+16|6788|San Diego, CA
Great post...+1!
Well managed to 24/1 with a walker so yeah its easy to rack up points unless you are facing tanks then you will have problem if these fellas stay away from you then you just better get some friking cover.
nice post +1
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Towelly is a genius. I love you towelly and I am very happy to give you yet another karma point.

So karma DocLove has given out: ~75. Karma he got: 31
Bring a Towel

Towelly wrote:

Really want to annoy EA? Stop playing BF2, they make more money in ranked server sponsorship then they ever will on sales.
Snap. Awesome.
+1,153|6968|Washington, DC

Agreed. For the record, I don't hate the gameplay. I think it's a fine game. It's just my beef with EA that prevents me from buying it. Now then, if I were to get it as a gift... =p although I want to at least get my butterbar in BF2 before playing 2142.
I had to register to reply,  good thread.

I only wish they'd released the demo with all weapons, items and other misc things they dreamed up
unlocked. If the demo was used as a testing grounds for all unlocks imagine the great deal of practice or "test driving" we can get with the unlocks. Being that there's so many unlocks i think the uniqueness of the squads and even clans will greatly effect how 2142 will be played

also, i don't want to see every 2142 board flooded with players complaining about how they can't stand the last unlock they just choose cause they didn't know what it was or how to really take advantage of it.
I knife Generals
+278|6875|Search Whore killing fields

Hurricane wrote:

Agreed. For the record, I don't hate the gameplay. I think it's a fine game. It's just my beef with EA that prevents me from buying it. Now then, if I were to get it as a gift... =p although I want to at least get my butterbar in BF2 before playing 2142.
I got mine nananananan
+3,611|6959|London, England
I think the gameplay is fine, just the HUD. They screwed it up, it seems all ass-backwards. Changing loc-files can probably sort it out but thats long. The gameplay is what i expected, nothing more, nothing less. A good game, but i feel that i'm a little old to be playing it. And i'm only 17.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7055|Riva, MD
Well said.
Frosties > Cornflakes

Towelly wrote:

What follows is a short rant incensed by the stupidity of many.
Your kidding right?
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
I would like to say that BF2142 is the most well-balanced game I have seen in a long while.  The only truely unstoppable force is a well-coordinated team.

Yes, mechs are easily the most powerful vehicle in the game, especially if you have your AA gunner, but one AT trooper (and once unlocks are out and people start getting det packs for their sniper kit) can take a mech out with clever strategy.

One sidenote is that I am highly amused that the first stationary gun people jump into when they see my mech stomping towards them is the AA gun.  The AA gun has no effect whatsoever on mechs.  Not sure if this is a bug or not, but I stood there taking fire from an AA gun for a half-minute while I gunned down his infantry buds before turned to him and laying a couple rockets down.  My armor didn't go down at all, except from the hit I took from an AT rocket.  So please people, for the love of god if you are trying to defend an outpost from a mech, go for the railgun turret and not the AA.
I really think no unlocks in the demo is a major problem... especially since some things seem balanced with unlocks in mind.  It seems like the best ways to take down battlewalkers (camo + C-7, EMP mine + C-7, EMP mine + homer mines + rockets), aircraft (that AA missile apparently can take down a gunship in two shots, and it carries two at a time).
Ready for combat
+211|6933|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
as copied from a post i made a few threads down in the "stop bashing 2142 you noobs" thread

after playing 2142 for the first time last night, i must agree, but, i found that the only thing wrong with the game is the people.
   all the vehicles are well balanced, theres no one hit tank kills, the gunships are powerfull but can be grounded, the Titans can be taken down with teamwork, the walkers can be taken down the same way. infantry battles are alot more fun, the kits are balanced.
    the only problem i had was the people. there were 24 people on my team and only 8 of em were in squads and the commander was flying around in a aircraft. the rest were compliaining. and to them i said "maybe if you got in a squad and did some teamwork you wouldnt be complaining, this isnt fucking Karkand where you can medic whore or PKM whore, you actually have to use something called TEAMWORK!" and like a typical karkand whore would say they replied "stfu noob"

thefousteph wrote:

All those who says BF2142 is crap and don't want to buy it, i don't care AND why you are spending time on the BF2142 part of the forum?????
Ok.. why don't you just start a forum called "Let's all sit around and praise 2142"?
Ready for combat
+211|6933|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
maybe we will
So true. I'e seen so many people winging cos they aren't gods at 2142. Well, as the old mantra goes...

Adapt or die
Jet Rammer
+4|7065|Debris From Space
I love 2142, i cant get enough of it. It's like all the stuff I hated in BF2 they fixed up. Spawn camping doesn't exist, almost all the vehicles and infantry kits are balanced. Also, they actually decided to add a new gamemode which BF2 lacked. All in all, I cant wait for next Friday. The veteran program seems fair too, i'd like to have some recognition from my BF2 times.

Great post too, I totally agree. People who can't deal with it, should go back to karkand.

