Gen. Payne
Considering it has so many words in it, it's very probable that you can make it say something else. If you use a big enough source document, you can make a "code" out of anything. By this thinking, someone might even be able to claim that they can predict the future from the BF2 manual or EULA.

Last edited by Gen. Payne (2006-10-16 19:06:59)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Bertster7 wrote:

Why wouldn't complete randomness lead to a universe like ours?

Cleverer people than you have suggested that could well have been the case. But then I don't suppose you read a lot of scientific literature.

I can't see how anyone could ever bring common sense into a debate about Christianity, which stems from a belief in a personalised deity. Any personal deity is an absurd notion, much like ancient Pagan beliefs.

I really can't see how anyone with any common sense could believe in a personalised deity like 'god'. You might just as well believe in a pantheon of gods like the ancient Greeks or the Aztecs. Why should Christianity be right and those religions wrong?

Christianity is not different to other religions. Christianity is almost identical to Islam and Judaism, they are all essentially the same belief system, worshipping the same god.

Americas success is in no way connected to religion. It is not granted by god, rather by the hard work of it's leaders and inhabitants. American manufacturing gained the US it's place as a superpower. The Romans did very well too, they weren't Christian - not until Constantine converted, shortly before the Roman empire collapsed.
Why?  Because nothing in our universe forms perfect order from chaos.  You mentioned people more clever than us suggest that happened.  Clever hypothesis should still follow basic logic.  Nothing observed or recreated by science behaves like the big bang is suggested to have functioned.  Explosions do not bring about order, they create destruction, not living organisms.  The biggest question that evolution cannot and never will answer logically is where the original matter that exploded came from.  It just existed?  No.  It makes more sense that an intelligence being created the matter and formed our universe.  A massive explosion in space creating an environment that spawned sustainable life is mathematically impossible.  The number of variables that have to be exactly correct for live on earth to continue to exist are mindboggling.  We conveniently have the perfect atmosphere, the perfect distance from the sun, with the perfect angle of rotation and the perfect speed of rotation to sustain life on earth.  That is not the result of an accident or chaos.  It's the result of design.   

You cannot have seriously researched religion if you feel Christianity is not different from other religions.  Christianity is not identical to Islam and we do not worship the same God.  This is the main thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions:

God offers salvation from sin and offers heaven freely, without requiring a list of things to do to be “good enough”. (Eph. 2:8-9) All other religions claim if we work hard enough, give enough, follow enough rules, recite enough mantras, or if we’re just plain lucky and God likes us . . . then we’ll earn salvation and/or become “enlightened”, whatever that means. Notice all those underlined words involve effort on OUR part.  Jesus is the only answer to the problem of sin. (John 3:16, 4:16) God is pure and holy and we are not. Without accepting the sacrifice of Jesus for our sin, we can't enter Heaven. (Rom. 3:10-12) After accepting salvation through Jesus, the new believer can have confidence he will not lose his salvation, no matter what sin he commits. (John 10:28-29) That's the beautiful thing about Christianity, forgiveness by a loving God if we just accept it.

In Christianity, there's no wondering if God will like me enough after I die, no wondering if I've worked hard enough to force God to let me in Heaven. This is in direct contrast to Islam where their god, Allah, is by their own admission, not knowable and they never know when they've pleased him.

Please study up on religions before lumping them all together.  They are very, very different.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-10-15 19:44:39)

+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.
Well, one prediction they made is in the year 2012.
I will not say what it is because its teh scary and will just have to see if its true in about 5 years.
If its true, im sorry but it wont be a COINCEDENCE.  Seriously though, you CAN make a code out of any text documents, but this one has so many events in time that have ACTUALLY happened no?

