Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Does this remind anyone else of other demonstrations prior to WWII ? Interesting enough Kimmy wasn't born in Korea. Although they are not taught that in NK schools. It is classic of people under extremely bad circumstances to follow a leader blindly even if the acts are more harmful to the people. Lookup the history of Nazi Germany.

Approximately 57% of North Koreans suffer from malnutrition, including 45% of all North Korean children under five. By some estimates, as many as 2 million people have already died during a decade of flood, crop failure and famine. North Koreans have been forced to supplement their meager rations by eating rats and snakes; there have been numerous credible reports of cannibalism in the poorest areas. During all this, Great General Kim Jong Il has acquired a library of over 20,000 videos; his favorites include Daffy Duck, Elizabeth Taylor, and the Friday the 13th series. In 1998 he spent $20 million - one-fifth the aid pledged to North Korea by the UN - on 200 Class S Mercedes limousines: since 1994 he has been the single largest buyer of cognac from the Hennessy company. He has recently come to prominence for his active nuclear and chemical weapons development programs, and is a charter member of George W. Bush's "Axis of Evil." Yet for all this, Kim Jong Il is widely feared yet little known.

North Korean schoolchildren are taught that the "Dear Leader" was born on a sacred mountain, his birth heralded by double rainbows and strangely singing birds. (The evidence suggests that he was actually born in a hovel near Vladivostock, Siberia). Like Kim-Il Song, his father, Kim is venerated as a near-demigod.
Those who are less than enthusiastic frequently find themselves imprisoned in gulags which are considered among the worst in the world. Torture, rape and starvation are regular occurrences; pregnant women are regularly subjected to forced abortions, and prisoners are used as guinea pigs in chemical and biological experiments. Following in his father's footsteps, Kim has declared that traitors and "enemies to the state" must be rooted out "to the third generation;" more often than not, entire families are imprisoned for the perceived sins of one member. The penal code stipulates capital punishment and confiscation of assets for a wide variety of "crimes against the revolution," including defection, attempted defection, slander of the policies of the party or State, listening to foreign broadcasts, writing "reactionary" letters, and possessing reactionary printed matter.

Despite these obstacles, hundreds of thousands of North Koreans have sought to escape the famine and terror. Most have made their way to China, North Korea's neighbor. There they suffer a different kind of oppression. Many women are forced into prostitution or arranged marriages to survive, while the Chinese government regularly repatriates refugees despite UN concerns about their safety. (In a sleight of hand which will be all too familiar to American immigration rights activists, China claims that the North Koreans are "economic refugees" and thus not entitled to political asylum).

Distribution of food depends on one's classification: "core" citizens (members of the party and the military) get priority, while "wavering" and "hostile" elements get whatever is left over. While North Korea has been one of the world's largest recipients of emergency foreign aid, little of that aid has reached the most needy. Those organizations which have sought a more equitable distribution have been barred from working in the region, and accused of being "spies" who seek to undermine the Dear Leader. South Korea has become increasingly reluctant to grant refugee status to those North Koreans who make their way to "freedom" - under their "sunshine" policy, they have sought to improve relations with North Korea and have downplayed human rights complaints. Of an estimated 300,000 North Korean refugees in China, barely 300 were admitted into South Korea in 2000.

Kim-Jong Il may be eccentric, but he is not stupid. The North Korean People's Army is considered one of the world's most well-trained and, with over 1 million troops (and 7 million more in reserve militias), he could throw the Korean peninsula into chaos were he to take his father's cue and launch a sudden attack on South Korea. To make matters more urgent, evidence suggests that North Korea has several nuclear warheads, along with missiles capable of reaching the western United States. In 2000 North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; by 2010 it could have as many as 100 nuclear weapons. There have also been reports of experimentation with smallpox, anthrax and bubonic plague, as well as mustard gas, nerve gas and botulin toxins. Approximately 50% of North Korea's annual export income is derived from the sale of missile technology and weaponry, largely to Middle Eastern countries.

