So, you think FOX News is "Fair and Balanced" or CNN is the "News America Trusts"?  Perhaps you prefer middle ground with NBC or CBS or perhaps even ABC?  Most people will tell you that there is nothing wrong with the American media and people such as CameronPoe are simply "America Bashing".  Well, take a look at this information and decide for yourself.

GENERAL ELECTRIC --(donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign)

Television Holdings:
* NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households.
* NBC Network News: The Today Show, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News at Sunrise.
* CNBC business television; MSNBC 24-hour cable and Internet news service (co-owned by NBC and Microsoft); Court TV (co-owned with Time Warner), Bravo (50%), A&E (25%), History Channel (25%).
The "MS" in MSNBC
means Microsoft
The same Microsoft that donated 2.4 million to get GW bush elected.

Other Holdings:
* GE Consumer Electronics.
* GE Power Systems: produces turbines for nuclear reactors and power plants.
* GE Plastics: produces military hardware and nuclear power equipment.
* GE Transportation Systems: runs diesel and electric trains.
They forgot to mention GE is one of the largest manufacturers of military grade electronics and hardware.  Most aircraft and naval ships are jammed packed full of GE equipment.  Kinda funny how GE would want Bush back in the White House huh?  Also kinda funny that the NBC stations tend to lean towards the republican party.
Westinghouse Electric Company, part of the Nuclear Utilities Business Group of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL)
who's #1 on the Board of Directors? None other than:
Frank Carlucci (of the Carlyle Group)How's a little background information on Mr. Carlucci:
Carlucci, of course, insists that he does not importune or lobby his old buddy Don Rumsfeld. Nonetheless, the money trail from Carlyle's portfolio to Rumsfeld's office at the Pentagon is pretty evident. In one major decision by Rumsfeld, revealed by New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, United Defense's 70-ton Crusader artillery system was saved from a potential budget cut. Surely, the proposed massive increase in spending for the Pentagon by the Bush Administration will benefit the Carlyle Group.

and that was taken from a biography/report over Mr. Carlucci which you can view here

Television Holdings:
* CBS: includes 14 stations and over 200 affiliates in the US.
* CBS Network News: 60 minutes, 48 hours, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, CBS Morning News, Up to the Minute.
* Country Music Television, The Nashville Network, 2 regional sports networks.
* Group W Satellite Communications.
Other Holdings:
* Westinghouse Electric Company: provides services to the nuclear power industry.
* Westinghouse Government Environmental Services Company: disposes of nuclear and hazardous wastes. Also operates 4 government-owned nuclear power plants in the US.
* Energy Systems: provides nuclear power plant design and maintenance.
Remember what happened to Dan Rather when he tried to criticize bush?

NEWS CORPORATION LTD. / FOX NETWORKS (Rupert Murdoch) (donations see bottom note)
Television Holdings:
* Fox Television: includes 22 stations, 50% of US households.
* Fox International: extensive worldwide cable and satellite networks include British Sky Broadcasting (40%); VOX, Germany (49.9%); Canal Fox, Latin America; FOXTEL, Australia (50%); STAR TV, Asia; IskyB, India; Bahasa Programming Ltd., Indonesia (50%); and News Broadcasting, Japan (80%).
* The Golf Channel (33%).
* Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight.
* 132 newspapers (113 in Australia alone) including the New York Post, the London Times and The Australian.
* 25 magazines including TV Guide and The Weekly Standard.
* HarperCollins books.
* Sports: LA Dodgers, LA Kings, LA Lakers, National Rugby League.
* Ansett Australia airlines, Ansett New Zealand airlines.
* Rupert Murdoch: Board of Directors, Philip Morris (USA).

*(Phillip Morris donated 6.9 million to George W Bush in 2000)* Well, hello!  Taa-daa!

TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)
America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate history.
Television Holdings:
* CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%).
* Largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13 million subscribers.
Media Holdings:
* HBO Independent Productions, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera.
* Music: Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, Warner Bros. Records, EMI, WEA, Sub Pop (distribution) = the world’s largest music company.
* 33 magazines including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, In Style, Fortune, Book of the Month Club, Entertainment Weekly, Life, DC Comics (50%), and MAD Magazine.
Other Holdings:
* Sports: The Atlanta Braves, The Atlanta Hawks, World Championship Wrestling.