Last edited by eagles1106 (2006-10-15 19:52:04)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

eagles1106 wrote:

Well, one prediction they made is in the year 2012.
I will not say what it is because its teh scary and will just have to see if its true in about 5 years.
If its true, im sorry but it wont be a COINCEDENCE.  Seriously though, you CAN make a code out of any text documents, but this one has so many events in time that have ACTUALLY happened no?
. . . events that have conveniently already happened. Nothing has been predicted that has come true.  Some predictions are so general they could be fulfilled by more than one event.  Zzzzzzz.
+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.
And thats why they know it may predict the future.  Theres events in there that have happened.  And the code would have stayed the same, regaurdless when discovered, as long as the same method was used.  So lets say it was discovered and parts of it were being decoded in like 1970.  If they found the events after that they would have had the chance to see if they were true.  We have to wait for the future to see if this whole thing is actually true now.  They have seen grids of WW3, Meteors, Assassinations....Now we must wait, if they occur, I think it would be safe to say that the code is not a bunch of bs.  Nothing has been predicted that has come true yet because theyre waiting for the time period in the grids they think predict the future to pass.  Every future predictions time period has not passed yet, so we wont know.  The closest one I know of occurs in 2012.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Stingray24 wrote:

Why?  Because nothing in our universe forms perfect order from chaos.  You mentioned people more clever than us suggest that happened.  Clever hypothesis should still follow basic logic.  Nothing observed or recreated by science behaves like the big bang is suggested to have functioned.  Explosions do not bring about order, they create destruction, not living organisms.  The biggest question that evolution cannot and never will answer logically is where the original matter that exploded came from.  It just existed?  No.  It makes more sense that an intelligence being created the matter and formed our universe.  A massive explosion in space creating an environment that spawned sustainable life is mathematically impossible.  The number of variables that have to be exactly correct for live on earth to continue to exist are mindboggling.  We conveniently have the perfect atmosphere, the perfect distance from the sun, with the perfect angle of rotation and the perfect speed of rotation to sustain life on earth.  That is not the result of an accident or chaos.  It's the result of design.   

You cannot have seriously researched religion if you feel Christianity is not different from other religions.  Christianity is not identical to Islam and we do not worship the same God.  This is the main thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions:

God offers salvation from sin and offers heaven freely, without requiring a list of things to do to be “good enough”. (Eph. 2:8-9) All other religions claim if we work hard enough, give enough, follow enough rules, recite enough mantras, or if we’re just plain lucky and God likes us . . . then we’ll earn salvation and/or become “enlightened”, whatever that means. Notice all those underlined words involve effort on OUR part.  Jesus is the only answer to the problem of sin. (John 3:16, 4:16) God is pure and holy and we are not. Without accepting the sacrifice of Jesus for our sin, we can't enter Heaven. (Rom. 3:10-12) After accepting salvation through Jesus, the new believer can have confidence he will not lose his salvation, no matter what sin he commits. (John 10:28-29) That's the beautiful thing about Christianity, forgiveness by a loving God if we just accept it.

In Christianity, there's no wondering if God will like me enough after I die, no wondering if I've worked hard enough to force God to let me in Heaven. This is in direct contrast to Islam where their god, Allah, is by their own admission, not knowable and they never know when they've pleased him.

Please study up on religions before lumping them all together.  They are very, very different.
You make some good points, but the fact remains that no one can say they know that God exists.  Religion is, at best, a mere assumption by humans as to what the divine is.  Many of us naturally seek to know if anything above us exists, but the understanding that must be made is that no one knows for sure.  Collectivists believe all religions have a shred of truth to them because they each are attempting to understand the same force.  Nevertheless, it is highly unlikely that any one religion has the pure unadulterated truth about such a force.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Man have I got some important, deep things to say about this subject.

Be right back, I'm gonna go smoke a joint with my wife.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7079|Cambridge (UK)

eagles1106 wrote:

Well, one prediction they made is in the year 2012.
Oh is it now? Does it have anything to do with the world coming to an end?

Actually, I think my housemate has a copy of this book - I shall have to read it, then I can tell you just how big a pile of shite it is (or is not)...

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2006-10-15 21:12:38)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
Lemme guess something like: *Ffffffffffpt*  Ahhhhhhh.  God is, like, so cooool, man.  Ya know?  *hands joint to wife*

Response: Shyaaaah.  *Fffffffpt*  God has, like, so much power.   

+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

Well, one prediction they made is in the year 2012.
Oh is it now? Does it have anything to do with the world coming to an end?