Last edited by idiotofwar (2006-10-15 13:41:44)

I remember having the same discussions when BF2 came out, ppl swearing to stick to BF:V etc. It will all be over in a matter of weeks/ months.
I play BF2 cos its fun, except for the point whores & hackin biatches

Do you play BF2142 because you enjoy it, or so you can be the 1st kid in your street to have an unlock?

It looks to me like DICE have really cottoned onto a winner here, keep people addicted not by gameplay but by a points system..... whooopeee

Crysis will be the next #1 title, but gotta wait till early next year
Devon Dweller
+36|6925|Devon, England

DrM wrote:

One of the things I like is that a kill is 1 point. A flag capture is 2 points.
It goes back to favouring the teamwork side of play.

Im sorry but I couldnt disagree more 1 point kills are s***t
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

Towelly wrote:

What follows is a short rant incensed by the stupidity of many.


It's funny how so many people think that this should be exactly the same as BF2, it's not, it was never intended to be and it shouldn't be. I think 75% of the people who have in some way stated that they don't like 2142 simply can't deal with change, they get stuck in the ways of their single game and can't deal with a little bit of a mix up.

Yes the infantry combat is different, doesn't mean you can't take on three enemies and come out the better. In it's current form (demo) the infantry combat is limited, but when the retail gets out a whole new range of weapons and abilities will be available for people to expand and most likely abuse, this will firstly make infantry far more diverse and second it'll mean you'll have to think for once. On the topic of unlocks I like having to work for anything more than basic kit. You are a grunt at the start of the game, a nothing, cannon fodder a recruit. As you climb ranks you become more important so are therefore granted more important kit in which to keep you alive, still doesn't mean a bullet from a rifle won't kill you, it just means you have more options.

Vehicles; as a whole they are much better, hitting the back of a tank/apc/mech does a lot more damage than hitting the front or sides, as it should, the damage location on the BF2 armour was ridiculous, now you hit a tank in the back with a AT rocket and you do some actual damage.

The mechs are by far one of the most interesting additions to the series I've ever seen, people seem to think that they can be ripped to shreds and are giant walking coffins.

In the hands of a player with even a slight amount of intelligence these mothers can dominate. I'm not brilliant in them, but I know people who are, they can go 40+/1 easily and all in one mech. Clever play can take them down, but clever play can also keep them alive

Tanks are fine, the fact that you karkand whores can no longer pin down infantry at a whim is a good thing, it means you first have to have to have a gunner on the machine gun and second have to have faith in that gunner, just because you are not the be all and end all anymore doesn't mean the tanks are no good.

The APC's are now APC's; they have armour, they carry personal, they are as such, APC's. Again just because you can't pin down infantry at 2 points apiece doesn't mean they aren't good, infact if I'm in a walker I fear nothing more than a APC and a tank together, the EMP can stop a walker in its' tracks and leave the tank an easy shot to the legs.

The gunships are fine, although weaker than many thought they would be, but now they take a little more coordination to use well which I find nice. You can't just take out a ton of infantry, all the armour in the area and expect to come out in one piece anymore. No, you have to pick your targets, maybe do a couple of passes to "asses" the target then move in and destroy it (see attacking from the rear) only after thats all clear and all AA is destroyed can you even think about going after infantry and even then you still have to be on your toes. Passing comment on the TV missiles, they have changed, you learnt to use them in BF2, learn to use them again.

In essence 2142 seems alot more teamwork driven then BF2 ever was, I'm glad to see the people who designed the point scheme realized that people only seemed to play for points, so now squad work is one of the best ways to make said points, aside from the occasional reward for a badge or pin.

Admittedly some people have valid reasons for not liking 2142, but they are the minority. So unless you are a member of that minority and can think of a valid reason for coming into the 2142 section of the forum and reeling off about how much you dislike 2142 (before it's even released as well) then kindly get the fuck out.

N.B Saying, "EA screwed me over with Bf2 so I'm never buying an EA product again" is not a valid reason, really want to annoy EA? Stop playing BF2, they make more money in ranked server sponsorship then they ever will on sales.
You work at DICE / EA, don't you?
That's the only reaso why you could so blindly defend everything they do!! Shame on you!

Towelly wrote:

What follows is a short rant incensed by the stupidity of many.

Nope.  What follows is a personal (and biased) opinion.

Towelly wrote:

It's funny how so many people think that this should be exactly the same as BF2, it's not, it was never intended to be and it shouldn't be. I think 75% of the people who have in some way stated that they don't like 2142 simply can't deal with change, they get stuck in the ways of their single game and can't deal with a little bit of a mix up.
Nope.  I think it's funny that the main reason people don't like the game is because it is exactly like BF2.  Broken.  But I guess you are kind of right, the game is different.  Oh wait, no it's not, it's the same fucking game.  What you should be saying is that people do not like the mod.