Now the AOL Time-Warner situation is my favorite.  We all know that CNN is leftist and liberal biased.  So why would thier parent company donate 1.6 million to George Bush in 2000?  They didn't.  AOL did.  The AOL Time-Warner merger was the largest corporate merger in the history of the world, as CNN money put it: "Together, they represent an unprecedented powerhouse.” .  Now, if you would have read CNN in November of 1999 as opposed to November of 2002.....well, you might notice that they have tuned it down a bit.  But now you may be asking yourself how a corporation so opposed to conservatives could have done a 180 like this.  Well they haven't really and that is in part to Ted Turner, but if you look at one last fact you find the real reason CNN sold out:

    "The deal, if approved, calls for Time Warner shareholders to receive 1.5 shares of the new company for every share of Time Warner stock they own. AOL shareholders will receive one share of the new company for every AOL share they hold.
    The new company will be 55 percent owned by AOL and 45 percent owned by Time Warner. The combination will immediately boast a market capitalization of $350 billion and an annual revenue stream topping $30 billion and roughly $182 billion in stock."


If you say the American media is not biased one way or the other, than you are severely misguided.  Anyone who has ever dealt with military psy-ops will straight up tell you that the mainstream American media is a bonified propaganda machine.  Don't believe me?  That's cool.  But you have to admit, when there is smoke, there is almost always a fire.

Last edited by Cougar (2006-10-10 20:51:00)

The Lizzard
Proving links to companies doesn't prove bias.  Having said that, I agree with you.
+11|7128|California, USA
Just one thing. Fox no longer owns the Dodgers. They sold it to Frank McCourt.
So how much did they donate to the Kerry campaign?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

I <3 my G.E. lightbulbs

/got nuthin
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Selective coverage = bias.
Choosing what story to cover or not crafts public perception of any given subject.

The Washington power base controls the media by offering hot scoops, withholding information and in some cases funding.
    They have more control over what is new than the press would ever admit.

    Behind the scenes, we see, as always the puppet master hands of the one world government types. Silent in their manipulation, covert in their ideals, and deadly and tyranical in the end.

    The media is not our friend.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
Newspaper > TV. Even if they are biased in the papers, at least everything will get reported to an extent.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA
There's more holes in your theory than Swiss cheese.  I really don't have time for it, however, the media is biased and I don't think anyone argued otherwise. 

- The 2000 election was a dead heat and the courts ruled in favor of the republicans. 
- All major players in business and politics play both sides of the fence and finance both parties.
- I know you're not making a military reference since 9/11 happened after the election.
- All media outlets, liberal ones did it reluctantly, admitted that the economy always favors the Republicans and Wall Street beats that drum the loudest. Oh, by the way, we were in a recession in 2000.
- NBC leans towards Republicans - PALEEZZZ!  80% of all media is self-proclaimed Liberal.
- "Remember what happened to Dan Rather when he tried to criticize Bush?"  Obviously you don't remember!
Rather knew the document he aired was a fake and still chose to air it - the guy is just mean and hateful!
- etc.

The issue is corruption at the highest levels of ALL political parties - It's an American institution
+240|6978|Austin, TX

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- The 2000 election was a dead heat and the courts ruled in favor of the republicans.
Well, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Florida had to follow the state law that they already had on the books when it came to deciding validity of ballots.  Sounds like a huge conservative bias to me.

imortal wrote:

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- The 2000 election was a dead heat and the courts ruled in favor of the republicans.
Well, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Florida had to follow the state law that they already had on the books when it came to deciding validity of ballots.  Sounds like a huge conservative bias to me.
What?!?!  The Supreme Court telling a state that it has to follow the established laws of the land?!?!  No....say it isn't so.
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6936|Camp XRay

Spark wrote:

Newspaper > TV. Even if they are biased in the papers, at least everything will get reported to an extent.
i don't know what newspaper you talking about
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

In somewhat related news, did anyone notice that it's Diane Sawyer who gets the exclusive interview with Mel Gibson?