Actually, I think my housemate has a copy of this book - I shall have to read it, then I can tell you just how big a pile of shite it is (or is not)...
It has to do with a meteor, and I may disbelieve that it will end the earth, but there is a meteor out there right now that is projected to strike earth within the next ten years i believe.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

Man have I got some important, deep things to say about this subject.

Be right back, I'm gonna go smoke a joint with my wife.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

Stingray24 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Why wouldn't complete randomness lead to a universe like ours?

Cleverer people than you have suggested that could well have been the case. But then I don't suppose you read a lot of scientific literature.

I can't see how anyone could ever bring common sense into a debate about Christianity, which stems from a belief in a personalised deity. Any personal deity is an absurd notion, much like ancient Pagan beliefs.

I really can't see how anyone with any common sense could believe in a personalised deity like 'god'. You might just as well believe in a pantheon of gods like the ancient Greeks or the Aztecs. Why should Christianity be right and those religions wrong?

Christianity is not different to other religions. Christianity is almost identical to Islam and Judaism, they are all essentially the same belief system, worshipping the same god.

Americas success is in no way connected to religion. It is not granted by god, rather by the hard work of it's leaders and inhabitants. American manufacturing gained the US it's place as a superpower. The Romans did very well too, they weren't Christian - not until Constantine converted, shortly before the Roman empire collapsed.
Why?  Because nothing in our universe forms perfect order from chaos.  You mentioned people more clever than us suggest that happened.  Clever hypothesis should still follow basic logic.  Nothing observed or recreated by science behaves like the big bang is suggested to have functioned.  Explosions do not bring about order, they create destruction, not living organisms.  The biggest question that evolution cannot and never will answer logically is where the original matter that exploded came from.  It just existed?  No.  It makes more sense that an intelligence being created the matter and formed our universe.  A massive explosion in space creating an environment that spawned sustainable life is mathematically impossible.  The number of variables that have to be exactly correct for live on earth to continue to exist are mindboggling.  We conveniently have the perfect atmosphere, the perfect distance from the sun, with the perfect angle of rotation and the perfect speed of rotation to sustain life on earth.  That is not the result of an accident or chaos.  It's the result of design.
You clearly don't know much about physics. Chaos theory is the study of order being formed out of chaos. It is a whole branch of physics, quite mainstream physics, dedicated to exactly such occurrences, which are quite common. Not, as you said, nonexistent. A Lorentz system is an example of order coming from chaos. Weather is another example of a chaotic system.

Evolution has nothing to do with the big bang. Evolution is a biological study, the big bang is a physical theory, the two are almost totally unconnected. What is understood about the matter in the early universe is that it was not creative at all as you suggest. The early universe contained many opposing particles, matter and anti-matter, it is known that there was more matter than anti-matter, because we have matter now left over after the annihilation process was over.

Your description of explosions not bringing about order is hardly accurate. Explosions do tend to bring about a very ordered change of state. There isn't much chaotic about an explosion, I know it may seem that way to you, but explosions make a lot of sense.

Physics cannot explain beyond the time the big bang took place because the laws of physics as we know them would cease to apply. The realm would be one we cannot understand because we have no experience in dealing with it and will most likely never have any exposure to to analyse.

Why is it mathematically impossible to have a planet capable of sustaining life? You keep bringing science into this, but don't ever seem to make any reference to it other than sweeping and for the most part untrue statements. It is unlikely for a planet that can sustain life to be formed and it is unlikely for life to evolve. If you look at different planets in our solar system, Mars and possibly Venus also come very close to having the capability for sustaining life, there are many billions of solar systems in the galaxy, there are billions of galaxies in the universe, countless billions and billions of planets. There probabilities for life don't look so small when you take the number of opportunities into account. In fact life forming is actually, according to many statisticians, more probable than it not forming.

You could think of the big bang as a nuclear explosion backwards if you want an example of similar occurrences in physics. Using Einsteins famous equation we can see that matter and energy are interchangeable - why is a sponataneous energy to matter conversion so hard to believe? The reverse happens all the time in nature.