Many scholars consider Kim-Jong Il a greater threat to world peace than the late and unlamented Sadaam Hussein. While his adherence to his father's isolationist "Juche" policies has kept him from widespread intervention in neighboring areas, he has certainly proven willing to sell weapons of mass destruction to anyone who can provide desperately-needed hard currency. Others fear that his WMD programs will lead South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arms programs; still others fear a major refugee crisis after Kim's fall, as millions of starving North Koreans head for the newly-opened borders. It is not clear how the Dear Leader will end his career, but chances are that it won't be pretty.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Kim Jong Il.
+271|7069|United States of America

ATG wrote:

Kim Jong Il.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7079|Cambridge (UK)
Yep, scary isn't it. At least Hitler didn't have a nuclear bomb (bloody good job too as most of Europe probably wouldn't be here if he had).
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
What can we do about it?  That's the problemo isnt it.....

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-10-17 18:15:11)

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7079|Cambridge (UK)
Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know! We invade, lock them all up in Gauntamo and then find they didn't have nuclear weapons anyhow!

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2006-10-17 18:18:26)

+5,233|6842|Global Command
Kim will eventually send his warriors across the 38th parallel.
The korean peninsula will be reunited.
It's just a flesh wound

ATG wrote:

Kim will eventually send his warriors across the 38th parallel.
The korean peninsula will be reunited.
...and North Korea will be no more. At least KMI will no longer be in charge.
What do you guys think if this does happen?

South Korea would put up a fight, then comes the US to help, then lets hope China doesn't feel the same way it did in the 50s and instead puts an end to the North Korean threat. I sure hope they don't go down the path that they chose in the 50s or it will be one hell of a war.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
I think somewhere deep down inside Kim, he still has a self-preservation instinct.  I really don't think he'd be suicidal enough to attack anyone right now.  Granted, he does seem keen on the idea of acting threatening whenever he wants something.  The problem is, there is no affordable way to get rid of him.

The best way I can think of is to air strike the hell out of his country, removing all key military installations and what little infrastructure is there, and then invading.  Unfortunately, this would likely entail his forces on the South Korean border invading our ally.  We don't want that, and that's why we haven't attacked him yet.
Since NK has nukes now, Bush will probably order an invasion on SWEDEN!!!!

Besides weren't the koreans, japanese and chinese more fanatic before Germany was? Even japanese had their 2 arm in the air banzai in early 18th century

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2006-10-18 00:32:33)

The Lizzard

Kmarion wrote:

It is classic of people under extremely bad circumstances to follow a leader blindly even if the acts are more harmful to the people. Lookup the history of Nazi Germany.
Hitler pulled Germany out of a depression and saved many people from starvation.

You should be looking at Tsar Nicholas or Stalin.

Bubbalo wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It is classic of people under extremely bad circumstances to follow a leader blindly even if the acts are more harmful to the people. Lookup the history of Nazi Germany.
Hitler pulled Germany out of a depression and saved many people from starvation.

You should be looking at Tsar Nicholas or Stalin.
the 'many' ppl he fed are far outweight(ed) by those he put in the gas chambers alone in one month...

JaggedPanther wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It is classic of people under extremely bad circumstances to follow a leader blindly even if the acts are more harmful to the people. Lookup the history of Nazi Germany.
Hitler pulled Germany out of a depression and saved many people from starvation.

You should be looking at Tsar Nicholas or Stalin.
the 'many' ppl he fed are far outweight(ed) by those he put in the gas chambers alone in one month...
He made Germany a stronger economy, built great roads, hey at least he gives a fuck what's going on. At least he helped putting money to invent the jet engine, rocket and medical advances (even though it was human testing...)
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
If the ceasefire ends then you can expect a good deal of the Korean peninsula to be turned to rubble - on both sides of the DMZ.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Lizzard

JaggedPanther wrote:

the 'many' ppl he fed are far outweight(ed) by those he put in the gas chambers alone in one month...
But he wasn't harming Germany, was he?

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

JaggedPanther wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Hitler pulled Germany out of a depression and saved many people from starvation.

You should be looking at Tsar Nicholas or Stalin.
the 'many' ppl he fed are far outweight(ed) by those he put in the gas chambers alone in one month...
He made Germany a stronger economy, built great roads, hey at least he gives a fuck what's going on. At least he helped putting money to invent the jet engine, rocket and medical advances (even though it was human testing...)
"(even though it was human testing)"  ???

