+302|7049|Salt Lake City … /index.htm

If this actually pans out and works as stated, it could completely change the dynamics of the auto industry and the world's reliance on oil to power their vehicles.  Obviously oil would still be required for many products, especially synthetics, but on a worldwide scale the amount of oil needed would be cut dramatically.
+2|6869|Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
There is no way the Oils companies will allow this to happen, and the car marker, because they have a lots of shore one in the other
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
it will happen eventually.  It's just a matter of those with the means aligning themselves with those with the will and reconciling.  It will take a while, but it'll happen.  If the oil companies are REALLY smart, they'll use this technology themselves and morph their product offering.  Diversification.
I like the way there is an ad for Shell at the top of the link...

The Oil companies, and possibly American & European auto manufacturers, are gonna get shafted by Japan because Japan is striving ahead in dealing with the problem of finding alternative power systems. It's time for us to buckle down, circumvent oil company hinderances and catch up with the Japanese or we'll be importing a serious amount of merchandise from them and paying a lot of patent fees to them in the very near future.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-13 07:56:16)

They'd do all in their power to stop it!
The Farewell Tour
+79|6735|San Antonio, TX
Oil companies would never be completely out of business.  The execs definitely would never go without, it would sadly just lessen the amount of oil consumed and that would mean less people at the bottom.

But hey you want to make change, start talking to your government.  Speaking your peace here is probably only going to cause flames!
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA

CameronPoe wrote:

I like the way there is an ad for Shell at the top of the link...

The Oil companies, and possibly American & European auto manufacturers, are gonna get shafted by Japan because Japan is striving ahead in dealing with the problem of finding alternative power systems. It's time for us to buckle down, circumvent oil company hinderances and catch up with the Japanese or we'll be importing a serious amount of merchandise from them and paying a lot of patent fees to them in the very near future.
Psh, I hardly see Japan, Taiwan or any far eastern nation jumping ahead in the technology race any time soon.  Oh wait ...
U.S. > Iran
I think the oil companies will do as much as possible to keep this from happening because they wouldnt be able to make record breaking profits each year.  Personally, if the car worked as it is supposed to, I would love to have one.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

PuckMercury wrote:

it will happen eventually.  It's just a matter of those with the means aligning themselves with those with the will and reconciling.  It will take a while, but it'll happen.  If the oil companies are REALLY smart, they'll use this technology themselves and morph their product offering.  Diversification.
That was exactly my thoughts as well.  A smart oil company would realize that we still need oil for other things, but somehow getting in on being a player in this new technology could help ensure prosperity for the future of the company.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Japan may have horrible cartoons but their cars "pwn" that of the US. American auto companies are getting increasingly desperate, I remeber an add a while ago where if you bought a GM SUV over this one weekend they would give you a card that makes gas anywhere cost only $2 for the whole summer. and the sad this was more people still bought Toyotas that month.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
Well if you're comparing a Suburban to a Camry, yeah ... the Camry might eek out a win on the whole economy front /sarcasm.

However, my 98 Saturn still gets 33 mph and performs at 170K miles.  I'll put that against anything foreign shores has to offer of that vintage and class.

None of that is really the point though.  I am truly surprised at how obvious it seems for the oil companies to use alternative fuel technologies for themselves.  As demand for oil decreases, prices can appropriately inflate as it will be a novelty item and those who want it will still pay for it.  It would simply be another business model for them to add onto their present offering.  Thus far, ADB is the only one who hasn't thought me a fool for suggesting such a notion.  +1 for you, sir.

I would love a small version of it for my mp3 player

And I doubt that oil companies would do something extreme to stop it. They might slow it down, but if the technology is what they say it is than it will go throu. But this is not the first time someone is claiming to have a miracle solution.
+383|7033|The Netherlands
I seriously doubt if we ll see electric or hydrogen cars on the roads in the near future. I think they got enough known oil reserves to last another 30 years. Thats the known resources they found so far and there's probably a lot more to be found. Btw current technology only allows them to drill to a certain depth, maybe in 30 years they ll find a way to drill even deeper for example or get better technology to find new oilfields.

Electricity is made by burning fossil fuels or nuclear reactors, only a small part comes from windmills, wave energy, solar panels, burning biomass(translation?) so its not a very clean either. Btw i ve heared Shell owns the patent for the hydrogen engine.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

General-Echo wrote:

I seriously doubt if we ll see electric or hydrogen cars on the roads in the near future. I think they got enough known oil reserves to last another 30 years. Thats the known resources they found so far and there's probably a lot more to be found. Btw current technology only allows them to drill to a certain depth, maybe in 30 years they ll find a way to drill even deeper for example or get better technology to find new oilfields.