No one knows what state the universe was in prior to the big bang - or even if there was anything at all. Time started at the big bang so there is no way of gauging anything before that. You have to remember that without space there cannot be time. Many ideas in physics are contrdictary to the very notion of a creator.

I believe Stephen Hawking puts it very well in his no boundary proposal:

Stephen Hawking wrote:

The idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe. With the success of scientific theories in describing events, most people have come to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in the universe to break these laws. However, the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when it started - it would be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off. So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would need neither beginning or end: it would simply be. What place then for a creator?
There are other theories that completely remove the need for a creator from the equation.

Stingray24 wrote:

You cannot have seriously researched religion if you feel Christianity is not different from other religions.  Christianity is not identical to Islam and we do not worship the same God.  This is the main thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions:

God offers salvation from sin and offers heaven freely, without requiring a list of things to do to be “good enough”. (Eph. 2:8-9) All other religions claim if we work hard enough, give enough, follow enough rules, recite enough mantras, or if we’re just plain lucky and God likes us . . . then we’ll earn salvation and/or become “enlightened”, whatever that means. Notice all those underlined words involve effort on OUR part.  Jesus is the only answer to the problem of sin. (John 3:16, 4:16) God is pure and holy and we are not. Without accepting the sacrifice of Jesus for our sin, we can't enter Heaven. (Rom. 3:10-12) After accepting salvation through Jesus, the new believer can have confidence he will not lose his salvation, no matter what sin he commits. (John 10:28-29) That's the beautiful thing about Christianity, forgiveness by a loving God if we just accept it.

In Christianity, there's no wondering if God will like me enough after I die, no wondering if I've worked hard enough to force God to let me in Heaven. This is in direct contrast to Islam where their god, Allah, is by their own admission, not knowable and they never know when they've pleased him.

Please study up on religions before lumping them all together.  They are very, very different.
Different slants, different teachings - same thing. I have studied up on them, they're the same - you are going into pedantic detail about things that clearly no one actually knows about.

There is nothing to promote Christianity above any other religion. It's popularity stems from it's teachings, which you are very quick to point out, the whole forgiveness for your sins and everlasting life and happiness is a clear incentive to believe in the Christian God. That's all it is. Advertising for an organisation seeking to increase it's hold over people. Organised religion is all much the same.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America

Bertster7 wrote:

There is nothing to promote Christianity above any other religion. It's popularity stems from it's teachings, which you are very quick to point out, the whole forgiveness for your sins and everlasting life and happiness is a clear incentive to believe in the Christian God. That's all it is. Advertising for an organisation seeking to increase it's hold over people. Organized religion is all much the same.
Right here is where you have the most closed-minded statement above all. I don't bash your---may I say "unorganized" religion--- so please refrain from insulting mine.
Junglist Massive

DesertFox423 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

There is nothing to promote Christianity above any other religion. It's popularity stems from it's teachings, which you are very quick to point out, the whole forgiveness for your sins and everlasting life and happiness is a clear incentive to believe in the Christian God. That's all it is. Advertising for an organisation seeking to increase it's hold over people. Organized religion is all much the same.
Right here is where you have the most closed-minded statement above all. I don't bash your---may I say "unorganized" religion--- so please refrain from insulting mine.
Feel free to bash away.  Because crying 'blasphemy' isn't going to stop me saying what I think about religion, and I doubt it'll stop Bertster7.  And I personally think Christianity is a scam.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

There is nothing to promote Christianity above any other religion. It's popularity stems from it's teachings, which you are very quick to point out, the whole forgiveness for your sins and everlasting life and happiness is a clear incentive to believe in the Christian God. That's all it is. Advertising for an organisation seeking to increase it's hold over people. Organized religion is all much the same.
Right here is where you have the most closed-minded statement above all. I don't bash your---may I say "unorganized" religion--- so please refrain from insulting mine.
Feel free to bash away.  Because crying 'blasphemy' isn't going to stop me saying what I think about religion, and I doubt it'll stop Bertster7.  And I personally think Christianity is a scam.
So do I. Much like Scientology. Although at least these days people don't have to pay tithes.

Anyway, I'm not bashing your religion. I'm bashing all of them. Christianity has nothing that sets it apart from any other religion, apart from superficial differences in ideology.

