True, this is a popular theory. However, I think with libby dying, the photo descrepencies (hugo with his arm around his imaginary friend), and some other things I read on the abc boards, it was abandoned.
I want to know when the nanobot swarm will be explained. We all know that I, (hotgreenwassabi) on the abc/lost forums was the first to say that the "monster" was a nanobot swarm. My criteria was that Michael Chrichton is a good, close personal friend of jj abrahms and he is also a writer for some shows on abc and other networks (ER i think is one). Well, Michael Chrichton's book "PREY" is about just such nanobots and since the frenzy of viewers called that one right on the money, the writers have simply abandoned the monster or bother explaining it. I think they got mad that they were discovered and it was embarrasing because of the source of their plagiarism.
It will be interesting to see how they end up explaining that we've seen it in full..and since they can't claim it's nanobots now.
Well, believe it or not I haven't looked around any for any articles on Lost theories. I don't really want to know what happens before it does, but I also want them to hurry up a bit. Occassionally I feel like nothing is happening (usually just before the end of each season).
And the monster's going to reappear next week. A better question is about Locke - he knows but isn't telling?