Christ, he made paved highways??? holy crap I guess that puts him above a local govt.  Every govt that could put money into jet engine technology back then. It was Von Braun that bolstered and made the biggest impact by inventing the V2 and Hitler had him jailed for refusing to wear the swastika. If he didn't know jet technology he would have been in the slavic camps in east prussia.

JaggedPanther wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

JaggedPanther wrote:

the 'many' ppl he fed are far outweight(ed) by those he put in the gas chambers alone in one month...
He made Germany a stronger economy, built great roads, hey at least he gives a fuck what's going on. At least he helped putting money to invent the jet engine, rocket and medical advances (even though it was human testing...)
"(even though it was human testing)"  ???

Christ, he made paved highways??? holy crap I guess that puts him above a local govt.  Every govt that could put money into jet engine technology back then. It was Von Braun that bolstered and made the biggest impact by inventing the V2 and Hitler had him jailed for refusing to wear the swastika. If he didn't know jet technology he would have been in the slavic camps in east prussia.
In the end he made it for a greater Germany, it's not like the rest of Europe or America has done nothing wrong...
+1|6862|Hamburg, Germany

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know! We invade, lock them all up in Gauntamo and then find they didn't have nuclear weapons anyhow!
so they have oil, right? cool!

Many cases like these are the fault of victorious nations. For example, Nazi Germany wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for the unfair and economically-crippling treatment of Germany at the end of WWI. The moral to that story is to not generate conditions to where people are willing to throw their lot in with extremists.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-18 01:40:59)


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Many cases like these are the fault of victorious nations. For example, Nazi Germany wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for the unfair and economically-crippling treatment of Germany at the end of WWI. The moral to that story is to not generate conditions to where people are willing to throw their lot in with extremists.
My thoughts exactly. Thats why the disillusioned ppl of North Korea will run into Kim's open arms when these proposed sections kick in.
Calmer than you are.
Kmarion, source? We'd like to read more.

I can understand that the situation in NK is shitty in all perspectives, but demonizing is never a good thing. Last I heard, we don't know much about this Kim guy... now suddenly all these dreadfull details come to light... I don't know... maybe they're true, maybe its slander...
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

Bubbalo wrote:

or Stalin.
To be honest , you should mention what even Winston Cherchill said about Stalin - " He got a country with agricultural economics , and leaved it with space technologies and nuclear weapons " - something like that . Yep , Stalin was a strange & evil dictator with no mercy to his own nation , but he built USSR and founded nowadays Russia's military , economy and so on potential . He made Russia great industrial country , not someone another .

Last edited by Longbow (2006-10-18 02:43:46)

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

oug wrote:

Kmarion, source? We'd like to read more.

I can understand that the situation in NK is shitty in all perspectives, but demonizing is never a good thing. Last I heard, we don't know much about this Kim guy... now suddenly all these dreadfull details come to light... I don't know... maybe they're true, maybe its slander...
Can't you tell he's nuts? He has Russia pissed off and China is just waiting to be let loose on the peninsula.

I hope the ceasefire doesn't end but if it does at least the war will end this time.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

He made Germany a stronger economy, built great roads, hey at least he gives a fuck what's going on. At least he helped putting money to invent the jet engine, rocket and medical advances (even though it was human testing...)
It is easy, to build up an economy, when you steal the money for investments from a part of the society and from the neighbour countries.
Anyone, who argues with these stupidities :"but they built the autobahn and everyone got a job!" does know shit about history...
Calmer than you are.

Flecco wrote:

oug wrote:

Kmarion, source? We'd like to read more.

I can understand that the situation in NK is shitty in all perspectives, but demonizing is never a good thing. Last I heard, we don't know much about this Kim guy... now suddenly all these dreadfull details come to light... I don't know... maybe they're true, maybe its slander...
Can't you tell he's nuts? He has Russia pissed off and China is just waiting to be let loose on the peninsula.

I hope the ceasefire doesn't end but if it does at least the war will end this time.
He most certainly is... Anyone called the "Dear Leader" is bound to be insane.

Last edited by oug (2006-10-18 03:04:54)


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