I don't have any religion. I'm an atheist - but if someone shows me evidence of there being a 'god' of some description, if it's credible I'll believe that. I just don't blindly follow anything. You can bash atheism all you like, I won't care - I have no attachment to atheism (I doubt many atheists do), any bashing of it would be futile. No religion to date is based on facts. All religions are based on faith. Faith denotes belief in unsubstantiated claims. I don't have a lot of time for unsubstantiated claims, they're not worth the evidence they haven't got.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-10-16 05:53:33)


Stingray24 wrote:

Why?  Because nothing in our universe forms perfect order from chaos.  You mentioned people more clever than us suggest that happened.  Clever hypothesis should still follow basic logic.  Nothing observed or recreated by science behaves like the big bang is suggested to have functioned.  Explosions do not bring about order, they create destruction, not living organisms.  The biggest question that evolution cannot and never will answer logically is where the original matter that exploded came from.  It just existed?  No.  It makes more sense that an intelligence being created the matter and formed our universe.
Ah, so matter can't just appear it requires a maker. By exactly the same logic God HAS to have been created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being,
who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being, who has to be created by an intelligent being and you probably get my point.

Stingray24 wrote:

A massive explosion in space creating an environment that spawned sustainable life is mathematically impossible.  The number of variables that have to be exactly correct for live on earth to continue to exist are mindboggling.  We conveniently have the perfect atmosphere, the perfect distance from the sun, with the perfect angle of rotation and the perfect speed of rotation to sustain life on earth.  That is not the result of an accident or chaos.  It's the result of design.
Life on Earth has evolved to fit the conditions here on Earth. Life on another planet doesn't have to survive on Earth, so it'll be different. Earth wasn't designed exactly to fit the requires specifications of life. Life evolved so it could survive in the specific conditions found here on Earth.

Stingray24 wrote:

You cannot have seriously researched religion if you feel Christianity is not different from other religions.  Christianity is not identical to Islam and we do not worship the same God.  This is the main thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions:

God offers salvation from sin and offers heaven freely, without requiring a list of things to do to be “good enough”. (Eph. 2:8-9) All other religions claim if we work hard enough, give enough, follow enough rules, recite enough mantras, or if we’re just plain lucky and God likes us . . . then we’ll earn salvation and/or become “enlightened”, whatever that means. Notice all those underlined words involve effort on OUR part.  Jesus is the only answer to the problem of sin. (John 3:16, 4:16) God is pure and holy and we are not. Without accepting the sacrifice of Jesus for our sin, we can't enter Heaven. (Rom. 3:10-12) After accepting salvation through Jesus, the new believer can have confidence he will not lose his salvation, no matter what sin he commits. (John 10:28-29) That's the beautiful thing about Christianity, forgiveness by a loving God if we just accept it.

In Christianity, there's no wondering if God will like me enough after I die, no wondering if I've worked hard enough to force God to let me in Heaven. This is in direct contrast to Islam where their god, Allah, is by their own admission, not knowable and they never know when they've pleased him.

Please study up on religions before lumping them all together.  They are very, very different.
Actually, according to the bible to get into heaven you have to love everyone, hate everyone, sell everything and give the money away (it says that twice) and be more holy than a Pharisee who observe 613 holy laws.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
You won't get into heaven playing board games, that's for sure.

Last edited by Ikarti (2006-10-16 05:56:03)

Look at this. That scared the crap out of me.

I must say, that the facts are just too many for one to ignore.
The bible contains the story of the pass, the presence and the future.
It is kind of nice to know, that there is a God.

Last edited by stef10 (2006-10-16 10:00:07)

+51|7087|North Hollywood

velocitychaos wrote:

I think that some people will see what they want to see so as to justify and support the beliefs that make up their reality.
Like republicans?

sorry i couldnt resist
+149|6861|USA bitches!
I also saw a progam on this on The History Channel. It is false, because with the amount of text within the Bible, the odds of them using a grid to bring out something that's happened in history is almost guarenteed.

