that is side scrolls, it becomes awesome.
  • Titan has no cover for defending side, except the corridor bulkheads.
  • Some guns need powerup, some need to be nerfed down.
  • The aircraft need some extra hours of coding.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7057|Las Vegas
Played beta and demo, hated it.  Uninstalling 2142 made my day.  End of story.
+24|7026|Computer Chair

Full kit change-ability. <<Love that
APC isnt godlike anymore.
Multiple awards every round, feels so good.

Titan guns.
Reviving teammates in the titan.
Get a bit lost in the unlock system + need to change your player everytime I join a server? (Or can that be done offline?)
+47|6803|Hong Kong

Bernadictus wrote:

[#] The aircraft need some extra hours of coding.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7085|The United Center
It's actually pretty awesome.

None of the classes seem more powerful than any others...they all have their strengths and weaknesses.  The point system makes it so you won't get such high scores, but the new ranking system makes up for that.

Hell, even the vehicles are balanced.  Yeah, the walkers own at close range, but from a distance theyll get destroyed by tanks.  Or just go Engy and get between their legs.  Free shots straight up into the groin.

Anyway, I must say I'm quite impressed.  The only things that needs to be redone is the Titan.  Reviving people is impossible.  Picking up kits is impossible.  And...it lags pretty hard.
I might play it if someone bought it for me, but otherwise EA is dead to me.  I'm not paying $50 for a mod of a game that is still broken.

I played the demo.

  • Squashing people with a landing capsule.
  • Playing Mechwarrior (though it's lame and vulnerable.
  • Being lazy and gunning from a moving Titan. I wish the carrier could be moved in BF2.
  • Disconnections on populated servers.
  • Weapons being less accurate than in BF2.
  • The fact that the devs respond to the worthless whining and bitching, while ignoring true issues.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-19 02:26:26)

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6919|Melbourne, Australia.
I have not played it, and do not intend to is winning! gogo!
I had to get used to it and have to admit the Beta and demo didn't give me a very good feeling about the game. But after a few rounds of conquest mode my opinion radically changed!!!

good things:

Everybody doing more teamplay (because it means points.)

Battles are far more intense! A detail that really contributes is the sreaming people that are being ripped to pieces by the machine guns. (thank god, no laser beams.)

The unlocks are great, you can customize your player according to your game-style. I like the assault rifle shotgun addon so you can kick even more ass in close quarters.

Loving it!

Also, the maps i've played are really focused on infantry rather than having 6 mechs rule the battlefield. I like Belgrade and was only bothered few times by vehicles. Maps are varied and has multiple ways to approach your goal as well as various chokepoints. Haven't seen all maps yet, but it really rocked my boat

BF2142 FTW!

It's funny how the majority of people that have played it stick with it.... Aaaanyway, i have... 13:27:28 to wait :cry:
I have played the full version

1. I love titan mode. Its a fun twist after all these years of conquest mode of BF series.
2. Battle Walkers worked well, despite my growing concerns about them being implemented prior to playing the game.
3. Finally, a big structure moving around, Titan, rather than the counter part in BF2, stupid carrier...
4. Unlocking is kind of cool but have to see about it a little more since I haven't unlocked everything yet so I do not have clear idea about what unlock is recommended and what not.

1. After playing online 7 rounds, only one round got recorded (whats the deal?)
2. After those 7 rounds of playing, I quit the game, attempted to restart BF2142 but failed. I still can't play it after 20th time trying. (WTH! EA needs to explain a lot to me about this.)
3. TV guided missiles almost impossible to control.
4. Where the hell is my 1280x1024 setting?

I will continue playing BF2142 IF BF2142 WORKS AGAIN!!!
I have no intention of stop playing BF2 though. BF2 for some action and BF2142 for fun (if it works...).

Last edited by StormEye (2006-10-19 02:40:13)

Go Cards !!
+196|7032|The Ville
1. the recon kit
2. great battles
3. tanks

1. lag
2. I had to buy a dvd cd rom becuase I bought the cd without doing research
3. I reserved my name and never figured out how to acces it so I had to pick another name and start from 0

Last edited by Obiwan (2006-10-19 02:44:07)

Fantasma Parastasie
I'll keep it simple: the weapons are like fireworks.
+788|6994|Brisbane, Australia

Hell-ass cool and if you fool around you take out your mates eye?


Likes: The visual distortions when you get emped, transport vehicles with useful seating.

Dislikes: Everything is just so monochrome and not believable. It plays like an incomplete thought.
I reserved my name and never figured out how to acces it so I had to pick another name and start from
If you login first time with your EA downloader account ( that you gave up on veteran program) it should appear right away in the player list.
+12|7090|Perth, Western Australia

TrollmeaT wrote:

I played the demo & wasn't impressed.
I liked seeing something in the air that big , I liked the flying vehicles, I liked the hover tanks {reminded me of robotech}.
I disliked there was no sound on my demo, for the intro there was...
I disliked the flow of the game , at least on the map I was playing.
I disliked the cost of the game considering its just a mod.
Unless my friend buys it for me like he said he was, I won't be playing it anymore & even if he does buy it ,it will be a back burner shooter compared to BF2.
I will stick with bf2 as well, I have a lot of time invested & they finally have it patched to a decent level.
2142 is to bf2 what bf:V was to bf1942.
I hated the hover tanks in Robotech, in fact, the second Macross series sucked arse, period.

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