

Warning: evidence of flaming using obscene words is a indication of low IQ. Avoid it at all cost, or go back to kindergarten.
. . .
Forget discuss, not really possible on here these days...

Don't you know you're either a US basher-hater or a BUSH basher-hater... just for posting this here - there is NO OTHER OPTION possible - tis absolute!

"I was learned" this moronic false dilemma Neo-Con Republo-Imperialist Fascist TRUTH of REASONING(!) by/from the BF2S genius karma-whore conservative hordes.

Oh and of course there are the IDIOTIC conclsions, based upon the FALSE DILEMMA:

spacebandit72 wrote:

Thank God this dude is protected by freedom of speech.
I don't know the whole story and I don't think anyone does but this guy should move to another country if he thinks the government is so evil.
He thinks he's holier than thow up there speeking like he is some expert on the matter. Who is he?

Anyway, it's people like that who are just hoping to be right so he can one day say "I told you so". For what? It's the same with the people who say the moon landing was faked. Who cares really?
I'm too concerned with work and trying to support my family than trying to prove that aliens were actually the ones who created the faces on Mt. Rushmore.

So....... no.
The Love it or Leave it... cliche' ... Yippy Ki-aye Mother Fucker!
. . . this guy should move to another country if he thinks the government is so evil.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-10-10 10:53:57)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

bogo24dk wrote:

Warning: evidence of flaming using obscene words is a indication of low IQ

bogo24dk wrote:

go back to kindergarten.
you have been flamed by my pointing out that your flaming yourself, now it's nappy time

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-10 10:08:17)

LMFAO!. I stopped watching after the first 3 ridiculous reasons.

kr@cker wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Warning: evidence of flaming using obscene words is a indication of low IQ

bogo24dk wrote:

go back to kindergarten.
you have been flamed by my pointing out that your flaming yourself, now it's nappy time
What if you come with some real arguments ? Or you want to prove me right on my warning ? It's your choice i guess.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Anybody can get up on a stage and say anything.
Why don't you provide links to the interview with the terrorist hyjackers they claim exists.

Some of the claims, if corroborated, would be interesting. But where is the corroboration?

+149|6861|USA bitches!

ATG wrote:

Anybody can get up on a stage and say anything.
Why don't you provide links to the interview with the terrorist hyjackers they claim exists.

Some of the claims, if corroborated, would be interesting. But where is the corroboration?

. . .
9/11 Commision report:
Dead Meat
Thank God this dude is protected by freedom of speech.
I don't know the whole story and I don't think anyone does but this guy should move to another country if he thinks the government is so evil.
He thinks he's holier than thow up there speeking like he is some expert on the matter. Who is he?

Anyway, it's people like that who are just hoping to be right so he can one day say "I told you so". For what? It's the same with the people who say the moon landing was faked. Who cares really?
I'm too concerned with work and trying to support my family than trying to prove that aliens were actually the ones who created the faces on Mt. Rushmore.

So....... no.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
<--- am not convinced

All this guy is doing is saying "Well, this dude said this.  And he said this.  And that.  So 9/11 must've been staged!"
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles
Warning: misspelling simple words, especially in post titles, is a indication of low IQ. Avoid it at all cost, or go back to kindergarten.
+190|6938|Home of the Escalade Herds

ATG wrote:

Anybody can get up on a stage and say anything.
Why don't you provide links to the interview with the terrorist hyjackers they claim exists.

Some of the claims, if corroborated, would be interesting. But where is the corroboration?

I will add one thing that has always bugged me tho. How did they fly so well? I've heard there is a massive difference between flying a Cesna and a huge jetliner. The most difficult flight being the one that smashed into the Pentagon. I'm not sure, i'm not a jet whore

Last edited by PRiMACORD (2006-10-10 11:26:25)

© 2009 Jeff Minard
Some great points made. Would like to see some proper feedback to allegations.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland
Cheking it here and there.

Reason #5: They couldn't get a cesna off the ground -> They could not have been able to hit a building with a commercial jet.

That is bullshit. I've flown a real 757 simulator and it's rediculously easy to fly and navigate. To those who have not flown or don't know about simulators, commercial pilots can get their licence with only simulator training.