Electricity is made by burning fossil fuels or nuclear reactors, only a small part comes from windmills, wave energy, solar panels, burning biomass(translation?) so its not a very clean either. Btw i ve heared Shell owns the patent for the hydrogen engine.
Yes, creating electricity also creates pollution in one form or another.  However, keep in mind that it takes energy to locate oil, drill it out of the ground, transport it to a refinery, refine it, transport it to the final consumption destination, and then pollution for burning it.

Oil is something we've already shown that can be replaced or reduced in need by other technologies.  I don't see electricity being replaced any time soon.  As far as electricity goes, we can generate that without the need to import fuel from other countries, and is easier to contain and control pollution when you minimize the sources generating it.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
fusion creates no pollution.  If there's a leak, your voice may get a bit sqeaky, though ...
+383|7033|The Netherlands

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

General-Echo wrote:

I seriously doubt if we ll see electric or hydrogen cars on the roads in the near future. I think they got enough known oil reserves to last another 30 years. Thats the known resources they found so far and there's probably a lot more to be found. Btw current technology only allows them to drill to a certain depth, maybe in 30 years they ll find a way to drill even deeper for example or get better technology to find new oilfields.

Electricity is made by burning fossil fuels or nuclear reactors, only a small part comes from windmills, wave energy, solar panels, burning biomass(translation?) so its not a very clean either. Btw i ve heared Shell owns the patent for the hydrogen engine.
Yes, creating electricity also creates pollution in one form or another.  However, keep in mind that it takes energy to locate oil, drill it out of the ground, transport it to a refinery, refine it, transport it to the final consumption destination, and then pollution for burning it.

Oil is something we've already shown that can be replaced or reduced in need by other technologies.  I don't see electricity being replaced any time soon.  As far as electricity goes, we can generate that without the need to import fuel from other countries, and is easier to contain and control pollution when you minimize the sources generating it.
You re right, but i dont think the consuption of oil can ever be reduced. Its not only used to power cars, its used for making all sorts of plastics and stuff, even shampoo is make out of oil.

PuckMercury wrote:

fusion creates no pollution.  If there's a leak, your voice may get a bit sqeaky, though ...
As far as i m aware, nuclear reactors do produce nuclear waist, dont they? I ve heared about use of conventional explosives 'wrapped' in this nuclear waist to create what is called a 'dirty bomb'.

Thats why transports of nuclear waist are so heavily garded i guess. Its not like you can make an atomic bomb out of the waist but detonatining normal explosives around that stuff is not a good idea.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

General-Echo wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

General-Echo wrote:

I seriously doubt if we ll see electric or hydrogen cars on the roads in the near future. I think they got enough known oil reserves to last another 30 years. Thats the known resources they found so far and there's probably a lot more to be found. Btw current technology only allows them to drill to a certain depth, maybe in 30 years they ll find a way to drill even deeper for example or get better technology to find new oilfields.

Electricity is made by burning fossil fuels or nuclear reactors, only a small part comes from windmills, wave energy, solar panels, burning biomass(translation?) so its not a very clean either. Btw i ve heared Shell owns the patent for the hydrogen engine.
Yes, creating electricity also creates pollution in one form or another.  However, keep in mind that it takes energy to locate oil, drill it out of the ground, transport it to a refinery, refine it, transport it to the final consumption destination, and then pollution for burning it.

Oil is something we've already shown that can be replaced or reduced in need by other technologies.  I don't see electricity being replaced any time soon.  As far as electricity goes, we can generate that without the need to import fuel from other countries, and is easier to contain and control pollution when you minimize the sources generating it.
You re right, but i dont think the consuption of oil can ever be reduced. Its not only used to power cars, its used for making all sorts of plastics and stuff, even shampoo is make out of oil.

PuckMercury wrote:

fusion creates no pollution.  If there's a leak, your voice may get a bit sqeaky, though ...
As far as i m aware, nuclear reactors do produce nuclear waist, dont they? I ve heared about use of conventional explosives 'wrapped' in this nuclear waist to create what is called a 'dirty bomb'.

