I'm against abortion. A life begins at conception. A woman forfeits that right to avoid having a child when she's pregnant and another life is forming in hers. Don't want the kid don't have sex. Raped? Adoption. Thats it. End of discussion/debate.
I'm against same sex marriages. Marriage is a religious term. Religions abhor Gay Marriages. They have no place in religion. Maybe some sort of civil union -but don't insult my religion by calling it a marriage.
I'm against stem cell research. Perversion of Science
I'm against affirmative action. I didn't do anything bad to those minorities. Why should I and those more qualified to do a certain job be punished?
I'm against welfare. Have more babies so we can get more money. I don't need health care I'm on welfare. Why should I have to work my ass off and pay 8k a year for it while there are people doing nothing other than having sex and getting it for free. The system is abused and broken.
I'm against gun control. It's in the Constitution. Hundreds of thousands died for that piece of paper. They believed in it as I do. Gun control merely keeps guns in the hands of the criminals while law abiding Joe Lunch box is left at their mercy.
I'm against liberal nut jobs. It's been proven that their hippie "government runs all while we tax the shit out of you" plans don't work. Communism is the end result of their final plan and we all know how well that works out for the common citizen of the country.
I'm for the Death Penalty. Why let someone who's raped and murdered a family of 5 live a second longer. IMO it is way too humane. They get anesthetics, feel no pain. How about the sheer terror and pain that the murdered family experienced before they were raped and hacked to death with a knife.
I'm for the Iraq War. Saddam is an evil man. He brought torture, and murder to his country while plundering its wealth for his own benefit. I hope they let those he wronged shoot him.
I'm a proud Republican. Add me to your list!
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.