Can you handle The Hiram Key?
Amazon link;
ATG's take;
1) The Freemasons deny the truth of the Hiram key only because the authors violated their Masonic vows and reveal its secrets and they are
2) The authors are documented to be college graduates and experts in their field, one was a Freemason.
3) Even if one dismisses Free Masonry the historical intrique makes for a great read.
People today make many strong statements about their religion. Some kill over their opinions. Most are basing their beliefs on narrowly focused points of scripture, or history.
I wonder how many devote Christians would remain comfortable with their faith were they to look critically at the time of Christ from a non-biblical, historical perspective.
I posit that traditional religious beliefs do not survive such scrutiny, and hence the dogged determination of the devout to continue to point at the Bible as its end all justification their beliefs!
I don't believe any of the conspiracy nonsense about the Masons, I think the book The Hiram Key nailed it; the Masons realize the religion is so old that its original meanings and histories, its rituals, are lost.Rigorously analysing and comparing ancient Egyptian records, the Old and New Testaments, early Christian and Rabbinical texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the rituals of Freemasonry, the authors have been able to reconstruct the lost story of Jesus and his brother James and describe their struggle to establish the 'Kingdom of heaven' upon earth using Masonic-style rituals. The establishment of the Christian Church is shown to be a political invention that has little connection with the man we call 'Christ'.
The early Christians buried their most precious scrolls beneath Herod's temple shortly before they and the city was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. Lost to the world for over a millennium they were clandestinely unearthed and interpreted by the infamous Order of the Knights Templar who adopted these ancient teachings and the rituals as their own.
The book reaches its exciting climax with the authors deciphering precise clues concealed within Masonic ritual that turned out to be the key to unlocking the secret of the final resting place of the scrolls of Jesus: A magnificent shrine that is a detailed reconstruction of the ruined temple of Herod - built by the descendents of the Templars and the first modern Freemasons over 500 years ago.
The true teachings of Jesus have survived and are waiting excavation!
And so, they serve their fellow man.
I'd like to see a flame free thread were Christians and other people of faith discuss the origins of Christanity, Islam and the Jewish beliefs.
Here's the link again you lazy bastard! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiram_Key Now read!
Video on the Free Masons, by the Free Masons! ( lol! )
Wacked out Free Masons - US govenrment conspiracy mini documentary;
Free Masons - US govenrment conspiracy mini documentary Pt.2