Towelly wrote:

Yes the infantry combat is different, doesn't mean you can't take on three enemies and come out the better. In it's current form (demo) the infantry combat is limited, but when the retail gets out a whole new range of weapons and abilities will be available for people to expand and most likely abuse, this will firstly make infantry far more diverse and second it'll mean you'll have to think for once.
I don't know who you are talking to, but I thought out my strategies quite extensively in BF2.  But lets look back at history shall we?  Remember when BF2 first came out with the Oman demo?  Everyone was on the carrier trying to take off in the F-35?  Yeah.  Remember everyone saying what a piece of shit it was?  Yeah, well it's been a year and a half and the thing is still a piece of shit.  Infantry will be no different, only instead of just having a noob tube, people will have a noob tube, C4 and a scope all at the same time.  Wonderful.

Towelly wrote:

On the topic of unlocks I like having to work for anything more than basic kit. You are a grunt at the start of the game, a nothing, cannon fodder a recruit. As you climb ranks you become more important so are therefore granted more important kit in which to keep you alive, still doesn't mean a bullet from a rifle won't kill you, it just means you have more options.
Well, it's nice to know that EA has learned from their mistakes.  Now instead of the children with no lives having a slight advantage over people who work for a living, it is now going to be a holocaust.  Because, you know of course, Volx is a very important person.

Towelly wrote:

Vehicles; as a whole they are much better, hitting the back of a tank/apc/mech does a lot more damage than hitting the front or sides, as it should, the damage location on the BF2 armour was ridiculous, now you hit a tank in the back with a AT rocket and you do some actual damage.
Well, they can't fuck everything up, now can they?

Towelly wrote:

The mechs are by far one of the most interesting additions to the series I've ever seen, people seem to think that they can be ripped to shreds and are giant walking coffins.

In the hands of a player with even a slight amount of intelligence these mothers can dominate. I'm not brilliant in them, but I know people who are, they can go 40+/1 easily and all in one mech. Clever play can take them down, but clever play can also keep them alive
In the one solid hour I played this game, I killed at least 15 mechs with tanks.  They suck.  Everytime I got into one, it either stopped or started walking when I didn't want it too, I was being hit by some shit that made it not work or some plane saw the bullseye on the back of it.  Walking coffins.  Everyone wants to take it down and it's easy to do.  Fail.

Towelly wrote:

Tanks are fine, the fact that you karkand whores can no longer pin down infantry at a whim is a good thing, it means you first have to have to have a gunner on the machine gun and second have to have faith in that gunner, just because you are not the be all and end all anymore doesn't mean the tanks are no good.
Can't whore it......hahahaha.

Towelly wrote:

The APC's are now APC's; they have armour, they carry personal, they are as such, APC's. Again just because you can't pin down infantry at 2 points apiece doesn't mean they aren't good.
You're right, thats why they sit at main bases unused now.

Towelly wrote:

In essence 2142 seems alot more teamwork driven then BF2 ever was, I'm glad to see the people who designed the point scheme realized that people only seemed to play for points, so now squad work is one of the best ways to make said points, aside from the occasional reward for a badge or pin.
I don't know where you were playing but the two servers I joined the other night was the same 10 year old free for all chaos that BF2 always was.  No thanks.

Towelly wrote:

Admittedly some people have valid reasons for not liking 2142, but they are the minority. So unless you are a member of that minority and can think of a valid reason for coming into the 2142 section of the forum and reeling off about how much you dislike 2142 (before it's even released as well) then kindly get the fuck out.
Besides not being able to get the piece of shit to work and other installation-uninstallation-setup and account creation problems I had with the demo, I have NO fucking intention on spending $50 bucks on a piece of shit mod for a worn out whore of a game that can't even release a working demo.  The hour or two I played and my friends house showed me that not only is it broken, it just plain out fucking sucks.  I found it incredibly boring, repetitive, frustrating and un-rewarding.  Also, the whole stigma revolving around the spyware, adware, pop-up, advertisement, whatever.....no thanks.  I want to play a game, not be targeted my a marketing company.

Towelly wrote:

N.B Saying, "EA screwed me over with Bf2 so I'm never buying an EA product again" is not a valid reason, really want to annoy EA? Stop playing BF2, they make more money in ranked server sponsorship then they ever will on sales.
EA didn't screw me, I screwed them by discontinuing my use or purchase of their shanty products.  They showed that they did not care about the quality of their merchandise with BF2 and also showed me that they do not care about their community of customers.  They also showed me how lazy and downright slimy they were when they announced the release of BF2142 ( A FUCKING MOD), while people were still yelling and screaming about the broken engine during BF2!  They can't even release a decent fucking patch, you really expect me to buy a $50 mod of a broken game that wasn't all that great to begin with?  Fuck you EA, I don't think so. 

Why anyone would defend this game is completely beyond my realm of comprehension.  I guess some people enjoy living (playing) in the ghetto.
So what is your freakin point?

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