Thats why transports of nuclear waist are so heavily garded i guess. Its not like you can make an atomic bomb out of the waist but detonatining normal explosives around that stuff is not a good idea.
If you read my initial post I clearly indicated that oil would still be needed for synthetics and similar items.  However, realize that just over 50% or the petroleum used in this country is for autos.

He said fusion, you are thinking fision.  Here is a quick "down and dirty" on fusion, explained in laymens terms.

General-Echo wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

General-Echo wrote:

I seriously doubt if we ll see electric or hydrogen cars on the roads in the near future. I think they got enough known oil reserves to last another 30 years. Thats the known resources they found so far and there's probably a lot more to be found. Btw current technology only allows them to drill to a certain depth, maybe in 30 years they ll find a way to drill even deeper for example or get better technology to find new oilfields.

Electricity is made by burning fossil fuels or nuclear reactors, only a small part comes from windmills, wave energy, solar panels, burning biomass(translation?) so its not a very clean either. Btw i ve heared Shell owns the patent for the hydrogen engine.
Yes, creating electricity also creates pollution in one form or another.  However, keep in mind that it takes energy to locate oil, drill it out of the ground, transport it to a refinery, refine it, transport it to the final consumption destination, and then pollution for burning it.

Oil is something we've already shown that can be replaced or reduced in need by other technologies.  I don't see electricity being replaced any time soon.  As far as electricity goes, we can generate that without the need to import fuel from other countries, and is easier to contain and control pollution when you minimize the sources generating it.
You re right, but i dont think the consuption of oil can ever be reduced. Its not only used to power cars, its used for making all sorts of plastics and stuff, even shampoo is make out of oil.

PuckMercury wrote:

fusion creates no pollution.  If there's a leak, your voice may get a bit sqeaky, though ...
As far as i m aware, nuclear reactors do produce nuclear waist, dont they? I ve heared about use of conventional explosives 'wrapped' in this nuclear waist to create what is called a 'dirty bomb'.

Thats why transports of nuclear waist are so heavily garded i guess. Its not like you can make an atomic bomb out of the waist but detonatining normal explosives around that stuff is not a good idea.
Fusion does not have nuclear waste. If they can use fusion technology, we would not need an alternative energy source.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
what they ^^ said

fusion is what happens in the sun, fission is Hiroshima.  Fusion produces much MUCH more energy and the only components are hydrogren (input) and helium (output) and a shitload of energy.
+383|7033|The Netherlands

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Fusion does not have nuclear waste. If they can use fusion technology, we would not need an alternative energy source.
A fusion reaction is suppost to create 3 times more energy than splitting atoms. I dont know what its called in english. What i do know is that the fusion process is only controllable for like 1 second so it cant be used yet to create energy right?
Evil Overlord
There is nothing the oil companies can do.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

mikeyb118 wrote:

There is nothing the oil companies can do.
Are you crazy?  The oil companies have been known to buy up technology that they felt were a threat to their profits.  The point being, will the people developing this technology see the larger overall benefit of the technology, and the far larger future profits they could make once it comes to market, or would they simply take the easy money if an oil company(s) offered a couple of billion dollars for it?
. . .
About EEStor
US Pat. App. 2004/0071944 with inventors being Weir, Richard Dean; (Cedar Park, TX) ; Nelson, Carl Walter; (Austin, TX).

The original (Mar. 6, 2006) article, … 1715454851

It's possible, but until there is independent verification, it's a bit of a hype. Ultra-capacitors are not new technology, this is a modification, and hopefully though - it will live up to the hype.
+6|6851|London, England.
I don't want to steal your thunder, but check this out :0   :0
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
there are so many millions of combustion engines out there it would take decades for any meaningful replacement to come to fruition, how would you go about refitting older vehicles? How does it's versatility compare to the ICE? For once someone finally addressed the range and horsepower issue (something most powercell proponents leave out do to there being a significant lack of each), but what about the high torque capacity of ICE's and diesels? Can you make one of these that can move a house without costing as much as one? For the immediate future, exploration and alternative fuels are the way to go, as the internal combustion engine is what makes the world go round. Even here at Robins the Air Force is hitting the synthetic experimentation rather heavily, with pleasing and cleaner results. You can watch two C-9's take off and tell which one uses JP-8 and which one uses synthetics as the JP-8 will leave a barely visible smoke trail, and the synthetic won't. This ceramic cell may eventually be the future, but it will be decades at best before it replaces conventional engines, whether ICE, diesel, or turbine.

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