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-10-10 11:42:26)

=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6864|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 11) Any group of American passengers, confronted by a couple of guys with box cutters would have beaten them to death with their luggage
Firstly, there were 19 hijackers according to reports which equates to five terrorists a plane (except one which would have four) which is not a "couple".  Even if we remove the four that have been found "alive and well" still means there were four hijackers on each plane (except one which would have had 3).

Secondly, the people on the plane would have had no idea what the intention on the hijackers was and would have most probably assumed a ransom was to be demanded and that they weren't in any immediate danger.  They would not have known that the hijackers intended to kill all of them so quickly (relatively) after taking over the aircraft.

Thirdly, it is possible that one of the terrorists took a hostage with the box cutter blade to the throat which would have made anyone think twice.  This coupled with the above reason would have been enough to stop anyone challenging them immediately.  Also, the fact the last plane came down because the passengers did know the terrorists intentions only serves to disproves this guy's opening theory.

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 10) The names of the terrorists do not appear on official passenger manifests
OK, well the Globe have a manifest which DOES include their names, … nifest.gif

As for so-called 'official' manifests, this whole issue is a weaker point because they can almost say anything about why the names aren't on the list, i.e., it was a matter of national security, it was considered dishonorable to put the names of the murderers in with the victims, they used fake names etc....

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 9) None of them were subject to any autopsy
Does this guy know what happens to a solid steel plane, let alone a human body at the FRONT of the impact, when it hits a solid building at that speed?  It pulverizes!  There would have been virtually no evidence of human life left in the wreckage let alone a body capable of being dissected, Prat!

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 8) 5 to 7 have turned up to be alive and well
Actually it's four,

However, Arabs tend to use a small selection of names and I bet you there are literally thousands of Mohamed Attas walking around the Middle East right now. Read the BBC article and it became quite clear how mistaken identity could have happened (one lost his passport in America).  Also, even if he is right it only proves mistaken identity and not a sinister Government plot.

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 7) FBI never revised it's list
Don't know what this means or proves/disproves. Help anyone?

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 6) Atta left a paper trail in his luggage
Whenever a terrorist atrocity happens, every group in the World wants to claim responsibility. Al Qaeda did not want to do this secretly, it only defeats the object of the mission.  This is proven by the tapes later released by the group showing Bin Laden taking about the atrocities and how he planned them.  Atta wanted the World to know he did it and he certainly wanted the names of his accomplices to be know so the Arab World would hold them in high esteem as martyrs.

There's no such thing as an unknown martyr.

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 5) They could not have flown the planes
Why not?  They received training at a top US flight school and possibly at home in the Middle East.  Besides, they could have demanded further instruction form the on-board pilots at knife point before it was obvious what their intention was. 

Also, there are thousands of pilots working for commercial airliners and I have heard not one of them say "hang on a minute, how did they do that?".  There are too many experienced people that would have spotted that straight away and said something.  Seems only this guy and his mate did, strange....

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 4) Cell phone wouldn't work
Ask any air line attendant and they'll tell you how many time they hear a cell phone ring despite the restrictions on their use.   Some phones wouldn't work agreed, but some would for a short period of time and let's not forget the air-phones that are fitted to most planes.  To say that no phone would work at all is complete BS.

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 3) Tape wouldn't record passengers
Firstly, his only evidence of this is a letter from "an astute student" (no name then?).  Secondly, the doors wouldn't be soundproof as it would serve no purpose and I don't find it hard to believe that a mic would pick (if only small traces that needed amplifying later) passengers shouting on the other side of the door.

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 2) The last words were wrong
"Allah Akbar" has been attributed to many, many suicide bombers that carry our acts across the globe.  It is common knowledge that "martyrs" say this before killing themselves.  Secondly if it was planned, do you really think the FBI would make an error like that in it's planning?

Fat bloke on video wrote:

Reason 1) Mousawi was convicted despite the 5th amendment
Don't see how this disproves the official Al Qaeda theory and only proves it by admitting Mousawi confessed to conspiring to a similar, but failed, mission.  In fact it only goes to show that there was Arabic terrorist groups planning the hijacking and crashing of commercial airliners.  Further more, this also shows that reason no. 5 is a shame as he believes Mousawi was capable of flying a plane into the White House.

All of his reason are flawed horribly and he neglects the fact that if this was Government planned.  Bush's administration would not have anywhere near the time to plan all this meaning that Clinton must have been involved too.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

PRiMACORD wrote:

ATG wrote:

Anybody can get up on a stage and say anything.
Why don't you provide links to the interview with the terrorist hyjackers they claim exists.