One person that was on there that didn't believe in it, used the Bible Code on Moby Dick and found Princess Diana's death within a grid. So, take a huge text and run the numbers, and you'll get something eventually.

But, how does one predict the future with it. What if it says that I will murder 200+ children in my life and rape countless woman and all that crappy stuff, can they use that as a justification to imprison me, or watch/follow me? Nop, because the future hasn't happened yet and nobody will know what happens.

And no, I'm not a killer/rapist.
+149|6861|USA bitches!

Stingray24 wrote:

Why?  Because nothing in our universe forms perfect order from chaos.  You mentioned people more clever than us suggest that happened.  Clever hypothesis should still follow basic logic.  Nothing observed or recreated by science behaves like the big bang is suggested to have functioned.  Explosions do not bring about order, they create destruction, not living organisms.  The biggest question that evolution cannot and never will answer logically is where the original matter that exploded came from.  It just existed?  No.  It makes more sense that an intelligence being created the matter and formed our universe.  A massive explosion in space creating an environment that spawned sustainable life is mathematically impossible.  The number of variables that have to be exactly correct for live on earth to continue to exist are mind boggling.  We conveniently have the perfect atmosphere, the perfect distance from the sun, with the perfect angle of rotation and the perfect speed of rotation to sustain life on earth.  That is not the result of an accident or chaos.  It's the result of design.
I would think that life exists only because those variables are the way the are. Whenever the solar system formed, those exact variables came to be, not 100% of them from the beginning, but eventually they were all set in place before the emergence of life.

Now, we have the perfect atmosphere, distance from the sun, angle of rotation and speed of rotation because we evolved and adapted to those forces. What if the atmosphere had, say, 30% less oxygen in it. Would we, or life in general, cease to exist? I doubt it. I'm sure that life would've evolved to live with it's surroundings.

Assuming that a God designed every single molecule, program, cell, or whatever else you want to put in this, is absurd. Did he also design physics the way they are so that we couldn't find him out? What if we became smarter than him? Maybe Einstein was onto something, a formula to find God. What if we're just an experiment in a petri dish?

Cherish your life and the time you have on this Earth. Because, for all you know, with a blink of an eye, there could be nothingness and we wouldn't exist. Sickening thought, but that's what it all comes to.

Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-10-16 11:13:37)

+149|6861|USA bitches!

eagles1106 wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

Well, one prediction they made is in the year 2012.
Oh is it now? Does it have anything to do with the world coming to an end?

Actually, I think my housemate has a copy of this book - I shall have to read it, then I can tell you just how big a pile of shite it is (or is not)...
It has to do with a meteor, and I may disbelieve that it will end the earth, but there is a meteor out there right now that is projected to strike earth within the next ten years i believe.
Actually, there's a meteor that's going to pass like, between the Earth and our satellites, but won't hit. But, and a big but, if for some odd chance the meteor's path is reversed after it passes us, there's a very good chance it'll hit us. But, the chances of the path being changed is like 100000000000000000000 to 1.
and what if you use a bible in a different language then English...  The bible is the only book translated in as much languages as the Ikea catalogue.  S lets say we read it in Latin, or dutch, or french...  you think it's always the same result?   Humbug !!

I once deciphered my own name and birthdate, and those of people important to me out of an Ikea catalogue from back in 1999....  What does that tell you?

People find whatever they want to find, they just need to look hard enough.....

DocZ wrote:

and what if you use a bible in a different language then English...  The bible is the only book translated in as much languages as the Ikea catalogue.  S lets say we read it in Latin, or dutch, or french...  you think it's always the same result?   Humbug !!

I once deciphered my own name and birthdate, and those of people important to me out of an Ikea catalogue from back in 1999....  What does that tell you?

People find whatever they want to find, they just need to look hard enough.....
Hushhhh. The bible has just given things about cold fusion and other things, and come on they are not just taken random letters, but they are taken words/letters in a precise pattern. And for Christ sake do not doubt
mathematicians, because they will pew your as s. And the words are like so close to each other.
People choose to not believe in this, because it will only just open more doors, than it will close.
It is like going one step backwards.

Last edited by stef10 (2006-10-16 13:02:47)

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