From Deadline Hollywood Daily:

Deadline Hollywood Daily wrote:

There were no restrictions imposed by Mel Gibson on his Diane Sawyer interview, which airs Thursday. (There'll be an ABC release of excerpts along with a video segment on Entertainment Tonight later today.) So why Diane? Well, for one thing, this is her second time around: she interviewed Gibson when his film The Passion of the Christ incited allegations of anti-Semitism. For another, ABC is owned by Disney, which is releasing his movie, Apocalypto, on December 8th. (Although the network did cancel his planned mini-series about the Holocaust soon after his DUI arrest this summer during which he made anti-Semitic slurs.) Also, "because she'd be the hardest on him, yet she'd be fair. We needed someone who'd hit him hard. But she was "f****** harder on him than I could imagine. I was cringing," the Gibson insider told me.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

There's more holes in your theory than Swiss cheese.  I really don't have time for it, however, the media is biased and I don't think anyone argued otherwise.
Allow me to attempt to fill those holes in for you with a bit of clarification.


AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- The 2000 election was a dead heat and the courts ruled in favor of the republicans.
That proves what?  The fact that most of the people sitting on the court were brought into the court by conservative republicans could argueably be a deciding factor in that as well.  Not to mention the flub up happened in a state governed by G.W.'s brother.  I wasn't at all suprised when Bush won Florida.  Hell, I even rooted for him back then.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- All major players in business and politics play both sides of the fence and finance both parties.
This is true, however, if the media favors one canidate over the other, they can give that canidate a bit more coverage and in a little bit more of a favorable light, subliminaly and minutly, changing ones perspective of the particular canidate.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- I know you're not making a military reference since 9/11 happened after the election.
Actually I am.  9/11 aside, one of G.W.'s campaign promises was increased spending on the military (ironically, one of those promises was better body armor, and I think we all know that didn't happen).  This meant more money for GE and other companies that make military materials.  A very good reason for them to contribute and support him.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- All media outlets, liberal ones did it reluctantly, admitted that the economy always favors the Republicans and Wall Street beats that drum the loudest. Oh, by the way, we were in a recession in 2000.
Wall Street favors no one.  As far as I'm concerned that is one of the biggest misconceptions about Wall Street.  The truth of the matter is, Wall Street reacts to events or imposing events rather than "what party is in the white house".  By that logic, Franklin Roosevelt should have hurt the economy pre-WWII depression and we should have been in a massive depression during the Kennedy and Johnson years.  Don't forget how well the economy was doing for the first 6 and a half years of Clintons administration.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- NBC leans towards Republicans - PALEEZZZ!  80% of all media is self-proclaimed Liberal.
Of course they do.  When people think liberal they think "independent" or "questionable to the establishment".  Which is exactly what you would expect a media source to be, an independent watchdog of sorts.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

- "Remember what happened to Dan Rather when he tried to criticize Bush?"  Obviously you don't remember!
Rather knew the document he aired was a fake and still chose to air it - the guy is just mean and hateful!
- etc.
Yes, I am sure Dan Rather was the only journalist EVER that faked something or left something out of a report.  First time thats EVER happened in the history of mass media.  But how many people have you seen get absoulutly slammed over it like he did?

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

The issue is corruption at the highest levels of ALL political parties - It's an American institution
Pretty much.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Try doing some investigative journalism in Russia. This looks like a contract killing. … 1498032006

German chancellor Angela Merkel intends to use talks on Tuesday with Russian president Vladimir Putin to raise concerns over human rights and press freedom, following the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

Spark wrote:

Newspaper > TV. Even if they are biased in the papers, at least everything will get reported to an extent.
there you still have to deal with the associated press, the top brass of which reads like a who's who of dem party supporters
Bbc Ftw!

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Cougar wrote:

If you say the American media is not biased one way or the other, than you are severely misguided.  Anyone who has ever dealt with military psy-ops will straight up tell you that the mainstream American media is a bonified propaganda machine.  Don't believe me?  That's cool.  But you have to admit, when there is smoke, there is almost always a fire.
Almost all media around the world is in some way. Do you want to bring Al Jeezera into this topic?
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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