Some of the claims, if corroborated, would be interesting. But where is the corroboration?

I will add one thing that has always bugged me tho. How did they fly so well? I've heard there is a massive difference between flying a Cesna and a huge jetliner. The most difficult flight being the one that smashed into the Pentagon. I'm not sure, i'm not a jet whore
They were in flight school right here in my home state. It's all documented. They never bothered to learn how to land.. wonder why.

The guy in that video is a tool.

A video called “the 19 Martyrs” was released and partly aired on al Jazeera, which reportedly featured photographs of hijackers, and included bin Ladin giving a brief description of each.

Saudi Arabia have now accepted that their citizens, as named by the US, were involved. Why would they do that if any of them were still alive, and so plainly innocent?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Capt. Foley
+155|6901|Allentown, PA, USA just answer me a question? With the way you posted that exactly how are we supposed to say anything that proves it wrong. Its pretty much"ha Im right, the goverment attacked its own people and nothing you say or prove will make me think different" dumbass.
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

id like this guy in the video to sit with the victims families of that day and explain his stance. fucking asshole..

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2006-10-10 12:49:39)

I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6953|Your moms bedroom
wow, i stopped watching after the first reason.... fucktard, they probably had a boxcutter next to the sterwardesses neck... are you gonna be the person that gets out of your seat and makes her get her throat slit, i bet half the people on the plane didnt even know what was going on, probably just the people in first class knew what was happening
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

RoosterCantrell wrote:

id like this guy in the video to sit with the victims families of that day and explain his stance. fucking asshole..
He would probably have fun making an idiot out of himself and laughing at Dylan Avery. … &hl=en

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-10-10 13:33:10)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+129|7030|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX

PRiMACORD wrote:

ATG wrote:

Anybody can get up on a stage and say anything.
Why don't you provide links to the interview with the terrorist hyjackers they claim exists.

Some of the claims, if corroborated, would be interesting. But where is the corroboration?

I will add one thing that has always bugged me tho. How did they fly so well? I've heard there is a massive difference between flying a Cesna and a huge jetliner. The most difficult flight being the one that smashed into the Pentagon. I'm not sure, i'm not a jet whore
Ok, I can't find a link to it because it would require a few hours of wading through the conspiracy theorist web sites to find a decent one with just records, but the pilots were training in jumbo jet simulators just days before the attack.  Also, according to recordings of the flight attendants talking to authorities, the hijackers didn't really fly the planes all that well.  They could line up the planes with their targets just fine, but they were constantly making turns and maneuvers that the flight attendants described as radical and too sharp.
© 2009 Jeff Minard
Just want to take you up on a couple of points =OBS= EstebanRey.

9) These days bones, nails and teeth are enough to identify bodies. And they don't burn so easily .

8)  As the bbc clearly reports, picture was used. People might have same names, but they don't look the same.

"His photograph was released, and has since appeared in newspapers and on television around the world.
Now he is protesting his innocence from Casablanca, Morocco

He acknowledges that he attended flight training school at Daytona Beach in the United States, and is indeed the same Waleed Al Shehri to whom the FBI has been referring.

But, he says, he left the United States in September last year, became a pilot with Saudi Arabian airlines and is currently on a further training course in Morocco. "

Now if it was a mistake by the government, why did the names show up on the manifest.

6) Why not write "AL-qaeda was here" instead of the names, that way if AL-qaeda wanted to release the name, they would do. OR they could release a little video clip after the attack. Like the groups do in Palestine.

"There's no such thing as an unknown martyr." ???????????????????????????????????????????
People that die for their religion die for heaven or wot ever they believe in, NOT so that people think he's a great person. Who gives a shit about what people think after you are deaD?

2)FBI or anyone else would make a mistake because they are not perfect, not matter how much planning you do, perfection can not be achieved

"Allah Akbar" means god is great. the other things means, "their is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the last messenger".  The second one you say when you first become a Muslim, and therefore held in high regard. Now if you was gone go kill myself, what would you say ?

ps: what a film. All these questions, i just think they must be something to it.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2006-10-10 14:18:14)

Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6968|Lancaster Ohio, USA
I can't believe I wasted 8 and a half minutes of my life watching this guy spout utter bullshit.

no.  yawn.  no.

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